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    Everything posted by Jason

    1. I have finally gotten around to photographing these 2 things so as to share with you guys, first up a period photograph (unfortunately sealed behind glass, hence the angle of the pic) of my grandfathers 5th Light Horse MG Section in Palestine, circa 1916-1917. He is standing in the middle row, 4th from the right. They must have put him there, standing on the raised section of the staircase, as he was only 5'1" tall!
    2. Here's this one again, once more made up with medals from other bars, just to see what it will be like once I get around to sourcing the awards needed to complete it....only a Centenary and (another!) RAO for this one! Jas
    3. Well here it is again, I've mocked up the bar with 4 awards, the 25 year and DSWA are staying put, the RAO and Centenary are simply "borrowed" from other bars for the picture - dont worry guys, no other medal bars were harmed in the making of this piece! . So still on the hunt for an RAO, Centenary (easy!) and the Philip Order.... Jas
    4. I have the third ribbon on a similar old style bar....I think it's the Bulgarian Civil Merit Order. Jas
    5. I got these from Heiko the other week....2 KVKs, one with swords, and the other without (the swords are missing on the ribbon bars but the holes where they were are obvious)...so quite possible to have both! cheers Jas
    6. All the way from 1815 to you...not mint....no enamel....but nice just the same! cheers Jas
    7. Hi Heiko - it means I really like those 2 decorations mounted up on bars! cheers Jas
    8. Hi Brian I like it - but I have a bias towards anything with a War Help Cross or a Centenary Medal on it! regards Jas
    9. Yes I think it is Coburg-Gotha, the last ribbon is the 1899 Coburg-Gotha wedding medal, so its probably a fair assumtion the SEHO medal is from Coburg-Gotha, probably the version with the bust of Alfred on it. It will look a lot nicer once I find the decorations for it! cheers Jas
    10. Good evening gentlemen, I thought I would share one of my favourite little bars, unfortunately without medals but we cant have everything! Im thinking it once belonged to a member of the Duke's household, a butler (or something similar) perhaps? cheers Jas
    11. Great bar Christophe! I have a Godet made colonial button hole set with a similar crown on the St Henry ribbon. regards Jas
    12. Now I know why I love these pre-1900 bars so much. That is a FABULOUS bar Micha! Jas
    13. Thanks for the comments guys...4 years was a long time but it certainly paid off in the end. Only one more bar to complete, then its off to the frame makers to have all my pre-1914 bars put into a nice display case. Then I can start on all the other incomplete projects I have sitting in my to-do box - i'm up to around 6 bars now waiting on their medals! all the best Jas
    14. First came the easiest of the 3 - the 1870 medal, then the Saxe-Altenburg medal....and just last week from Christian (thanks mate!) came the 1870 EK2. So here is is, back to its original form:
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