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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by hunyadi

    1. Here are two images of a ribbon that has me puzzled. The ribbon is found with first precedence on both a post war 1930's Cavalry Tunic and a WW2 IKE of the Yankee Division veteran. The ribbon has a small band of blue, then red then a wider band of white on each end with a black center. Is this a foreign award and if so - which one? Belguim?? Any help would be apreciated... first the WW2 Ike
    2. Much of the HUPR art and architecture in Vac is situated near the bus station. Much of it from the early 1960's by the style. As for Stalinvaros you must simply get into the center of town. Dunaujvaros is still a huge bastion of the Socialist mindset. There are also more Trabants and Ladas there than you can shake a stick at...
    3. Take a good hard look... no one will ever probably see one of those unifomrs in real life again... 7 Years in Budapest and I only saw one Levente uniform....
    4. Nice tour book Gordon - of course you forgot to mention that Pusk?s Ferenc Stadium used to be called Nepstadion - or "People's Stadium" and was intended to be an Olympic venue. Though I cant remember the street if you look out on the right side of the #24 Tram there was another great facade of a building with the Soivet Surrealism. The images of the HUPR are still very evident and prominent in Vac and Dunaujvaros if you get the chance to go there.
    5. According to the Hungarian Wikipedia it states : K?z?piskolai tanulm?nyainak Kass?n t?rt?nt elv?gz?se ut?n a b?cs?jhelyi Theresianum Katonai Akad?mi?n v?gzett, (trained at the military accademy) majd 1884-ben husz?rhadnagyk?nt bel?pett az osztr?k-magyar k?z?s hadseregbe ?s B?csk?ba ker?lt a 10-es husz?rokhoz (then in 1884 entered the 10th Hussars). Katonai p?ly?j?t azonban m?r kor?n felcser?lte a politikaival. (then he took a political route in his life) 1893-ban főhadnagyi rendfokozatban szolg?laton k?v?l helyeztette mag?t. (then by 1893 he was a 2nd Lt.) M?g abban az ?vben feles?g?l vette Zichy Alexandra gr?fnőt, akitől n?gy gyermeke sz?letett: (then he got married and had three children listed after this) Am?lia (1894-1967), Margit (1899-1978), Antal (1902-1935) ?s B?la (1915-1971); lesz?rmazottai t?bbnyire az Amerikai Egyes?lt ?llamokban ?lnek. Hadik J?nos photo in latter life - I think the eyes give confirmation...
    6. Some of the more rare Hungarian May 1st Badges...
    7. A few things of note - apparently there is a German film being made about the event in Hungary - but dont know if its gotten off the ground or not... Secondly - every once in a while you could buy little commemorative "chunks" of the old barbed wire with a certificate of the fence... Thirdly - how quickly we seem to forget the events between 1917 and 1989....
    8. These look to be Hungarian Munkasor = Workers Millitia.. The addition of the crossed rifles is incorect as they only used the stars to and the variations on the collar tabs to denot rank and status.
    9. Many thanks for the link. It confirms my suspicions of its origin.
    10. Many thanks for the link. It confirms my suspicions of its origin.
    11. Does anyone have any that are unmarked? I recently purchased one in the 3000 # range that is unmarked from a forum member...
    12. Nesredep! What a collection you have! Do you find these items in local fea markets or ??? Amazing finds! Hope they keep coming! :jumping:
    13. and I have some that are combattant which are marked in this manner as well.
    14. No idae on actual numbers at this point - perhaps one of our forum members does - but I can say that I could buy about 50 of the combat style before one of these showed up. Is your example marked? Look along the rim there may be a mark of "Bronz" somewhere along there
    15. I dont have any reference items for Polish orders and decorations. I only have some loose atachment to Breslau - so things from Silesia have an interest. I will now have to put this on my "wish" list. Thanks for sharing it!
    16. That is a very interesting award with some very serious undertones of the period in which it was made. Fantastic - I would only assume that these of course are rare and expensive... :rolleyes:
    17. Very nice - with an interesting awardee! I wish someone would just drop stuff like this in my post box....
    18. Promotional Literature for the Catholic Church. Very interesting...
    19. Another problem is that in 1947 anyone with such documentation or history living in Czechoslovakia was labeled as a Nazi Hungarian and therefore deported. Even a young gal of 16 who ran messages between the Partisan groups in Prague was not even able to avoid this deportation. "Thankfuly" she was dumped in Budapest and rose to be a prominent communist / historian in the Hungarian Partisan Association. For this grouping - the paper trail will probably end in Hungary as these "deported undesireables" did almost everything to pick up new identities.
    20. Very interesting - I stand corrected - it is not the processing clerk but the awardee... interesting. As a young Lt - he was doing something very important at the shchool, I would wonder what that is????
    21. "Filed by 1st Lt XXXXXX" IE the processing clerk
    22. Well - without my dictionary by my side a rough translation is: The King and Apastolic Ruler in January 13th 1916 in Vienna for exceptional, etc... 1st Lieutenant Vitez Magatartasa (this may be the name of a school - not certian) who previously taught and for his exceptional abilities, etc... is awarded the right to wear the "Soldiers Cross" and the "Soldiers Medal in Silver" from this day forward in Budapest 1916, February 1st Undersigned by the Hungarian Defense Forces Minister this is just a best guess at this point will get out the books later...
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