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Gentlemen, this is what I have on Erich Rudolf Walter Swantus von Bonin (1878–1970), I would be very thankful for any additions or corrections. Maybe even a picture? Fahnenjunker (1 August 1898) Fähnrich (18 March 1899) Leutnant (27 January 1900) Oberleutnant (18 October 1909) Hauptmann (1 October 1913) Major (16 June 1920) Oberstleutnant (15 February 1923) Oberst (1 February 1928) Generalmajor (1 April 1931) Generalleutnant (1 February 1933) Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class War Merit Cross (Brunswick), 2nd Class (BrK2) Bavarian Military Merit Cross 4th Class with Swords (BM4⚔) Friedrich Order, Knight 1st Class with Swords (WF3a⚔) Oldenburg Friedrich-August-Kreuz, Second and First Class (OK1) Hessian Bravery Medal (Hessische Tapferkeitsmedaille; HT) Order of the Iron Crown (Austria), 3rd Class with the War Decoration (ÖE3K) Military Merit Cross (Austria-Hungary), 3rd Class with the War Decoration (ÖM3K) House Order of Hohenzollern, Knight's Cross with Swords (HOH3⚔) Wound Badge (Verwundetenabzeichen 1918) in Black Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz) Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918 (1934) with Swords
Hans Graf received the Charakter als Hauptmann (after serving with the Freikorps/Grenzschutz Ost?), and was apparently reactivated for WWII. Fahnenjunker (????), 19.7.1913 Fähnrich (before that Unteroffizier), 23.12.1912 Leutnant (Patent; joined 1912 or earlier?) in the 2. Badisches Grenadier-Regiment „Kaiser Wilhelm I.“ Nr. 110, 20.5.1917 Oberleutnant. Wöschler (https://woeschler-orden.de/katalog/archiv/baden-nachlass-des-oberleutnants-hans-graf-mit-ritterkreuz-des-militaerischen-karl) has these decorations: Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion (Orden vom Zähringer Löwen), Knight's Cross II. Class with Swords (BZL3b⚔/BZ3b⚔) on 19 August 1915 Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order, Knight's Cross (BV3) on 3 May 1918 Prussian Royal House Order of Hohenzollern, Knight's Cross with Swords (HOH3⚔) on 23 June 1918 Wound Badge (Verwundetenabzeichen 1918) in Mattweiß (Silver) Can anyone help with correct birth and death date? Wehrmacht service info? Last rank? Kriegsverdienstkreuz (1939), II. Class with Swords (thanks to Daniel Krause). If you have anything at all, please let me know. Thanks!!!
Gentlemen, because of the great help with Uto Gallwitz, I am confident in asking for help once again. Alexander Gustav Wilhelm Leschke, son of Oberst z. D. Wilhelm Maximilian Leschke and brother of Oberst Horst Johann Georg Leschke, is said to have these decorations: Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Wound Badge (1918) in in Black and Silver Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918 Clasp (1939) to the Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Infantry Assault Badge (Bronze or Silver) Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross German Cross in Gold (posthum) ... but, seeing his ribbon bar, he must of had (much) more (maybe the Saxon Military St. Henry Order, Knight’s Cross, as I read once, but do not remember where?). Can anyone help? About the silver wound badge, maybe black from WWI and silver from WWII? Any information about him would be great, maybe also promotion dates. Wife? Children? Thanks so much!
Thank you, gentlemen! So now we have for Uto August Edgar Meinrad Rüdiger Gallwitz: Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Wound Badge (Verwundetenabzeichen 1918) in Black Silesian Eagle Order (Schlesischer Adler-Orden), II. and I. Stufe Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918 with Swords Wehrmacht Long Service Award (Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung), 4th to 1st Class ... surely 1st Class, his RDA as Leutnant was set with Rank Seniority from 19 July 1914, in the Reichswehr he received a new Rank Seniority (RDA) from 1 April 1914. Hungarian World War Commemorative Medal (Ungarische Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Medaille) with Swords Austrian War Commemorative Medal (Österreichische Kriegserinnerungsmedaille) with Swords Anschluss Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938) Sudetenland Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938) War Merit Cross, 2nd and 1st Class with Swords Order of the Crown of Italy, Commander's Cross (neck order) Dr.-Fritz-Todt-Preis in Gold on 8 February 1944 (posthumously)
Imperial 1914-1918 Gallwitz, Max von
Deutschritter replied to Dave Danner's topic in Germany: All Eras: Signature Database
Please see here ... -
