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Everything posted by Claudio
Dear forumites, I'd like to introduce to you a well documented group of a brave German WWI junior officier and observer in the airforce, veteran of the Middle Eastern front, fighting with the Ottoman allies and later a Staff LW officer on the Russian front. We begin with his "Geburtsurkunde" (Certificate of Birth). Claudio
Something for you Paul: Hermann Historica Los Nr.8067 Generalfeldmarschall Walter Model (1891 - 1945) - Marschallstab. Sammleranfertigung seines am 31.3.1944 verliehenen Marschallstabes. Silber, teilweise vergoldet, gute Juweliersarbeit. Mit rotem Samt bezogener Schaft mit aufgelegten Hoheitsadlern und Eisernen Kreuzen. Vergoldete Knäufe mit gebundenem Eichenlaub und mit Eisernem Kreuz bzw. mit Hoheitsadler verziert. Umlaufende Dedikationsinschriften in gotischen Lettern "Der Führer dem Generalfeldmarschall Model" und "Zum Freiheitskampf des Großdeutschen Volkes 31. März 1944". Länge 49,5 cm. Zustand: I-II Limit: 2500 EURO
@ Stogie: I completely agree with you. I wouldn't give more than Eur 2'000.- and it's already quite a lot considering the overall conditions and also some badly chipped enamaled order... it's difficult to see from this picture, but usually StHO RK on medal bars in better conditions than this one have always some small chips; I can imagine that this one is quite heavely chipped (see the inscription around the medallion) also on the back and the FEK is completely rusted. That means that also the other medals can be affected quite badly. Furthermore we didn't see the picture of the back (maybe the fabric on the back is completely gone and eaten by moths). The owner already took away the medals from the bar and to put them back, sewing the ribbons again, everybody would see that the bar was completely restored and therefore could even loose more value. Yes, the Saxon VO RK 1. Kl. is very nice and very rarely seen on such bars... Ciao, Claudio
I am posting the image of the bar, because once the single medals will be sold, this bar is gone forever... I think I might have been interested, but the conditions are quite bad... and in the past I already paid dearly just for keeping or restauring medal bars which are nice but I could loose a lot of money, once I decide to part with them... If she wants to sell the medals separately, it's bad, but it's her choice and there isn't much that we can do to prevent it... Ciao, Claudio
Well I am not surprised of seeing Brazilians serving in the German Imperial Army... Lots of Germans immigrated to Brazil, mostly to the Southern states (Rio Grande do Sul, Parana and Santa Caterina), during the second part of the 19th century. Maybe he went there to follow some other family members and when WWI started felt compelled to go back to serve his country. Maybe Jelinek never got Brazilian citizenship after all... from his name he might have come from Bohemia (Sudetenland). Ciao, Claudio PS See also:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Brazilian
Well to me it looks like a "Real Fake"... excuse me but I couldn't resist! :rolleyes:
from French Wikipedia... http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabordage_de_la_Flotte_française_à_Toulon À 4 h 25, à Châteldon, Pierre Laval reçoit le consul général Krug Von Nidda qui lui porte une copie d’une lettre du Führer au maréchal Pétain : « J’ai dû me résoudre, le 11 novembre 1942 [...] à occuper la côte méridionale de France [...] vous savez Monsieur le Maréchal que toutes les assertions [...] comme quoi l’Allemagne voulait s’emparer de la Flotte Française [...] ne sont que pures inventions ou des mensonges délibérés [...] C’est pourquoi après avoir eu connaissance de nombreuses violations de leur parole d’honneur commises par des officiers, des généraux et des amiraux Français [...] j’ai ordonné l’ordre d’occuper immédiatement Toulon, d’empêcher le départ des navires ou de les détruire [...] »
another book mentioning him "Vichy France and the Jews", page 232 http://books.google.com/books?id=Q7ORlIpHKLEC&pg=PA232&lpg=PA232&dq=consul+krug+von+nidda&source=bl&ots=68JHd7ksca&sig=EnPymtO74_0dkxZSyC6K-15qY9s&hl=en&ei=vXRXS9mqFc_r-AbEycGKBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CA8Q6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=consul%20krug%20von%20nidda&f=false