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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. I want to thank everyone that has provided input on this award, both publicly and via PM/email. Whether right or wrong it was all with good intent which speaks volumes for the people around here. For those that haven't made a purchase of this magnitude (no slam intended) you cannot imagine the pressure one feels to get it right. The fact others want to help you get it right is comforting. In this vein I want to express my heart-felt thanks to all of you. You have all helped me make a very big decision that I am comfortable living with, I will keep this award. Thanks for looking out for me and whether you were right or wrong is immaterial because at the end of the day you were doing it for the right reason- to protect a fellow collector. I would urge you to continue this as it helps us all to know we, as a collective community, can find assistance when we need it. thanks again. ps. So this is what you get when you covert your Nazi zink into Prussian silver/gold.
    2. Thanks Steven. I've been back thru Prussian Blue from cover to cover tonight and have noted what you've said. I will think things through this weekend. The award is beautiful. I just have to wrap my mind around it and get comfortable with it or not. I noticed that no two PLMs are exactly alike even by maker. Given that there cannot be that many dies do you attribute these differences to hand finishing? I think the lack of a maker mark bugs me the most. Is this atypical? I also think this award used to belong to Andreas and I wish he would weigh in. I've dealt with him in the past and respect his opinion. On another note, we met at the Dulles Expo center last year. Had a nice chat as I remember it. I'm looking forward to my deluxe copy of the Iron Time.
    3. So far one says good and a pm that says bad. I guess by the resounding silence from most it is problematic at best. This one will be going back.
    4. I'd like some opinions on this PLM. I've gone thru my Prussian Blue and have my own idea. Now I'd like to hear some others. thanks in advance.
    5. The middle flak looks like the lizardman fake. Better pics will tell.
    6. That catch should be pinned somewhere. It is a classic indicator of a post war Souval badge.
    7. Thanks guys. I searched the old threads here and it is called ok in one of them. I'll dig it up later and correct it. I guess the hunt is still on.
    8. I sent an email to the seller and asked if he would sell me a xerox copy. Unfortunately I found this thing with less than a minute to go on the auction....
    9. So based upon the mark on the edge who is the maker of the MVM?
    10. I don't suppose anyone here got this? http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...p;rd=1&rd=1 Definately not 1910- more like 1930. Here are the pics before they disappear.
    11. Actually the chemical weapons of WW1 were not as deadly as one would think. Of all fatalities during the war less than 4% were from gas (US Army statistics from studies after the war). Far more people were incapacitated though so you would expect to see more awards for it. Of course how many gas victims were also wounded by bullets, shrapnel etc at the same time?
    12. The strange look comes from the light of the scanner playing off the shiny areas and the patina.
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