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    1. It is easy enough to identify awards with little “minis” like Red Eagle and Crown Order third class, Treudienst and EKII. The one that looks like a Bavarian officer’s cross but without swords has me stumped. The abbreviated awards are more difficult. what is strange is that I have found zilch about this officer on the internet. What unit was he in? Where did he serve? He has Austrian awards. I guess he served in the “south.”
    2. Back in 2007, my cousin Ernst gave me some of our paternal grandfather's medals and documents. He also gave me this photograph. He thought it was our Opa, but it is not. I realize that I won't find out who it is by posting the photo, but perhaps some of you gentlemen can tale a look at it and let me know the unit he was in. Thank you, Arnim
    3. They made popular combinations like EKII and Honor Cross and EKII (39) and KVKII in a single weave. Maybe they made the EKII (14) and the "war ribbon" in a single weave and some guy used that in this ribbon bar - just a thought. There is no break in the center of that wierd ribbon.
    4. I got this from the Axis forum: 8-place bar: EKII 1914 Preussisches Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe Sächsisches Ritterkreuz 2. kl des Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausordens mit Schwertern, Lippisches KVK am Band für Kämpfer, Ehenremkreuz - 1934 Schlesisches Bewährungsabzeichen 2. kl, Ehrenzeichen des DRK 2. kl, Ungarisches Ehrenmedaille des Weltkrieges 1914-1918 mit Schwertern 11-place Bar: EKII 1914 Preussisches Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe Sächsisches Ritterkreuz 2. kl des Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausordens mit Schwertern, Lippisches KVK am Band für Kämpfer, Ehenremkreuz - 1934 Schlesisches Bewährungsabzeichen 2. kl, Treudienst Ehrenzeichen 40 Jahre (6 juillet 1939), Deutsches Olympia Ehrenzeichen Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 März 1938, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Oktober 1938 mit Spange «Prager Burg», Ungarisches Ehrenmedaille des Weltkrieges 1914-1918 mit Schwertern The Red Cross and Olympia ribbons should not technically be on the ribbon bar because they are higher awards worn as badges but many higher-up wore them anyway. Here are other awards not on the ribbon bars: EKI Silver Wound Gold Party Badge (not worn) Neck Medals / Breast Stars Danziger Kreuz 1. kl (31 août 1939),- not worn Lippe Detmold House Order II Klasse - worn Ehrenzeichen des DRK 1. kl mit Halsdekoration u. Bruststern, Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia, Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e. Lazzaro, Sächsisches Grosskreuz des Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausordens (1935), Deutsches Olympia Ehrenzeichen 1. kl (1936), Ehrenzeichen des DRK 1. kl mit Halsdekoration u. Bruststern, Jugoslawisches Grosskreuz des Ordens d. Krone von Jugoslawien, Goldenes Ehrenzeichen d. NSDAP (31 janvier 1937),= Party Badge - wprn Spanisches Ritterkreuz d. Ordens von Joch u. den Pfeilen (9 février 1941), Japanisches Orden des Heiligten Schatzes 1. kl am Grossen Bande (29 mars 1941), Dienstauszeichnung d. NSDAP in Bronze.(not on ribbon bar)
    5. Thierry - Did you ever figure out ribbon 2 and 3 on your ribbon bar - the 8er? They have to be WWI ribbons so we need a rangliste! EKII 1914 Kriegshilfe / / Ehenremkreuz - 1934 Silesian Eagle 2nd Class Red Cross Medal Hungary – WWI Commemorative - 1934 On pocket EKI Silver Wound Gold Party Badge - Neck Medals / Breast Stars Lippe Detmold House Order II Klasse Ehrenzeichen des DRK 1. kl mit Halsdekoration u. Bruststern, - wears on ribbon bar Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell Ordine della Corona d’Italia, Other: - Deutsche Olympia Ehrenzeichen 1. kl (1936), - wears on ribbon bar - Treudienst Ehrenzeichen 40 jahr (6 juillet 1939),- ribbon bar Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 März 1938, - ribbon bar - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Oktober 1938, - ribbon bar - Dienstauszeichnungen d. NSDAP in Bronze.- not worn
    6. If the ribbon is folded, it is folded on the other side. There is no "crease" on the front. I have never seen a ribbon like this. My buddy decided not to purchase.
    7. A friend of mine has been offered (for sale) a general officer tunic which includes the pictured sew-on ribbon bar. It includes an unusual ribbon. I have never seen such a ribbon. It looks like two tiny EKII ribbons mounted side-by-side! May I have your opinion on this?
    8. Yes, the Red Eagle - I forgot to mention that one - there's no indication he received that one either. Can you think of any sites that might indicate an Ottoman award - the Iron Crescent of the Gallipoli Star perhaps?
    9. The photo of the medals and documents is interesting. I wonder if they are all his - like the Kriegshilfe medal. The EKI and II are there, as is the Hohenzollern. There is a smaller medal on the parade bar bracket. Too bad the Soldbuch is closed! I think the family took the stuff with them when they ceremonies were over.
    10. I have been asked by a friend who is related to Otto Brauneck to find out what awards he had. He plans to assemble a shadow box for his young son with the aviator's awards (replicas, of course) and a model of the Albatross the Leutnant was flying when he was shot down. All I could find was the EKII, the Hohenzollern medal and an EKI. Are these his only awards - no Ottoman "hardware?" Many thanks for your help. Bummel
    11. A friend of mine purchased a nine-place trapezoid several yours ago and recently asked me to help him ID the ribbons. At first glance I thought it might date to 1872 but it does not have the Franco-Prussian War ribbon. I need some help gentlemen. I think I have half of them figured out but the last few are a mystery. I attach a photograph.
    12. I recently purchased this 3-place Italian ribbon bar. Can any help me to identify the awards?
    13. High-ranking Nazi chaps like Heydrich and Dietrich had lots of awards given not for what they did but for who they were. These fellows broke the rules for ribbon bars and did what they wanted. Sepp at least was a real soldier. Heydrich was not.
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