第四七號 - №47,
賞狀 - honorable certificate,
陸軍歩兵二等卒 - Infantry Soldier 2nd Class,
才崎 - Saisaki,
嘉? (perhaps 嘉佐 - Kasa),
大隊競點射擊ノ成績優等ナルヲ以テ之ヲ賞ス - awarded on the basis of excellent result in battalion shooting competition.
陸軍歩兵少佐 - Infantry Major,
従六位 - Junior 5th Rank,
勲四等 - 4th Class of Order of the Rising Sun,
功四級 - 4th Class of the Order of the Golden Kite,
吉井 – Yoshii,
直太郎 - Naotarou.
會長之印 - seal of the chairman.
賞狀 - honorable certificate,
歩兵第四十八聯隊第四中隊 - 4th Company, 48th Infantry Regiment,
陸軍歩兵上等兵 - Infantry Gefreiter,
津村 -Tsumura,
精市 - Seiichi,
射擊優等二付此賞狀ヲ附與ス - this honorable certificate about rewarding the title «Excellent shooter» is handed.
歩兵第四十八聯隊長 - Commander of a 48th Infantry Regiment.
陸軍歩兵大佐 - Infantry Colonel,
従五位 - Junior 5th Rank,
勲三等 3rd Class of Order of the Rising Sun,
功三級 - 3rd Class of the Order of the Golden Kite,
町田 - Machida (Chouda, Maeda),
經宇 – Keiu.
歩兵第四十八聯隊長之印 - seal of the Commander of a 48th Infantry Regiment.
歩兵第四十八聯隊第四中隊 - 4th Company, 48th Infantry Regiment,
陸軍歩兵上等兵 - Infantry Gefreiter,
津村 - Tsumura,
精一 - Seiichi (Kiyokazu, Seiitsu),
射擊優等二付此賞狀ヲ附與ス - this honorable certificate about rewarding the title «Excellent shooter» is handed.
歩兵第四十八聯隊第一大隊長 - Commander of a 1st Battalion, 48th Infantry Regiment,
陸軍歩兵少佐 - Infantry major,
正六位 - Senior 6th Rank,
勲四等 - 4th Class of Order of the Rising Sun,
功四級 - 4th Class of the Order of the Golden Kite,
竹下 - Takeshita (Takeshimo, Takenoshita),
宜行 - Noriyuki (Yoshiyuki).
歩兵第四十八聯隊第一大隊長之印 - seal of the Commander of a 1st Battalion, 48th Infantry Regiment.