This is my preliminary list, any additions (especially for WWI) and corrections as always very welcome: 13.8.1870 Fahnenjunker (Officer Candidate) 9.3.1871 Portepée-Fähnrich (Officer Cadet) 9.3.1872 Sekonde-Lieutenant (2nd Lieutenant) 3.3.1881 Premier-Lieutenant (1st Lieutenant) 15.10.1885 Hauptmann (Captain) 23.5.1890 Major 12.9.1896 Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) 25.3.1899 Oberst (Colonel) 18.10.1902 Generalmajor 16.10.1906 Generalleutnant 4.4.1911 General der Artillerie War Commemorative Medal of 1870-1871 (Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71) Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz) Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 3rd Class Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille) Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Commander (Komtur) II. Class (SA2b) Württemberg Order of the Crown (Ehrenkreuz des Ordens der Württembergischen Krone), Honour Cross (WK2c) Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Commander 2nd Class (BZ2b), 1902 Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Commander (Komtur) I. Class (SA2a) Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves Bavarian Military Merit Order, Commander 2nd Class (BMV2b) ... as of Rangliste 1906 declared as 2nd class (BMV2) Friedrichs-Orden, Commander's Cross (Kommenturkreuz), 1st Class (WF2a) Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class with Star Order of Philip the Magnanimous (Verdienstordens Philipps des Großmüthigen), Commander 1st Class (HP2a) Mecklenburg Order of the Griffon (Großherzoglich Mecklenburgischer Greifenorden), Grand Commander's Cross (MGrO2a/MG2a) 1906 Silver Wedding Commemorative Badge (Erinnerungszeichen zur Silbernen Hochzeit 1906) Crown to his Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves Star to his Bavarian Military Merit Order, 2nd class (BMV2mSt) Star to his Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and the Crown Prussian Order of the Crown, 1st Class Albrechts-Orden of Saxony, Grand Cross (SA1) Bavarian Military Merit Order, 1st class (BMV1) Friedrichs-Orden, Grand Cross (WF1) Red Eagle Order, 1st Class with Oak Leaves Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Knight of the Military Order of St. Henry, Commander 2nd Class (SH2b) ... DATE??? Pour le Mérite with Oak Leaves ... Pour le Mérite on 24 July 1915 ... Oak Leaves on 28 September 1915 Saxe-Ernestine House Order (Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden), Grand Cross with Swords (HSEH1⚔/HSH1⚔) on 13 September 1915 Order of Berthold the First (Großherzoglich-Badischer Orden Berthold des Ersten), Grand Cross with Swords (BBI1⚔) on 20 June 1917 Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle Order of the Black Eagle on 23 December 1917 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer Honours On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Kaiser Wilhelm II's reign, Gallwitz was raised to hereditary Prussian nobility on 16 June 1913. Honorary citizenship of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau (Grand Duchy of Baden), 1915 Honorary doctorate (Dr. phil. h. c.) of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität zu Freiburg on 30 November 1915 Kaiser Wilhelm II also ordered in 1918 that one of the eight defense towers of the old Marienburg Castle of the Teutonic Order be named after the general. Gallwitzstraße in the hero district (Heldenviertel) of Freiburg Gallwitzallee in Steglitz-Zehlendorf (Berlin) Barracks in Aachen, Bonn, Freiburg and Hildesheim were named after Max von Gallwitz.
Gentlemen, I am putting the decorations for Max von Gallwitz together. I would have liked to start with the Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71, I was pretty sure he took part (although no other war decorations) with the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr. 9 (Corps-Artillerie), but then I looked at the Deutscher Ordens-Almanach (1908), p. 426, and there no D70/71. Then I find this picture, although of poor quality, and it seems he is wearing the Kriegsdenkmünze with three or four battle clasps. Can anyone help out? Maybe someone has a good picture of him with ribbon bar? Thank you!
Thanks for the additions by Dave Danner: Frederickscross of Anhalt (Friedrich-Kreuz) in July 1915 Order of Albert the Bear, Grand Cross with Swords (AAB1⚔/AB1⚔) in July 1915 Lübeck Hanseatic Cross (Lübeckisches Hanseatenkreuz; LüH) on 11 December 1915 Bremen Hanseatic Cross (Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz; BH) on 25 January 1916 Grand Cross of the Saxon Albert Order (Albrechts-Orden) with the Golden Star with Swords (SA1mgSt⚔) on 28 October 1916 Grand Cross of the Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Order of Leopold with War Decoration or Kriegsdekoration (ÖL1.KD) Knight of the Austrian-Hungarian Order of the Iron Crown, 1st Class with War Decoration or Kriegsdekoration (ÖEK1.KD)
Here is von Ilsemann (right) during the burial of Kaiser Wilhelm II on 9 June 1941. What is the small decoration to the left of his EK I (maybe the Erinnerungszeichen zum 80. Geburtstag Kaiser Wilhelms II.)? And the neck order is the Königlicher Hausorden von Hohenzollern Kreuz der Komture mit Schwertern? Thanks!
