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    Everything posted by coldstream

    1. Hello Vet Thanks for that information, can you point me towards the thread concerning your father, I would really like to read it. Simon
    2. Veteran and Chris Thanks you very much for the infomation regarding this Officer. A handsome portrait indeed and all for the pircely sum of one euro! I am just getting into the French forces of the Great War and have a lot of reading and research ahead of me. Thanks again Simon :cheers:
    3. Thanks to Chris I have been able to establish the identity of the Colonel as Louis Marie Adolphe Savoye de Puineuf. Born 20th April 1856 Died aged 91 12th December 1947 Colonel de Cavalry, attending the St Cyr Military college 1875 and graduating as part of the 60th promotion class in 1877. He is later listed as a Deputy (political title?) in the department of Deux-Sevres which is where the town of Thouars is located. Could anyone point me in the right direction for further research regarding this Officer, (French internet sites?) I'm still after his awards and military career Simon
    4. Chris Many thanks, I'd have never worked out my 'Q' was infact 'P'. I'll see what I can find. Simon
    5. Nick, an amazing life for a Chief Constable the like of which, I fear British Police forces will not see again. Nottinghamshire is a very busy force area now, do you have items in your collection relating to the force (or is that service now!) A new thread awaits I hope? Simon
    6. I never fail to be impressed at your collection, stunning displays of superb items. Surely The best themed collection outside of a museum. Thanks for posting. Simon
    7. I recently picked up this signed photograph in a small antique shop in the Franch town of Thouars. My French is not good but I believe it to be some form of election handbill or similar. The Officer is obviously a Lieutenant Colonel and I make his name out as V de Quineu?. A goggle search does not throw up anything similar and so any help with the surname would be appreciated please. Now to his decorations, I believe the first medal is a Chevalier of the Ordre de la Legion d'Honneur of the 3rd Repiblic, the second is unidentifed and the closest I can find for the breast star is the Spanish Military Merit Order? I am only confident with the identification of the Legion d'Honneur and again, any help would be appreciated. If it is a Spanish award what would a French Officer be wearing it for? Not my normal collecting field but as always the magpie took over and I came out with photo's, a few medals and the usual shell cases. Simon
    8. Many thanks for that Freiwillige, another photo identified. Simon
    9. Nick Another excellent clip, thanks, would your favourite Force have anythhing to do with where you live? Love the Chief Constables medal ribbon by the way. Simon
    10. A couple of attempts at higher resolution scans to assist identification (afraid a deadline with the tax office on the 31st has postponed an epson purchase again!)
    11. Brian and Mervyn I had the chance today to ask a friend of mine regarding the Velocette, he joined West Sussex Constabulary in 1966 and clearly remembers these bikes being used. By this time Officers were issued with a cork, open faced motorcycle helmet with a short peak but he stated that prior to that a 'Noddy' helmet had been worn. He described this as a cork based version of the standard helmet with a reinforced chin strap but couldn't tell my why it was known as a noddy! He's searching for a photo, so fingers crossed. Simon
    12. Thanks for that Rick, I know still not epsonised! I'll try to get a higher resolution scan done as work allows and re-post Simon
    13. Many thanks for that Sam, I'll try and see what I can find out in that area. :cheers:
    14. Gentlemen This photograph was advertised and sold as a group of early Stahlhelm members. Having researched what I can find I'm pretty sure thats not the case. What I am trying to establish is what formation these men belonged to. It appears to me that its early 3rd reich period, no national eagles on caps or uniforms and the only evidence of NSDAP markings being the flag and armbands. The flag pole appears to be a length of bamboo pole and just visble on the flag are the letters 'PAR' perhaps for 'partei?' The badges being worn do not enlarge well and apart from the sports badge on the figure 2nd right I would guess that the rest are day badges or tinnies. The lower armbands being worn appear to be plain with no markings and I have no idea of their purpose. Six button tunics and shoulder straps on both shoulders and all appear to be the same rank.(whatever that is) No markings to the reverse and I'm unable to ascertain anything from the building in the background. I'm sure its an obvious question to someone but any assistance would be most welcome. Simon
    15. Sorry for my ignorance. I see now that it refers to an individual torpedo, I had no idea that these existed. Thanks for posting. :cheers:
    16. Could be many other forces though Mervyn. A very plain badge too, I know that there were restrictions due to wartime manufacturing but no County name or even a thistle for Stirling?
    17. Lovely item but please excuse my ignorance. Was this similar to a log book for all torpedos fired from one vessel or something else? :cheers:
    18. Thats my take on it. A sort of temporary unit designation whilst working on defence construction. Rest assured someone on this forum will know? All the best and good luck collecting. :cheers:
    19. Brian. Interesing items. My observation would be that all Special Constabularies would surely be administered and controlled by an existing Police force or Constabulary and so we would need to establish whether Stirling County ever possessed its own Police Force or unit. In my experiance with English County Constabularies this would be the case but that does not mean anything North of the Border with their own laws and procedures. Have you goggled for a Stirling county force?
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