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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Guys, This is obviously ok but my library has let me down, it reminds me of the British bofors 40mm AA Gun cartrige? Did the Germans capture them in quantity enough to be used perhaps at Dunkirk? If so we did not carry out our distruction of equipment drills correctly. I remember reading the Gun Drill book as a kid thinking I would like to give it a go, load a reversed shell unfused and fire on charge super by lanyard that would be fun. Still J (Sidi Rezegh) Battery managed something similar in BATUS around 1994/5 if my memory serves me well. The gun bunnies blew up a 'nasty' AS90. Luckily now serious injury, I digress, sorry! Jock
    2. Paul, Yes, on the the duplicate it is blank but the other has a dedication dated 29/3/45. See picture. Larry has asked to have the double, so it is his. Jock
    3. Guys, Did not get out much this week end just a couple of postcard size portraits. There is one double if anyone wants it! Jock
    4. Guys, Looking over all the stuff in the medal frame, I thought I would post this up. I have just been reading an article in the May/Jun International militaria-Magazine about these. I had no idea there were so many variations out there to collect. Jock
    5. Jerry, It is a nice hat with a bit of character. I have enjoyed reading your post and it is very interesting. Sure he served and did his bit but very much on his terms as with a lot of these over privilaged folk, even to this day. A Courts Martial is a big deal at any level especially in times of war even more so for a senior officer, the fact he was even tried is enough in his position, sounds like it was carpeted to save any further embarassment? I understand you have researched this and can feel some sort of affinity or sympathy for him as a result. I agree with you he is not the best example of an officer and a gentleman. It is a nice hat with a facinating history, he is a contraverial character and we can't change that or excuse that. Best Regards Jock
    6. Jerry, Look how he served though, he was able to use his money/status to secure his position, thank goodness he was not anywhere he could get people killed, except with his security breech of course. Sorry about my views but you know I say it as I see it, not always right but I try to be honest. Jock
    7. Very interesting, it is funny and tragic how little has changed. No wonder our country is buggered! Chinless, irresponsible, overprivilged, detached Etonian twats! Jock
    8. Guys, Is this the same company that made the helmets NS? The name is similar/ Jock
    9. Gordon, It is quite well made book no doubt as a propaganda tool. There are a lot of images not for the most part military but still nice. Have you anything to swap, doesn't have to be fancy? Jock
    10. I am not into them as such (I pick up the odd TR era stuff) but there is a local Bi-annual auction localy, I can forward you the details if you wish as you can bid by post, computer or phone? It is not high end stuff just a group of local enthusist. Jock
    11. Guys, Fresh from the skip, sadly I think a few more have already gone to the incinerator. Still something is bettter than nothing! These appear to document low level inteligence gains around 1939, most of it would have been useless at time of publication but I still don't know why they did that as it reveals what you do know and indirectly how you probably knew that? I wonder who could have bought these books or were they in general circulation? Its all history, who knows? Jock
    12. Guys, A large book with a lot of propagada within. In fact it would not be a surprise if it had NS captions, the whole style harks back to times past in my opinion. Still it has a lot of pics and some are even cool, I like the Sturmgewehr 44 picture. Not my bag but better than destroyed I suppose! Jock
    13. Bernhard, I am just glad it survived as I hope he did. it has all stayed together so it appears to be something he was proud of and the family kept it safe at least until a few years ago. It shall remain safe! Jock
    14. Guys, I have been raking around again and dug this out, I posted it before on WRF and I am not a fan of wasting bandwidth by double posting but it is a nice thing, at least I think so, not everyones cup of tea though! The old boy has the award doc, another doc that is unrelated, the binder contains 3 bits of art hand drawn for him I would think, regardless not too shabby for 50 years of your life! It is a large around A3 size. Just thought it might be of interest after the post by Nesredep Jock
    15. You might find some flee markets on bank holiday Friday if you are still in town, you can try: marktcom.de Sorry don't know Berlin. Happy Hunting and good luck! Jock
    16. Guys, From a local photo album, my pal didn't want these so I have given them a new home. Jock
    17. Guys, This was a freeby today, well it would be rude to say no! Not too bad condition, you see them a lot with the iron handles rusted away, this like I say not too bad for 1939. Looks about 5litre but may be less. Jock
    18. Guys, I like enamel signs, what can I say? An enamel sign (original), they even copy this sort of thing now, the buggers. From Sunday! Jock
    19. Tifes, Sorry I may have come across a bit leary it was not my intention it was just that they are iedentical images thats all. Perhaps you should urge your common friend to register and post up his own gear, might save his friends efforts and it won't cost anything? Best Regards Jock
    20. Tifes, You must be shopping at the same place as 'Xtender'. Please see his post of the identicle pictures under the TR section. Jock
    21. Bernhard, Thanks for your thoughts on this. I wonder if the war years seen an extension of elderly folks in there workplace thus making them eligible. I expect something like that would have happened, I will have a look to see if I can find any evidence. Jock
    22. Robin, That is my 5th one but I have nothing to dangle from mine sadly! I doubt I will ever find a flag where I shop but never say never I suppose! Jock
    23. Guys, While searching for the SS/Polizei thing I stumbled on this and it appears the sonderstuffe has no mention of Beamter and seems on the face of it to be for the private sector as at 1938 anyway. I wonder if that is just simple mechanics in that as a beamter you could perhaps simply not serve for 50 years under normal circumstances, 16+50=66 and I guess you retired at 65 or am I way wide of the mark? That is if you could be a beamter at 16 years old? I guess on the other hand you could have started work as early as 14 in the private sector and I suppose not retire at 65? I don't know just guessing? Jock
    24. Odulf, Yes, I think this is the rule rather than the exception. The guy was very nice and was obviously not that bothered about it. I think it is of the period but you can never know for sure which orginisation used it. From your list I would like to think the Communists as that would be 'rocking horse droppings'! It is another good contact made though and he is not online which is good! He was complaining that he can't sell TR stuff openly so I have given him my number, lets see if anything happens, fingers crossed! Jock
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