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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. Hi Stogieman! I thought you might have liked it... it was pristine! ... and it came with the ribbon bar, too! I didn't check if it was a Godet, but it surely looked like one, considering the quality of the ribbons and decorations' mounting style. Ciao, Claudio
    2. others spangen of Mr. Nice. One came with all the documents... I didn't even dare to ask... If they are to bothered to answer or get easily annoyed, how about putting some price tags?? Just my 2 cents... Ciao, Claudio
    3. There was a very interesting Spange... a bit simple but it came with the photo of the Admiral who owned it, his photograph and his ribbon bar. The top ribbon bar with the Wiederholungsspange looked completely identical with the one shown on the picture. I asked the vendor (Kai Winkler, Mr. Email-Spam) what was the price... he just replied to me in a very derogatory way: Sechs! (six in German)... Firstly I was a bit perplexed... Sechs in German is practically pronounced like "sex" in English... maybe he wanted some a..l sex for it (hope not ), or maybe six boxes of beer cans.... but finally I realized that he might have wanted 6 thousand Euros... Some vendors could use some kindness, if they really want to sell their prices for such money. Some vendors don?t even greet me because I never bought from them, some others they say hello with a smile? Fact is I will never buy from the first. Ciao, Claudio
    4. ... I almost forgot... Always show the back! Ciao, Claudio
    5. Here's the best part... the reverse of the Photograph with the Name (but it says "evt." which in German also means "eventuell" translated in English as "most likely"). I read Raun... hopefully it's the real name of this proud NCO. I'd like to hear your comments on it. Ciao, Claudio
    6. Here's the picture of the original owner as he didn't have added all the other "vanity" veterans' commemorative medals. Quite a sharp and proud looking Unteroffizier...
    7. Dear Forumites, I am proud of showing you my latest purchase (Stuttgart Waffenb?rse 29.-31.03.08). Here is the description: ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 1914, 2. Klasse am K?mpferband (OEK 1904) ? Kriegsehrenkreuz mit Schwertern des Ehrenbundes Deutscher Weltkriegsteilnehmer (DN 2.02.19) ? Weimarer Republik, Schlesisches Bew?hrungsabzeichen ?Schlesischer Adler?, 2. Stufe, 1919, am Band br?niert (OEK 3303), E ? Weimarer Republik, Deutsche Ehrendenkm?nze des Weltkrieges mit Kampfabzeichen der Ehrenlegion (DN 2.02.17 a/b) ? Preussen, DA 2. Modell 1913-1920, 1. Klasse f?r den Soldatenstand nach 15 Jahre, Kreuz (OEK 1974), Ku vg ? Deutscher Reichskriegsbund ?Kyffh?user?, Kriegsdenkm?nze 1914/18 (DN 2.02.34 +b) ? ?sterreich 1. Republik, Pro Patria-Ehrenzeichen der ?sterreichischen Erenlegion mit gekreutzen Schwerterauflage am Bande ? Deutscher Volksorden, Deutsch-Bekenntniskreuz, gerade Kreuzarme, (DN 2.02.17 b 1) As you can it comes with quite rare Deutsch-Bekenntniskreuz (last one...)... rather ugly but on DN's catalogue is estimated to be around Eur 200.- worth. The interesting thing about this group is that it came with Photo of the original owner, his Schlesischer Adler 1. Stufe - similar like the 2. Stufe on the bar ergo same maker - , his original miniatures and also a lapel pin. To me it was the best of the Weimar era bars I have seen on that show, although I saw a couple of other groups with documents, that were quite interesting but not equally nicely mounted as this one. Usually Weimar era bars have quite a "messy" and untidy look... Think about the economical struggle of Germany during the 20ies. Many of this bars were "home-made"! but nevertheless original, if less appealing.
    8. @ Rick and Wildcard: btw the box already came with a name... Kgl. Preuss. Kommerzienrat Victor Ludwig Wrede (1818-1890 in Berlin)... see this thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25948&hl=wrede Ciao, Claudio
    9. Ok... I can't resist not to post it... actually I didn't buy it there but I picked it up directly from Zeige at the Waffenb?rse! It's a preview!!! Enjoy.... Now I really have to go "? faire do-do"... Ciao, Claudio
    10. Hi Sascha! I saw that bar too, but to tell you the truth I wasn't too much tempted to buy it... as a matter of fact I didn't even ask to take a closer look. But still it's a fairly uncommon combination... I saw a couple of other bars at Kai Winkler's table which were quite nice, but I did only there once to ask the price for one set (medal and ribbon bar + Tr?ger's photo, an Admiral and some documents, too). Besides Herr Winkler didn't really luck of a really typical arrogance... I really couldn't make any deals with him! I will post later a couple of pictures I have taken there... Now I have to go to bed... it was a long trip back home! Ciao, Claudio
    11. Dear forumites, If you want to see the real medal bar of Kaiser Wilhelm I, I suggest you to visit the Hohenzollern's castle of Hechingen... A great bar... it looks even better in flesh! Ciao, Claudio
    12. From a German dealer's website: a label I have never seen before... Ciao, Claudio
    13. @ Wild Card: I thought it was un-official clasp since it was not mentioned in the Nimmergut's Magnus Opera... Interesting that all these clasps were privately purchased and pratically there was no control on those from the authorities which awarded these Colonial medals! Ciao, Claudio
    14. That's an easy one.... It's a Preussische Dienstauszeichnung 2. Modell, 1913-1920, 1. Klasse f?r den Soldatenstand nach 15 Dienstjahre Kreuz (OEK 1974) which translated is a Long Service Cross for Enlisted Man and NCO. This one has been gilted privately. Ciao, Claudio
    15. ... and there even no enameled order on this bar! It could have been a bar of a NCO or an Officer, but no way to tell. Almost USD 2'000.- for something like, it's waaaay to much...
    16. Dear forumites, As I am known to be a freak medal bar collector I followed the auction of the here under shown medal bar... it reached Eur 1'121!!! Wow... If I add the single value of all medals including also the miniatures I don't even arrive on Eur 500.-. I bid 500.- Euros and was almost worried to get it, because I thought I overbid! Right now I am quite releaved not to have followed this madness, although it's really a nice small un-identfiable bar... Your takes on it??? Ciao, Claudio
    17. My Ehrenzeichen f?r Verdienst von Frauen und Jungfrauen in der Kriegsf?rsorge (Sachsen-Meiningen): obverse.
    18. Is this von Einem related to the above-mentioned? see this link: http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/sho...light=von+einem
    19. I was reading with interest this thread and also confirm to have seen it on Ebay... but I never hesitated not to bid on it! Not for a single second... I wouldn't even touch with a 10 meters long pole... Such weird combinations I would only buy if there are documents which attests the correctness of the bar. Just my 2 cents. Ciao, Claudio
    20. Hallo Heiko!!! Turkey... that's quite strange! World is really small.... But why the police they have to keep your found pieces for a couple of years??? As evidence for a future trial? They can just take some pictures, put in writing (report) and send them to you... Anyway I keep the finger crossed for you! Viel Gl?ck! Ciao, Claudio
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