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    Martin W

    Old Contemptible
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    About Martin W

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      Hilfskreuzer awards,docuuments and photographs,especially the HK's THOR and MICHEL.

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    1. It's good to see this thread still going. I do not post anymore because i do not collect anymore and i have not purchased anything new in a long time. Still nice to see the new images though. Cheers,Martin.
    2. It's a good but well worn tombak Schwerin. The condition is not that great but it is original. Cheers,Martin.
    3. Thank you Justin and you are welcome. I can't remember if i posted this one but it is a recently aquired photo of some STIER crewmen taken in Bordeaux. Cheers,Martin. Justin, your collection of Wappen is outstanding. Cheers,Martin.
    4. Ludolf Petersen served on the Hamburg-America freighter "Kiel",which broke the British blockade in 1939. He went on to serve as a prize officer on the "Lutzow" and "Admiral Scheer". He then served as a prize officer on the Hilfskreuzer "Pinguin",and made it back to Bordeaux where he bacame the 1st officer on the "Stier". Hence his awards. I have a bunch of documents and photographs of crewmen from the "Stier". Cheers,Martin.
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