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    Everything posted by Ferdinand

    1. Funny, his first Soviet Order Booklet gives his name as 'Dondon Tsirinzhab', his second Booklet as 'Damdingyn Tserenzhav' and his Victory over Germany certificate as 'Damdny Tserenzhav'.
    2. Wow, really cool group! Is al three-star General a Lieutenant-General in Mongolia?
    3. The text 'VVMU RE IM. A.S. POPOVA' stands for 'Vyssheye voyenno-morskoye uchilishche radioelektroniki im. A.S. Popova', or 'Higher Naval School for Radio-Electronics in the name of A.S. Popova'.
    4. Post # 7 and 9 show a certificate issued by the Veterans Counsil of the Northwestern Front for a remembrance badge awarded to Guards Senior Lieutenant Georgy Gavrilovich Sharikalov, a 'participant of military actions on the Northwestern Front during the GPW'. Signed by the chairman of the Veterans Counsil, HSU Army-General P. Kurochkin. Dated 9 May 1974. Post # 10 and 11 show a certificate for the Remembrance Badge, awarded to veterans of the 130th Order of Suvorov 2nd Class Latvian Rifle Corps. Awarded to Sharikalov on 26 January 1987. 'In remembrance of military affairs during the years of the GPW'. Signed by the chairman of the Veterans Counsil of the corps, Guards Colonel out of service (don't know the English word for that - in German it's Au?er Dienst) L.A. Karvelis. Stamp reads 'Soviet Committee of War Veterans' - Rizhskaya Section. Post # 12 and 13 show a certificate for a badge issued for 40 years of victory, signed by the rector of the Latvian State University in the name of P. Stuchki, Professor V. Miller. The obverse of the certificate reads 'Latvian Order of the Red Banner of Labor State University in the name of Petra Stuchki'. May 1985. Post # 14 shows a certificate for the Remembrance Badge "Veteran of the First Shock Army", issued by the Veterans Counsil of the First Shock Army. Same text inside as the doc in post # 11. Signed by the Veterans Counsil of the 1st Shock Army: Lieutenant-General Ya.S. Kolesov, Lieutenant-General F.Ya. Lisitsyn, Guards Colonel M.I. Kozyrev and Colonel M.I. Golubchikov.
    5. Thanks for your additions Rick. The list probably only contains orders and medals, and no badges, of which Zhukov also probably received several. Auke
    6. <a href="http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1612" target="_blank">http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1612</a> has the complete list (in Russian): Дважды награждён высшим военным орденом ?Победа? (11 апреля 1944 года № 1, 30 марта 1945 года) = Order of Victory 11 April 1945, and again 30.3.45 but no serial number on that one Награждён 6-ю орденами Ленина (16 августа 1938 года № 3097, 29 августа 1939 года № 6071, 21 февраля 1945 года № 38845, 1 декабря 1956 года № 276136, 1 декабря 1966 года № 382172, 1 декабря 1971 года № 401095) = Orders of Lenin on 16.8.38, 29.8.39, 21.2.45. 1.12.56. 1.12.66, 1.12.71 with the serial numbers for each, орденом Октябрьской Революции (22 февраля 1968 года № 13) = October Revolution on 22.2.68, 3-я орденами Красного Знамени (31 августа 1922 года № 12833, 3 ноября 1944 года № 2/6719, 20 июня 1949 года № 3/3923) = Orders of the Red Banner on 31.8.22, 3.11.44 as a number "2" with serial number, and a "3" on 20.6.49, 2-я орденами Суворова 1-й степени (28 января 1943 года № 1, 30 марта 1945 года № 39) = Orders of Suvorov 1st Class 28.1.43 and 30.3.45, медалями: medals = ?За воинскую доблесть?. В ознаменование 100-летия со дня рождения В.И. Ленина? (1970 Lenin Centennial, military version), ?ХХ лет РККА? (XX years of the Red Army 1938), ?За оборону Ленинграда? (Defense of Leningrad) , ?За оборону Москвы? (Defense of Moscow) , ?За оборону Сталинграда? (Defense of Stalingrad) , ?За оборону Кавказа? (Defense of Caucasus) , ?За победу над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.? (Victory Over Germany) , ?Двадцать лет Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.? (20th Anniversary of Victory) , ?