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    Everything posted by Belaruski

    1. Ok, here's a riddle! Which dead Bolshevik smashed through the Mannerheim Line?
    2. (((with 'Yuri' I was thinking of the KGB man Nosenko who was pushed down a laundry chute when he defected)))
    3. Actually, I think It's Viktor Belenko. 1. Snr Lieutenant Belenko 2. Deputy commander of squadron and pilot with the 513th Fighter Regiment of the Soviet Anti-Air Defense based in Chuguyevka, Primorsky Krai. 3. Flew to Japan to defect (to the USA) ((East looking West?!)) 4. He almost hit an airliner when landing, and nearly crashed into a radar dish. With only 30 seconds of fuel left. Then he was interrogated for 5 months. 5. He flew a MIG25 foxbat that the Japanese and US dismantled and sent back to the USSR in 30 crates (shipping costs to new friends). The cost to the USSR was that they had to cancel production of 2 aircraft carriers to replace all Soviet aircraft's target ID systems.
    4. $68 to the UK!! I paid less to ship a diving helmet.
    5. These 2 pictures are from the Albanian magazine 'serving the people', which I got from our friend 'Albania' above! Have a look at his ebay store, or contact him for other Albanian books and magazines. I would really love an Albanian tunic from the 50's but I think that's never going to happen!
    6. Have a look at the shipping price on this!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/Soviet-Tinnie-for-the-...1QQcmdZViewItem Nice little badge, but...
    7. Albanian Army, Navy, and (I think) security service uniforms. circa 1975
    8. Sorry Noor! I didn't mean to sound negative about your Order! It's one I still don't have, and is a great find. I think if I'm honest I prefer battered and worn, to mint items!
    9. Interesting! I think I prefer damaged enamel to repaired. Although, I have seen some stunning repair jobs that are undetectable!
    10. ..Oh, and as for 'tradition' here is a Belarusian military academy graduate badge!
    11. It was from ebay, and it wasn't too cheap! It's actually numbered on the reverse too. I think it was around $30-40 ish, from Poland.
    12. I'ne never seen one of these before, so I though I'd share it. This is how the 1995 victory anniversary medal came out of the mint, in these custom shaped sealed plastic pouches.
    13. I have seen a medal I'd like from Ziege, does anyone understand how to bid, and how to pay etc? (Or does anyone else have an Albanian borderguard medal for sale!?)
    14. Correct answer! The border troops moved forward as the Red Army did. See the Wikipedia entry for Soviet border troops and you'll see some of my contributions as to who served where! The Border troops were very loyal handpicked soldiers, and as such were attached to all Soviet fronts. As the war moved West so did the NKVD border troops.
    15. Sorry! I've been at work.. Right, question: Who was the head of the NKVD Frontier Troops in 1941?
    16. That's Igor Kurchatov. He's famous for having the most impressive beard in the world at the time. Oh, he also was the head of the Soviet atomic bomb project. I'm not sure what was special about his medals, but he won 3 heroes of Soviet labour titles as well as 5 Lenin's, plus 2 red banners of labour. Also won a silver Jolio Curie medal for peace despite making weapons..
    17. No idea, but don't forget that if we wanted to make a profit we wouldn't fake this! Wait and see if anyone has any other ideas.
    18. Interesting book! I know a lot of Finns were allowed to change sides, but for this Estonian it would be the circumstances of German service, and leaving that would decide his fate. (Such as if he joined the Germans, then stole weapons and went to the partisans etc.)
    19. This group turned out to be 'put together', which is a shame as the wear and tear makes it look very convincing.. ((Sorry for the poor quality picture))
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