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    Everything posted by ErWeSa

    1. Sorry for the late answer - I am none of the digital natives - more one of the ditigtal naives. Interesting - what is the colour of the collar? Looks black on my screen. The trousers with the red piping don't seem to fit in. The sidecap/Schiffchen looks promising. Unfortunately the eagle has been removed.
    2. First of all I'd like to state that I am no uniform-specialist. But as nobody has responded so far and as "Any help is all help:-)" let me say this: The red is perhaps faded carmine for vets. The buttons seem to be Weimar-era buttons with the Weimar eagle and the year 19.. - I can't read the last two numbers - should be something between 18 and 33 as the Weimar Republic existed only from 1918 - 1933. Hopefully it is not the very similar Bundesadler of the BRD (FRG). The fabric of the tunic is a garberdine weave which is unusual for WWII. Mostly these were made from Trikot weave. But, as I said, I am no uniform specialist.
    3. Thank you Bayern! Ivory and ebony...
    4. Hello again, this seems to be an Austro-Hungarian patriotic stickpin for a cap (worn on the left side), such as these: https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=lot&sid=346&lot=2874 https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=lot&sid=346&lot=2922
    5. Hello Linasl, the resolution of the photos is not too good - I can't say whether the shell was repainted. The shell itself looks original (you could do a research on the RL number (which I can't read either) to find out which firm made the helmet. The next problem I have are the rivets - they look shiny in the pics (what they shouldn't be). So it could be that an original shell was repainted and refurbished with a new interior but without better photos I can't tell. There are many originals here: http://www.warrelics.eu/google.php?cx=partner-pub-8434277705306939%3Amw1zup-hyt0&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=gladiator+helmet&sa.x=0&sa.y=0&siteurl=www.warrelics.eu%2Fforum%2Fcloth-headgear%2F&ref=www.warrelics.eu%2Fforum%2F%3Fs%3Db8d48a80dc11e029d8573104fd371a7a&ss=2845j616817j16
    6. IMHO Wittrin was the painter, in the 1921 Berlin addressbook there are 3 Wittrichs that are painters/artists = "Maler" (they don't distinguish there): Albert, H., and Otto and none that is Lt.:
    7. Hello, this seems to be the old Reichswehr Feldmütze (did he serve in the old army already?) which was also worn later on - here the leather chinstrap was added and the new cockade. There is some info on these caps here: http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/weimar-soft-headgear/reichswehr-caps-1919-1934-a-137317/ (post # 95, p. 10) Why he would wear this in 1939 I don't know - perhaps just for being photographed with the newly awarded EK?
    8. Hello Nack, Peküro did indeed use this method of attaching sweatbands - zigzag-stiching the leather to a strip of velvet which was then sewn into the cap. Yet Peküro always used black velvet. The only cap producer that often also used brown material which comes to my mind is BaMüFa (Bayerische Mützenfabrik - Bavarian cap factory). See here:
    9. Gentlemen, should you already have this information, please ignore my post. Goerings Uniform (cap, tunics, badges etc.) his Reichsmarschallstab and the Interimsstab are described in UM (Uniformen-Markt 17/1940 (together with the other GFMarschallstäbe). It says: Interimsstab des Reichsmarschalls. Aus Elfenbein gefertigt, mit goldenen Beschlägen und schwarz-weiß-roter Schnur mit Quaste. Länge etwa 85 cm. Verzierungen auf dem Beschlag: Hoheitszeichen aus Platin, EK. und Hoheitszeichen der Luftwaffe. Rough translation (hopefully accurate enough - I don't know how to translate the technical terms correctly): Interimsstab of the Reichsmarschall. Made of ebony with golden fittings and black-white-red cord with a tassel. Length about 85 cm. Ornaments on the fittings: National emblem made of platinum, I(ron) C(ross). and National emblem of the air force.
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