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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Megan

    1. Fascinating, thank you for sharing... but then, I love your site anyway, it is full of wonderful bits and pieces.
    2. Possibly my greatest regret at being female is that I cannot play Santa! You, Mike, make an excellent one
    3. It does indeed, Frank, and so I can enjoy these beasties here without having to scamper off to figure out how to incorporate them into my website....
    4. One thing to be said for them: they are not medals!
    5. "bsap10535" is quite correct, a gorget patch replaces the collar dog once one reaches a rank at which the gorget patch is appropriate. And "bigjarofwasps" has the right of it as well, the gentleman pictured is correctly turned out. (I did once take a firefighter to task over 'order of medals' when he'd come round for a home fire safety check, he was wearing one of those metal pin-on bars upside down. He was quite pleased to be shown how to wear them, and actually came back when he received his next medal to ask where it ought to go!)
    6. Remember that you do not GIVE offence - someone else CHOOSES to take it. Their problem.
    7. Beautiful medal, thank you for sharing Frank.
    8. Wonderful, thank you Frank... it's really appreciated!
    9. You are mostly correct, Tim. The ribbon bar and small star were authorised for wear until a campaign medal was issued for the campaign in which the wound was received, then you were supposed to wear the small red star on its ribbon instead.
    10. Beringer's medals: First row: War Cross (Luxembourg), Cross of Honour and Military Merit (Luxembourg), Gold Medal of the Order of the Oak Crown (Luxembourg), Service Cross for Army & Police (Luxembourg) - their long service & good conduct award, Bronze Star (USA) with V device Second row: Medal of the War Volunteer (Belgium), Medal of the Combatant War Volunteer (Belgium), Commemorative Medal for Foreign Theatres of Operation (Belgium), Korea Medal (United Nations) Final row: commemoratives + a marching medal. The putative KIA's medals are: Cross of Honour and Military Merit (Luxembourg), War Cross (Luxembourg), Knight, Order of Leopold II (Belgium), War Cross (Belgium), ???, Korean Veterans' Medal, Medal of the War Volunteer (Belgium), Medal of the Combatant War Volunteer (Belgium), Commemorative Medal for Foreign Theatres of Operation (Belgium)
    11. Thanks Frank, well spotted!
    12. [blows dust off of thread] Whilst looking for something else entirely, I came across an old article that gives the designer's thoughts on coming up with the Air Force Combat Action Medal http://www.af.mil/News/tabid/124/Article/126589/modernizing-an-old-design-a-challenge-for-medal-makers.aspx
    13. Also some images and information here: http://www.medals.org.uk/estonia/estonia-republic/estonia001.htm
    14. I went through my website last night updating it. Now I'll have to do the same for the OMSA database... Thanks for all the hard work ferreting out this information, Frank - really appreciated.
    15. Yes, she says, looking it up. Furtado, R.G. (2010) 'Danish War Medals for the Wars of 1848-1850 and 1864'. JOMSA 61(3):14-24 Fascinating article with infromation about the conflicts for which they were awarded, the development of the medal and different varieties...
    16. Aha! Found the Statutes of the Order - https://www.gesetze.li/lilexprod/lgsystpage2.jsp?formname=showlaw&lgblid=1937012000&gueltigdate=06082016 The ribbon design changed in 1967.
    17. OK, thanks. Back to the MVD for the moment. After sorting out the OMSA images that had strayed, I decided to get that part of my site into order too!
    18. The links still work if you copy them to the browser address bar... bit clunky but at least you can see the images!
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