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    1. PS, I see your logo is an Imperial Iron Cross.  Do you collect them?  I also collect Imperial and TR cased medals and medal bars along with a variety of other stuff.

      Cheers again Michael

      1. notned


        Hi Michael,


        Not anymore these days, was amassing a large RNZAF WW2 collection and am now getting rid of it all as funds are needed elsewhere...

        Used to enjoy collectiong Imperial medalbars and had quite a collection some years ago




    2. Hi,  Just read your response to this thread and taken a look at your MD jacket.  Unfortunately, the guy was in the wrong air force for me as I try, not with much success, to stick to RAF!!  However, having said that, what are you looking for in either cash terms or trades??  Do you have any other RAF gear for down load??


      I too lived in Singapore for about 2 years at RAF Seletar.  Did not want to come home but had to!!


      Cheers  Michael

      1. notned


        Hi Michael,

        Looking to sell his entire lot as one, to keep things together you know...wanting at least 500Quid for that lot, quite rare to see stuff to a NZ RNZAF Air ranker will send pix when required

        What other items are you after? i have an extensive collection ( Mainly RNZAF) to sell, funds are needed elsewhere...




    3. long time being here, but hullo to all the gents here are some pix of my Air Commodore RNZAF Cheers Paul Looking to sell this jacket along with his Miniatures, CBE, DFC, etc...and JP (Justice of the peace badge,named) and other items He was a Fighter pilot on Kitty hawks C/O 14 SQN RNZAF in Pacific, member of goldfish club, distinguished post war career....shot down and.... actually flew a Zero! a very Interesting character this lad... anyone interested, just Pm me Cheers Paul Oh! and Acherm, I lived in Singapore for a coupla years up at upper Bukit Timah,at Southaven Condos, loved it there,hope its still all good there, miss the old days there....sigh..
    4. Hi Guys, just a wee bit of info, the ERII badge on the first set signifies that the wearer was Equerry to the Queen. I have a Kings Crown set to a RNZAF Air commodore who was also an Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II, this pair i have are still attached to the Tropical Mess jacket he wore Cheers Paul
    5. Echoing Peter....DROOL! wish it were mine.... Nice find Chris! I thought they only practised removing the clasp "Ears" on the 1854 IGS....now i know different. Thanks for that. Cheers Paul
    6. An excellent collection of awards....and they are in NZ? thats wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Also for helping to re-unite medals to the original recipient...thats just super! KR Paul Aoteroa, Land of the long white cloud.
    7. HI Chris, Here are mine, 10 mar 1917. EK2 Unteroffizier Ludwig Hesse Signed at Divisional level by a Generalleutnant. Full A4 size document 15 may 1918. EK2 Sergeant Paul Bliel 12 Komp IR230 Small Militarpasse sized document all typed out Regards Paul
    8. Vince, Thanks for sharing your "Opi" with us. What a man! what a interesting life he had... I am sure that you treasure his medals etc...for ever... Cheers Paul
    9. Ed, Found a 1854 IGS the other day. Named to Sepoy Jeeba Singh Mily Police Bn Pyinmana With Burma 1887-89 Clasp IS this a rarity? And can you help with a approximate worth please? Kind regards Paul PS; just bought my latest 1854 IGS..to a 1015 Cpl C Stuart Royal Scots Fusiliers
    10. Thankyou Gents, I am pleased to complete the group in his Honour. Yes addictive indeed! Hows your addiction coming along Laurence?? Regards Paul
    11. Gents....Behold!!! the bar is assembled finally! Doesn't it look great! and a fitting tribute to a brave Sepoy who died fighting for his country in Burma. Also attached is his Memoriam from the Commonwealth War Graves site. Enjoy! Paul
    12. Nice to see you are on this particular slippery slope there Pat! LOL Ed, Sorry to be picky...but New Zealanders did not get their medals stamped with their names...a great pity that.. Australians, Indians, And south africans did so did the ( not 100% sure here) Rhodesians and Canadians. Darrell!, nice to see the full set...i need the ACE myself.... have 7 so far... Have the 1939-45, Burma, Africa( with 1st and 8th army bars),and the Italy Stars mounted in Groups all are attributed to South African, a NZer, and a British soldiers. Have a group to the Englishman, missing the North Africa 1942-3 bar Am hoping to get a Navy bar soon with a Pacific Star with Burma bar. Laurence, i see you are too on this slippery slope...i find it really Interesting being able to research the soldiers life from having his name on the medals. Cheers Gents, Paul
    13. Hello Ed, Superb wee groups! Thanks for showing us! Love the group to Sepoy Fazal Din....Wonderful! all Victorian! just magic! Also Love the Kabul to Khandahar pair! Am getting a pair with 3 bars to a Pte in the 92nd Highlanders soon! cannot wait! Cheers Paul
    14. Don, these are Very Very nice indeed! Thanks for the clarification as to why the points have the build up on them..makes perfect sense than fluff the expensive cloth and render the cloth all tatty. Thanks for showing! Kind regards Paul
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