За взятие Берлина? (Capture of Berlin) , ?За освобождение Варшавы? (Liberation of Warsaw) , ?В память 800-летия Москвы? (Moscow 1947 Jubilee) , ?В память 250-летия Ленинграда? (Leningrad 1957 Jubilee) , ?30 лет Советской Армии и Флота? (1948 Armed Forces Jubilee) , ?40 лет Вооружённых Сил СССР? (1958 Armed Forces Jubilee) , ?50 лет Вооружённых Сил СССР? (1968 Armed Forces Jubilee) , Почётным оружием с изображением Государственного герба СССР (в связи с 50-летием Вооружённых Сил СССР) (Honor Weapon-- sword--with seal of the USSR for 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces) , орденом Красного Знамени Тувинской НР (31 марта 1942 года № 88) (Tuvin SSR Order of the Red Banner 31.3.42) . В 1969 году удостоен звания Героя Монгольской НР (In 1969 received title "Hero of the Mongolian Soviet Republic) , с вручением ордена Сухэ-Батора (№ 642) (with Mongolian Order of Sukh Bator which came with that title) , и медали ?Золотая Звезда? (№ 22) (and the Gold Star "medal" of Mongolian Hero) . Награждён наградами иностранных государств (Decorations of foreign countries) ? Монголии: 3-я орденами Сухэ-Батора (1968 год № 591, 1969 год № 642, 1971 год № 937) (Mongolia: 3 more times Order of Sukh Bator 1968, 1969, 1971) , 2-я орденами Боевого Красного Знамени (1939 год № 2610, 1942 год № 2634) (Mongolian Order of the Military Red Banner twice: 1939, 1942) , медалями ?За победу над Японией? (1945 год) (Mongolian Medal Victory Over Japan 1945) , ?50 лет Монгольской Народной Революции? (1971) (Mongolian 50th Anniversary of the Revolution 1971) , ?50 лет Монгольской Народной Армии? (1971) (Mongolian 50th Anniversary of Armed Forces 1971) , ?30 лет Победы на Халхин-Голе? (1969) (Mongolian 30th Anniversary of Khalkin Gol 1969) ; Югославии: орденом ?Свобода? с бриллиантами (1956 год) (Yugoslav Order of Freedom with diamonds 1956) ; Польши: звездой и знаком ордена ?Виртути Милитари? 1-го класса (1945 год) (Polish star and badge Order Vituti Militari 1st Class 1945) , звездой и знаком ордена ?Возрождение Польши? 2-й степени (1968 год) (Polish star and badge Order of Polonia Restituta 2nd Class 1968) , орденом ?Возрождение Польши? 3-й степени (1973 год) (Polish star and badge Order of Polonia Restituta 3rd Class 1973) , ?Грюнвальдским крестом? 1-й степени (1945 год) (Polish Cross of Gr?nwald 1st Class 1945) , медалями ?За Варшаву. 1939-1945? и ?За Одер, Нейсе, Балтику? (обе 1946 год) (Polish Medals For Warsaw 1939-45 and For Oder, Neisse, Baltic, both in 1946) ; Чехословакии: звездой и знаком ордена ?Белого Льва? 1-го класса (1945 год) (Czech Order of the White Lion star and badge 1st Class 1945) , орденом ?Белого Льва? 1-й степени (1945 год) (Czech Order of the White Lion 1st Class 1945) , ?Военным крестом 1939 г.? (1945 год) (Czech 1939 War Cross in 1945) ; Великобритании: звездой и знаком ордена ?Бани? 1-го класса (1945 год) (Great Britain Order of the Bath 1st Class star and badge 1945) ; Франции: звездой и знаком ордена ?Почётного Легиона? 1-го класса (1945 год) (French Legion of Honour 1st Class star and badge 1945) , ?Военным крестом? (1945 год) (French Croix de Guerre 1945) ; США: орденом Легиона Почёта Главнокомандующего (1945 год) (USA Legion of Merit Grand Commander 1945) ; Болгарии: медалями ?90 лет со дня рождения Г. Димитрова? (1974 год) (Bulgaria 90th Anniversary of Birth of Georgy Dmitrov Medal 1974) , ?25 лет Болгарской Народной Армии? (1970 год) (Bulgarian 25th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Medal 1970) ; Италии: медалью Гарибальди (1956 год) (Italy Garibaldi Medal 1956) ; Китая: 2-я медалями ?Китайско-Советская Дружба? (1953 и 1956 годы) (Peoples Republic of China Sino-Soviet Friendship Medal twice, in 1953 and 1956) ; Египта: орденом Военных Заслуг 1-го класса (1956 год) (Egyptian Order of Military Merit 1st Class 1956) . I don't have time to translate the list, maybe later. Auke
    7. Ridiculous... $96 for a Stalingrad Medal certificate! Why do people buy these! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=300167958633
