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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. On the back... some writings in Sütterlin... Can somebody be so gentle and helpful to decipher it for me? I would really appreciate it a lot! Evidently the pictures were glued in an album... what a pity... :angry:
    2. ... but most interestingly it came also with a bit of paper work and some pictures... I still have to identify which foto is the one of the medal bar's owner!
    3. I almost forgot about this bar and gave up any hope of finding the rest of the group, not to speak about the name of the original owner... I thought it was lost for eternity... ... until I saw the other "brotherly" bar appearing on Ebay Germany!
    4. After about 1 and half year at the Gun Show (Waffenbörse) in Stuttgart I found this tuxedo (civilian) bar (this type also known in German as "Frackspange"), which I immediately recognized being part of the above-mentioned group. I bought it and asked the seller if he knew of the other items, but he couldn't give me any information about it. I was surprised and frustrated to see this bar being sold alone... Here is the description of the bar: Preußen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse am Kämpferband, 1914-1924 (OEK 1909), E gs/S Lippe, Kriegsehrenkreuz für heldenmütige Tat am Band für Kämpfer 1914-1918 bis 1922 (OEK 1190), GBr vg Lippe, Militärverdienstmedaille, VS Kranz mit Schwertern 1915 (OEK 1186) Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer (OEK 3803/1), ohne Hersteller Österreich 1. Republik, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille Ungarn, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille Bulgarien, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille
    5. Hi Christophe, I am sure that that bar was sold on a Auction (A. Thies) in 2006 (if I remember correctly) and fetched quite an a good price; the combination is quite unique, though! A huge medal bar. ciao, Claudio
    6. Beautiful medal bar! Congrats.... I would have bet just looking at the front of the bar that it was a Godet constructed one. Too bad that it was stored so badly (see corrosion on some orders and condition of the ribbons). Nevertheless a most unusual combination of very rare orders... like the Star of Brabant order and the House Order Lippe-Detmold Ehrenkreuz the with swords! What a find unusual is that he got the Weissen Falken and the Lippe-Detmold orders with swords, but no Iron Cross or any other WWI commemorative medals... is there any career information about this Diplomatic/high Consular officer? ciao, Claudio
    7. Hi Matt, I don't like anything of that bar: the different aging of the medals' patina, the brandnew ribbons and textile backing. I especially also don't like the type of needle device on the back. Enough said... ;-) I wouldn't touch that bar even with a 10 meters pole... ;-) Ciao, Claudio
    8. Dear all, I am quite happy that I controlled my temptation to bid on the medal bar only. It's quite a relief to hear that this group will be kept all together (for how long we don't know...). Collectors are merely temporary holder of history and if we can't work out a deal to keep such groups also after our passing (like O'Connor with his collection given to the technical museum in Berlin to be shown in a special exhibition), well chances are that most of these wonderful pieces of military history will simply disappear. Can we know either the ending price of the whole group or of the single pieces? I tried to find it on the website, without success. ciao, Claudio
    9. Hi Sandro! Congrats! I tried twice to buy it, but destiny didn't want to give me a chance to successfully bring to a happy end the deal. I know the previous owner, so it comes from a really very trustful collection. I also know that in the past fellow collectors tried to research on the original owner of the bar, but without any results. Nonetheless it's a fantastic medal bar of a brave long serving Prussian officer. That Rettungsmedaille is quite interesting... I thought because of that the name of the officer could be found. I have also a couple of nice bars with either exotic combinations or orders, but sometimes these bars cannot researched, or maybe you must pray that somebody has the time, money and patience to find and research rolls of orders of States like Reuss... I haven't heard that this has been done or even if there's a slight chance to find something lying around in some dark archives in Germany. But who knows... ciao, Claudio
    10. Salut Christophe, It's already some years that I have that Ehrenkreuz 3. Kl.. Once I bought a Reuss Ehrenkreuz 3 Kl. with swords and crowns from a German auction house, which has been sold as mint conditions, but the crown has been added quite crudely and I had to send it back... The third class with crown and swords it's quite rare.. here one in a medal bar of General der Infanterie Rudolf GERCKE I badly wanted and bid on it, but unfortunately I wasn't lucky to get it! Ciao, Claudio
    11. Hi Tim, I think it can be only a Swedish Order of the Sword... If I were you, I would search among the officers of the Fusilier Regiment Queen Victoria of Sweden (Pomeranian) No.34... Ciao, Claudio P.S.: see also my thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/11870-interesting-new-nco-medal-bar/page__p__114533__hl__schwantes__fromsearch__1#entry114533
    12. Nice one Chris! These crosses were privately bought by the soldiers, before WWI, I suppose when they went from active to reserve or were discharged, as souvenir, like the beer steins... Ciao, Claudio
    13. Hi Elmar, Is there also a picture of the reverse of the medal bar? I can't find it on the catalogue... Thanks for showing... ciao, Claudio
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