Hitler and a few of his followers were invited by City Officals to attend German Day celebrations in Marxist Coburg in Oct. 1922. Hitler thought that it was important to take his young Party out of Munich for much needed exposure. During the March at Coburg there were many street battles between the Marxists and Nazis. Hitlers follows came out on top and the towns people sided with Hitler over the Marixts from that time forward. If Hitler would have been defeated it may have been the end for the DAP and there would possibly have not been a second world war. So, this was the very first victory for the Party outside on Munich.
The badges that Jim and I posted are 1st type badges and were the actual awarded badges to the recipients in 1932. The later RZM marked badges came about probably in 1936 when it was elevated to a national Honor award of the Party. The later badge had a stronger pin attachment and whas a probable Honor award given out by Hitler or could be purchased as a replacement or extra badge by the original participants of the March. This badge was equal in status to the Blood Order but much more rare being only awarded 436 times.