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    Brian Wolfe

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    Everything posted by Brian Wolfe

    1. This is the other view. Thanks again for your assistance. Regards Brian
    2. Hi Eric, I didn't think there was any marks but now you mentioned it I took another look. There is a mark that I tought and actually still think is a mark from installation of the ring onto the medal's frame, though it could be an attempt at a manufacturer's mark. It looks like a "O" more than anything though in one photo posted below it looke like a "G" but that is due more to the lighting than anything in my opinion. See what you think from the two photos, these were the best of several I took. You may need the Ctrl + trick to get a better view. Regards Brian
    3. Thank you for your vote of confidence. I guess I am getting paranoid because of all of the Third Reich copies that are floating around. Regards Brian
    4. This is one of the most enjoyable posts I've seen in a long time. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your collection with us. Regards Brian
    5. Hi Joe, Thanks for the vote of confidence. I had no doubt about the ribbon being modern when I purchased it. I will look for an authentic ribbon later on. Regards Brian
    6. Hi Chris, Thanks for your comments, I will worry no more about this Iron Cross. Regards Brian
    7. Here's the reverse. In this photo you can see the ring clearly, the image of the obverse was too close to show up the ring. I am sure the ribbon is a new manufacture it is just too good to be anything except modern. I wanted an example of the EK2 on the Austrian ribbon for my collection's Austrian section. Thanks again for your help. Regards Brian
    8. Hi Chris, Thanks for the comments. Here is a closer view of both sides. This is the best I can do with the camera and Photoshop. Linda bought me a high definition scanner and it arrived this afternoon so I hope that if and when I get it figured out I can post better images. No, it's not an Epson. Regards Brian
    9. Here is another view, this time a front view. Sorry I have the one reversed as I was concentrating on the loop and not the orientation of the two crosses.
    10. Here are the two specimens for comparison. The cross on the right is known to be genuine. I think there is quite a difference between the two.
    11. Hello Everyone, I purchased this 1914 EK2 with the Austrian style ribbon from a dealer who listed it as genuine and with a maker's mark. When I took delivery I could find no maker's mark and I started to have my doubts about the cross and the dealer. This is of a three piece construction, which is good, an iron centre, also good but I noticed that ring affixed to the cross is very thick as compaired with others that I know to be genuine in my collection. I remember that there was a post a while back that featured a ring such as this but not only can I not recall what the decision was I cannot find the post on the forum. Perhaps it was in the Lounge as I didn't think of that source until this very moment. If the members would please take a look at this Ek and and let me know what you all think it would be most helpful and greatly appreciated. If this is a genuine Iron Cross then was there a specific manufacturer that used this larger ring? I will post a few photos of the medal and with another known genuine speciment for comparison. If more photos are needed please ask and I will post them. As always your assistance is greatly appreciated and opinions welcomed. Regards Brian
    12. Here is the back of the badge. As can be seen this has been a stamped piece made out of sheet metal and not minted or cast like a medal. I'm not sure which would be the earliest pieces and I hope someone will comment on this. The outer edges have a layer of grunge that would be expected to have come from a uniform along with any dust or dirt that may have been in the air. The pin is blunt and the attachments are the same as the example I found on the GMIC. Today was the best day of golf I've never had! Thanks for taking a look. Regards Brian
    13. Hello Everyone, We started out for the golf course this morning and ended up at one of the local antiques malls, I can't really explain that one myself. Anyway while there I spotted this TR wound badge and thought it would look good in my collection. It was a black badge back in the day but has seen a lot of wear. I tend to like my TR stuff to look like they have seen some action or at least look think they have been awarded and worn. Before I made this post I checked out the "GMIC Project" area and found one that looks just like it, though that one is in nicer condition. Going by this I am confident it is not a reproduction, however, as always I do welcome comments and opinions. If this is indeed an original then it has seen a lot of wear. I like how the swastika stands out so plainly. I hope you like it. Regards Brian
    14. Hello Stuart, Thanks for the information, I will look into one for myself. Regards Brian
    15. I've used a dehumidifier for several years and just keep it as dry as possible with no gauge. IN summer the thing runs 24/7 but the winters here are dryer so it runs once in a while. I do believe a gauge would be a good idea and may look into one as well. Regards Brian
    16. Hi Dan, That medal is so close to being able to read that it isn't funny. It's almost but then again not quite... most frustrating. Good luck and please keep us posted. Regards Brian
    17. Beautiful group minitures. I do hope they are originals and all I can really add is that I have not seen these flooding the market so my feeling would be positive toward them. I am really interested to hear from others on this question. Regards Brian
    18. That's an interesting question Tim and one I would like to hear more about from the other members. I have medals with this same ribbon, some with and some without the crossed swords. Being new to this area of collecting myself I have a lot more questions than answers (for now, but that should change with time...I hope). Regards Brian
    19. You've chosen an excellent example for your collection, Robin. They don't get much, if any, better than this. Well done and thanks for posting it. Regards Brian
    20. Hi Chris, An exceptionally nice grouping. I can see why you broke with your usual pattern for collecting. Regards Brian
    21. Hello Everyone, Here is the corrected group, with the Kyffhauserbund Medal and many thanks to Sascha for making this possible. I really like this group even more now. The EK2 is in near mint condition and the ring is marked with a "G" which I believe indicates manufacture by Godet & Sohn or Berlin. Thanks again to all who have made this correction possible. Regards Brian
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