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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. Claudio, I think this is the smallest bar with the biggest medal that I have in my collection.
    2. ...and another from the same maker. Note the distictive hinge setup on the badge.
    3. A resounding second to Joe's remarks and two big thumbs up! (although I understand that is something of a rude gesture down under...maybe Mike K. can clarify that for us.
    4. When you read over what Mike Pinkus has written on his site you will have some pretty good thumb rules for each of the known makers. This is a picture of the front of an authentic Frank & Reif badge.
    5. I second Stogie's remarks! Magnificent bar. Here's the little fella now.
    6. I won't say never and I won't say always but I will say I have yet to see a flat back Hermann Aurich that the PAB collecting community accepted as real. Another great PAB site to check out is Mike Pinkus' effort at: http://tankbadges.homestead.com/
    7. I agree with Don. #1 is a nice example of a legitimate flat back PAB. The rest, #2, #3, and #4 all have the telltale flatback which sets off alarm bells and whistles. All of those badges should have a slightly dished back. Check out Stogieman's Hermann Aurich PAB in the Sale Room and note the shape of the back compared to your example. Also check out that thread I referred you to in your earlier post. The guys have some great examples of various makers badges ranging from common to exceedingly rare.
    8. Claudio, I don't know if I have any more rare ones...I think you have the rest in your collection.
    9. Nice bars, Daniel. Is the trap bar missing a wrap for the NC EKII?
    10. Thanks, Claudio. I'm not sure of the award numbers on this cross but I believe the Silver Merit Cross of the White Falcon Order qualifies...if not I can always delete the post.
    11. Very impressive, Jerry. Good luck with your continuing hunt!
    12. Rick, a question slightly off topic. Was it correct to wear a long service schalle below the medal bar?
    13. Thanks, Claudio, this should develop into a very interesting thread. I'm curious what was the small state that was absorbed by Prussia after 1866? Now I have to go root around in my stuff to see if I have anything that meets your unique requirements.
    14. Thanks, Claudio, this should develop into a very interesting thread. I'm curious what was the small state that was absorbed by Prussia after 1866? Now I have to go root around in my stuff to see if I have anything that meets your unique requirements.
    15. I have had some very experienced collector friends who tell me this cap pin is authentic and I have other experienced collector friends who tell me it isn't. I'd be interested in knowing one way or the other. So if any of you have any facts that prove the point pro or con, I'd be delighted.
    16. Andreas, based on your article above it would appear that this would have been a pre-war award to an enlisted man or NCO and seems to be consistent with Rick's observation.
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