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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. Claudio, I located three more that might just qualify... First is the Silver Merit Medal to the Bavarian Crown Order. Maker marked Losch. Second is the Silver Merit Cross to the Brunswick House Order. Third is the Bavarian Twenty Year Long Service Cross.
    2. #33 I think of as a Prussian bar with the Reuss silver merit medal on the end. What makes the bar unique is the presence of the statute or peacetime ribbon for that award. It is only the second one I have seen but it is only the second one Stogieman has seen and he's been looking at medal and ribbon bars a lot longer than I have. #31 The Adler der Inhaber is a fairly rare duck by itself. The second medal is, I believe, the Prussian General Decoration and the one on the end is another rare bird. That is the Silver Merit Medal to the Brunswick House Order and I will post close ups so you can see the markings. #47 The medal in the last position on the bar is the Finnish War of Independence Medal.
    3. Gorgeous badge! Nice to see you fooled Santa into thinking you had been a good boy!
    4. OK, Paul, let's start with #49. This is an extremely rare and original mounted Imperial German medal group to a Bavarian Police Officer. It consists of the WWI Honor Cross for Non-Combatants; The 1916 King Ludwig Cross: The rare Silver Honor Medal to the order of the Bavarian Crown (maker marked Losch); The Silver Honor Medal to the Bavarian Order of Saint Michael and the ultra rare Bavarian Twenty Year Police Long Service Cross. The group also has a 1930's era medal bar with clip on backs that appears not have been upgraded as the first bar still has the medals sewn in. It also has a rare matching ribbon bar in double furled south german style. I'm attaching close ups of the two really rare medals. Here is the Silver Honor Medal to the Order of the Bavarian Crown.
    5. Oh heavens no! Your English is far superior to my French!
    6. ...now if I could get my French up to speed we could have a real conversation!
    7. I did thanks. Some of country side still looks familiar.
    8. Thanks again, Christophe. It looks like the area is being turned into another tourist's ice cream stand.
    9. Yeah guys but remember in that kind of game they're not playing "how" but "how many!"
    10. What is the commercial looking one to the left of the Heer dagger? For that matter, who are the makers of all the commercial blades in your nifty looking display?
    11. Well, Jim, I will try. George Seymore had a collection the likes of which we will never see again. Ralph Abercrombie has a most excellent one. Mine is just what it is, an accumulation of items that please me without the remarkable depth and dimension of other collections.
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