    8. The more commonly used way to write his name would be Pavel Aleksandrovich Kachurets.
    9. Almost all Red Stars were produced in the Moscow Mint. Some early pieces were produced in the Krasnokamsk Mint and a later batch was produced in the 'Platinapribor' Factory in Moscow (Moskovsky Zavod Platinapribor - MZPP). The approximate serial number range for these MZPP Red Stars is 1,790,000 to 1,945,000 and 2,050,000 to 2,290,000, about 395,000 pieces in total. Here's one of mine:
    10. It probably is his brother! Pyotr Platonovich Gnitienko was born in Shostaki, Poltava Oblast, in 1913, just like 'your' Gnitienko. Pyotr was a gunner-radio operator in a bomber in the 5th Bombing Aviation Regiment. He died on 25 December 1941 near the town of Litvinovka in an aircraft catastrophe. Flight commander V.F. Tsarkov, gunner-bombardier Junior Lieutenant I.P. Limarenko and gunner-radio operator Master Sergeant P.P. Gnitienko died. They are buried in the town of Pogoreloye, on the cemetary two kilometers north-west of the military post. Auke
    11. This is terrible news. Here's the link to the topic I recently posted about Kuznetsov with the above picture: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21848
    12. Not really - 'Eugene' is simply the anglicization of 'Yevgeny', his name in Russian. Auke
    13. You're probably right about that Christian. Just like Ed I was thinking about asking all the four above to research a few awards, just to compare them. From another topic I got the impression that Alexei was really fast so that made me wondering if they're using different archive contacts. Auke
    14. Yes, Gregory, Alexei, Alex, Eugene... But do they all have their own researchers in the archives or do they all deal with the same guy?
    15. His name is Boris Ivanovich Olesov, his rank is Lieutenant. The stamp says "Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR". The awards in the booklet are Order of the Red Banner # 32343, Order of the Red Star # 886800 and Order of Aleksandr Nevsky # 29602. Privileges for the Red Banner started on 1 February 1942 and the booklet was filled in on 20 June 1942. The Red Star and Nevsky were added later. Your Red Ster could be a 3 November 1944 long service award. Auke
    16. Absolutely, it's an ugly medal - fine condition, ugly red oxidation, new ribbon...
    17. Exactly! So I contacted the seller and asked him if he had more of Savelyev's awards. He fortunately kept a list of all the pieces he ever had. The Red Banners and Red Star 958334 weren't on it, but Red Star 213445 was! Unfortunately the seller sold that one, but he remembered who he had sold it to. I told the seller I really wanted to buy or trade that Red Star so he is going to contact the buyer. Auke
    18. A couple of days ago I visited a guy who had a lot of Soviet awards for sale. I bought several of them, including the Order of Lenin below. Coincidentally I was going through Savelyev's documents again and I noticed that this Order of Lenin was on Savelyev's Award Record Card! They both came from the same seller, so I think that explains the coincidence... So, now these two awards have been promoted from 'singles' to 'a broken group'. Auke
    19. Very nice Bill! I've been looking for quite some time for a Red Star under 100.000 and you come up with five pieces under 30.000...
    20. It seems that currently there are a lot of intermediary's: Alex: http://www.russian-awards.com/ResearchServices.htm Alexei: http://home.netcom.com/%7Emerezhko/research.html Eugene: http://www.russianglory.com But do they all deal with Gregory? It seems that Alexei is really fast and provides scans instead of xerox copies: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21529 Who knows more? Auke
    21. Thanks Christian! The scan is fixed now, I accidentally posted the wrong one. Auke
    22. Here's one of mine, boxed and documented. It has a very high serial number (74267) and was awarded to Leonid Alekseyevich Kulikov on 23 November 1990, only 32 days before the end of the Soviet Union.
    23. You might find the Red Star page of www.soviet-screwbacks.com interesting - according to their classification it's a type 6, variation 1.1, only with the serial number closer to the screw.
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