Thank you very much, Daniel! Maybe you could help me out with other decorations (by the way, which star is he wearing on this picture from 1924? Sorry about the quality.), here is what I have put together, any additions, corrections or exact dates would be great: 19.7.1870 Fahnenjunker (Officer Candidate) 9.3.1871 Portepée-Fähnrich (Officer Cadet) 9.3.1872 Sekondeleutnant (2nd Lieutenant) 22.3.1881 Premierleutnant (1st Lieutenant) 22.3.1887 Hauptmann (Captain) 31.5.1892 Major 17.12.1898 Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) 18.4.1901 Oberst (Colonel) 27.1.1905 Generalmajor 27.1.1908 Generalleutnant 13.9.1912 General der Artillerie Order of Albert the Bear, Knight 2nd Class with Swords (AAB3b⚔/AB3b⚔) War Commemorative Medal of 1870-1871 (Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71; KD70/71) Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz) Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion (Orden vom Zähringer Löwen), Knight's Cross I. Class (BZL3a/BZ3a) Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille) Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 3rd Class Crown to his Red Eagle Order, 4th Class (as of Rangliste 1900) Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow Order of Philip the Magnanimous (Verdienstordens Philipps des Großmüthigen), Cross of Honour (HP3) Commander's Cross of the Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (JM3) Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves Order of Philip the Magnanimous (Verdienstordens Philipps des Großmüthigen), Commander 1st Class (HP2a) Star to his Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class Star to his Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves Prussian Order of the Crown, 1st Class Red Eagle Order, 1st Class with Oak Leaves Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Pour le Mérite (military) with Oak Leaves ... Pour le Mérite on 3 September 1915 ... Oak Leaves on 1 June 1917 Honours On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Kaiser Wilhelm II's reign, Scholtz was raised to the hereditary Prussian nobility on 16 June 1913. Honorary doctorate (Dr. phil. h. c.) of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena on 29 July 1918 The von Scholtz-Kaserne in Belgard, Pommern (Körliner Straße) was named after him The former Scholtz barracks (Scholtz-Kaserne) in Neumünster (Schleswig-Holstein) were named after him: ... Wehrmacht (1937–1945) ... Bundeswehr (1957–1997)
heer Leyen, Ludwig von der
Deutschritter replied to Dave Danner's topic in Germany: All Eras: Signature Database
Thank you! -
This is what I have for Generalmajor z. D. Franz Ludwig Wilhelm Mueller ... can anyone add (exact) dates and more decorations (at least one more neck order?) ...? 1868 Fahnenjunker (Officer candidate) 1870 Sekondeleutnant (2nd Lieutenant) 1878 Premierleutnant (1st Lieutenant) 11 February 1886 zum Hauptmann July 1894 Major 20 November 1900 Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) 22 March 1903 Oberst (Colonel) 14 April 1907 Charakter als Generalmajor Iron Cross (1870), 2nd and 1st Class Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71 with four battle clasps Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz) Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class Anniversary Oak Leaves "25" 1870/1895 to his Iron Cross (1870), 2nd Class Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille) Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 3rd Class with Swords Württemberg Order of the Crown (Ehrenkreuz des Ordens der Württembergischen Krone), Honour Cross with Swords (WK2c⚔) Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow and Swords ...Shortly afterwards received the Crown to his Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow and Swords (decoration in gold) Prussian Order of the Crown, 2nd Class with Swords on Ring Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and Swords on Ring in February 1908 Colonial Medal (Kolonial-Denkmünze) with four clasps
Do I have everything right on Bernhard Wilhelm Eugen Jesko von Puttkamer? Corrections welcome. Thanks! Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille) Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 4th Class with Swords Cross for Distinction in War (Mecklenburg-Strelitzisches Verdienstkreuz für Auszeichnung im Kriege; MStMV) as of Rangliste 1905 Red Eagle Order (Roter Adlerorden), 4th Class with Swords Mecklenburg Greifen-Orden, Knight's Cross (MGrO3/MG3) Friedrichs-Orden, Knight's Cross 2nd Class (WF3b) Colonial Medal (Kolonial-Denkmünze) mit den Spangen (with the clasps) "Kamerun 1904", "Kamerun 1905/07" and "Kamerun 1908/09" Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz) Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class Hanseatic Cross of Hamburg (Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz; HH) Lübeck Hanseatic Cross (Lübeckisches Hanseatenkreuz; LübH/LüH) Mecklenburg-Schwerinisches Militärverdienstkreuz, 2nd and 1st Class (MK1) Cross for Distinction in War, 1st Class (StK1) ... his MStMV was declared 2nd Class after the introduction of the first class in January 1915 House Order of Hohenzollern, Knight's Cross with Swords (HOH3⚔) ... 1918 also submitted to the "Pour le Mérite" ,but no longer awarded due to the end of the war Wound Badge (Verwundetenabzeichen 1918) in Black Johanniter Order, Knight of Honor (Ehrenritter) Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer War Merit Cross (1939), 2nd and 1st Class with Swords