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    Everything posted by fitzceraldo

    1. 19.09.1941 – 31.12.1942 „Schiff 10“=Hilfskreuzer Thor 01.01.1943 – 08.06.1943 Motorschiff „Rio Grande“ 09.06.1943 – 22.04.1945 Motorschiff „Bogota“ Since 23.04.1945 Stützpunkt Djakarta Ostasien
    2. He did not made it back to Germany. He died unfortunately october 1945 in the revolts of dutch-india.
    3. Not a usual picture from the Emden crew. Wish you all a merry christmas!
    4. Martin, his Name was Wilhelm (Willi) Schlummer and his rank in that time of the second cruise was since 01.04.1940 Obersteuermann and since 01.01.1942 Leutnant z.S. (Kr.O.). Would be great if you could find out something. Cheers, fitzceraldo
    5. Sorry, unfortunal I don't know any details about this photo.
    6. Thank you, Martin. I would be very interested if you have pictures or informations about the second travel of the Thor, because my granduncle was on board there.
    7. Greetings from Ilmensee 1943 sent by the brother of my grandfather
    8. My granduncle on his wedding day. The group picture I have no information about, only that my granduncle is on it too.
    9. Thanks, yes, I know many details of his career. Sorry, it is in german. Wilhelm Schlummer, geb. 25.10.1913 in Iserlohn Berufssoldat; Diensteintritt in die Reichsmarine: 01.07.1933 01.07.1933 – 01.10.1933 3. Kompanie II. Marineartillerieabteilung, Wilhelmshaven; Rekrut 02.10.1933 – 18.11.1933 2. Minensuchhalbflottille; Matrose 19.11.1933 – 16.12.1933 U-Abwehrschule Kiel; Horchschüler 17.12.1933 – 28.02.1935 2. Minensuchhalbflottille; Matrose an Deck (M115 ?) 01.03.1935 – 02.08.1935 Marineschule Mürwik; Steuermannsschüler 03.08.1935 – 26.09.1935 2. Minensuchhalbflottille; Steuermannsmaat (M89 ?) 27.09.1935 – 26.03.1936 II.Marineunteroffizierslehrabteilung, Wesermünde; UnteroffizierAnwärter- Lehrgang 27.03.1936 – 01.04.1937 U-Begleitschiff „Saar“; Steuermannsmaat 02.04.1937 – 01.10.1937 U-Tender „Weichsel“; Steuermannsmaat 02.10.1937 – 30.06.1939 Kreuzer „Emden“; Steuermannsmaat und stellvertretender Obersteuermann 01.07.1939 – 12.08.1939 2. Marineunteroffizierlehrabteilung, Wesermünde; Oberfeldwebel-Lehrgang 13.08.1939 – 03.12.1939 Schlachtschiff „Scharnhorst“; Steuermannsmaat 04.12.1939 – 12.04.1940 Steuermannsschule Gotenhafen; Obersteuermannslehrgang 13.04.1940 – 18.09.1941 12.Vorpostenflottille; Kommandant auf Vorpostenboot (vermutlich Schiff 1212 "L. Ruyl") 19.09.1941 – 31.12.1942 „Schiff 10“ HK Thor 01.01.1943 – 08.06.1943 Motorschiff „Rio Grande“ 09.06.1943 – 22.04.1945 Motorschiff „Bogota“ ab 23.04.1945 Stützpunkt Djakarta Ostasien Beförderungen: 01.10.1934 überzähliger Obermatrose 01.07.1935 planmäßiger Obermatrose 01.10.1935 Stabsmatrose 01.04.1936 Steuermannsmaat 01.04.1938 Obersteuermannsmaat 01.04.1940 Obersteuermann 01.01.1942 Leutnant z.S. (Kr.O.) 01.01.1943 Oberleutnant z.S. (Kr.O.) Orden und Ehrenzeichen: 01.07.1937 Dienstauszeichnung IV. Klasse 18.11.1938 Königlich Bulgarische Silberne Verdienstmedaille ohne Krone 04.12.1940 Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch-, U-Bootsjagd- und Sicherungsverbände 17.01.1941 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse Willi Schlummer soll am 12.10.1945 von aufständischen Indonesiern erschossen worden sein. Das Grab befindet sich auf dem deutschen Soldatenfriedhof Arca Domas / Indonesien. His Wedding pictures:
    10. I would like to share this picture of the "Emden" with you. It says "In memory of the 9th foreign travel. Christmas 1938" Signed: Opalka Ob.Ltn.z.S.u.Diff.Offz.
    11. I tried to read and translate the text for you. The posting is old, so I don't know if you found out more since now. I read: O.U.(short for "ohne Ortsunterkunft"), den 11.7.1944 Zur Erinnerung an meine schöne Zeit bei der "Ha.S.Flo." vom 01-12-42 bis Pfingsten 44. Herzliche Grüße dein Sohn Erich On the left corner: Erhalten am 23. Juli 44. A.?. Translation: Without place (it was forbidden to tell the place of the location in letters home), the 11-07-1944 In rememberence of my nice time at the "Ha.S.Flo." from 01-12-1942 to pentecost 44. Best greetings, your son Erich. Left corner: Received on 23. July 44. A.?.
    12. Here are some pictures of the "Äquator-Taufe" crossing the line ceremony on "Emden" 18-12-1937
    13. I have the book from Tischer about HK Thor and I am very interested in your collections and informations about the second travel of Thor. My granduncle was on board. I found him mentioned in the book of Tischer on one photo there. His name was Wilhelm "Willi" Schlummer. So if you can give me some new informations or perhaps can show me documents or photos with my granduncle I would be very happy.
    14. Hello, I just found this forum during my search for informations about the second travel of the german Hilfskreuzer Thor or "ship 10". Thank you for accepting my request. I am interested in Thor and some others marine items. It is a part of my search for family roots. The brother of my grandpa was serving in the marine. I hope to find some new informations here. This was my grand uncle, Wilhelm Schlummer.
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