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    David M

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    Everything posted by David M

    1. I tried myself looking for Kammerherren in Darmstadt at HADIS, but did not find anything which could be related to the bar....so that leaves the Court and State books
    2. Then check the name of the family at www.hadis.hessen.de and mayb you find a Kammerherr with that name
    3. Hi gents! I am looking for the Priesdorff data of Generalmajor von Bursky, commanding the 11th Infanterie-Brigade (at Breslau??) 1850. Generalmajor von Wussow (1850) Generalmajor von Forstner Generallieutenant Peucker Would their be a picture to? Thanks so much David
    4. I bet when you contact the Staatsarchiv in Darmstadt, they would be able to trace your man through the Staatshandb?cher. Could you post a close-up of that middle medal, I would love to examine it more closely!! Thanks David
    5. Hi Joe I am thinking about preparing a page on the territorial change after 1800: adding the Principality of Fritzlar 1803 Principality of Isenburg 1815 Grandduchy of Fulda 1816 I would like to combine this with discussing the development of the kurhessian Staatswappen and the titles of the Kurf?rst. David
    6. I would really value Rick Research's opinion to. Tried to pm you Rick, no luck though. Hope to hear from you (and anyone else to!!) David
    7. Hi David! Thanks for your reply! Thanks again David
    8. Some of you may have noticed my new website: www.virtute-et-fidelitate.net It is about Orders and decorations of Kurhessen. This country ceased to exist after the 7 weeks war of 1866. Although not regularly seen on medalbars nowadays, I still think such references are not at all a waist of time and money. They do add e.g.: biographical data. are of iconographical worth, as it is possible to date and identify portraits. Do or don't you agree with this and why do you think I should keep going/not bother at all What about the way I am presenting my information up to now (excell-sheets and html) About the lack of pictures, I am working on it hope to hear from you Best regards David
    9. Hi Dave Thanks that's great....I seem to remember a book I once saw at zvab.com (should have bought it...I know) which was about I think hamburgian militairy history and included the era 1815<. Maybe I'll contact the archives in Hamburg to see what they know. David
    10. Hi! I am looking for something on the history of the hanseatic cities militairy (basically pre 1866). Most I find is 1871<....Would there be an overview (maybe of just one of the cities) of the complete militairy history? I am mostly interested in the after 1815- and pre 1866 era. Did have a look around on the internet, but could not find anything Thanks so much
    11. I could ofcourse wait for the real experts to reply...but could the first thingie on the medalbar be a small-version of the grandcross he is wearing. ...or is it better for me to just shut up.... Nice picture btw!! David
    12. Hi Mike, Thanks for the reply on that, I was a bit puzzled, but have it figured out now! David
    13. Hi Rick! Great photo! Just one question: why is he wearing his medals on the right side of the chest, is this the usual way to wear them at an ulanka (if I remember the name of such uniforms correctly....) David
    14. Hi, Although I realise this is not really imperial-time (actually it is)....but I am looking for mentions of the orders and decorations from Isenburg in the Hessenthal-book. As I hope, there would be at least a Order Pour mes Amis and the 1814-1815 Medal. Please PM me , so we won't have to make the forum dirty with scans from another era Thanks a lot David
    15. Thanks SPM, would you know if it is the same with the book on the red eagle order by Graf Klenau? Thanks David
    16. Could anyone tell me if in: Die Verleihungen des Hausordens der Rautenkrone, des Verdienstordens, des Verdienstordens mit Schwertern (bis 1914) sowie der Damenorden des K?nigreichs Sachsen just the year of the awards are given or the date with day and month? Thanks a lot! David
    17. Titel: De Militaire Willemsorde, 1815-1940 / samengest. in opdracht van het Ministerie van Algemeene Zaken bij gelegenheid van het 125-jarig jubileum van de Militaire Willemsorde door G.C.E. K?ffler Auteur: G.C.E. K?ffler Jaar: 1940 beschikbaarheidsgegevens instellingen 's-Gravenhage, Bibliotheek Koninklijke Landmacht Bibliotheek KL (BKL) Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen Informatie, Bibl. & Doc. (IBD) Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Bibliotheek Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam Universiteitsbibliotheek, Afd. IBL Arnhem, Bibliotheek Arnhem. Arnhem, Koninklijk Tehuis voor Oud-Militairen en Museum Bronbeek Productgroep Museum MPC 43E Breda, Koninklijke Militaire Academie Bibliotheek Delft, Koninklijk Nederlands Leger- en Wapenmuseum Bibliotheek Den Haag, Haagse Defensiebibliotheek Frederikkazerne, 35H/BG, MPC 58A Den Haag, Koninklijk Huisarchief Bibliotheek Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek Documentlevering Den Haag, Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie Den Haag, Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie Alexanderkazerne MPC 58 A Bibliotheek Den Helder, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Marine Bibliotheek Deventer, Stadsarchief en Athenaeumbibliotheek - (Deventer/Enschede) Afdeling IBL Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Leiden, Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde Bibliotheek Leiden, Ministerie van Zaken Overzee(voorm.) p/a Rijksuniversiteit Leiden Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden Uitleen - IBL Rotterdam, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Universiteitsbibliotheek (Documentlevering) Tilburg, Universiteit van Tilburg Universiteitsbibliotheek
    18. That should be in the MWO book I mentioned earlier, to. Maybe some ULB has it in its collection?
    19. Documentation on the Militaire Willems orde is really extensive. Looking him up would not be a difficulty at all. In my local library, I only have tha 1940< though (there are basically 2 volumes, one before and one after WWII)
    20. Hi Wild Card, About the hannoverian and orders: would you have such a state handbook foor Hannover (Send you a PM 2)? Thanks again! David
    21. Hi Bernd! That was the one I hoped to get for my birthday in 2 weeks!!
    22. Well that's a bit what I expected. The prussian REO and the saxons being the onlyones of their kind. I hoped for some more though (including the not only for militairy awards, like the Hannoverian Guelphen or Ernst-August order and stuff like that. But thanks a lot.
    23. Hi! I am looking for pre 1866 awards lists which were published, like the Red-Eagle-Order I and II from 1810-1854 (which I hope to get for my birthday in 2 weeks) and the saxon. Are there any other like that covering the german countries for that periode (basically 1770-1866)? Hope you can inform me! Thanks David
    24. R?sch, Oskar *1889, +1957; 08.14 Gefreiter in der 2. Kompanie des III. Seebataillons; 11.1914 gefangen im Lager Marugame (Gef.-Nr. 2036, Heimatort: Wittemberg/Elbe, Provinz Sachsen), 09.04.1917 im Lager Bando (Heimatanschrift: Wittemberg/Elbe, J?denstr. 32), 12.1919 entlassen; sp?ter Polsterer- und Tapezierermeister www.tsingtau.info David M
    25. Thanks Chris!!
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