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Dear Gentlemen, The "Monument to Commemorate the Visit of His Imperial Highness Crown Prince of Russia Nicolas II" : and near by, 2mm walk : Shimazu Hisamitsu - Wikipedia and his son the last lord of Satsuma : Shimazu Tadayoshi (2nd) - Wikipedia - note : photos taken this morning! For the Shimazu clan - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one Dear Gentlemen, I just picked up this anecdote: "Nicholas left Nagasaki by boat and decided to pay a quick visit to Kagoshima. Odd rumors had started to spread that Nicholas somehow had returned to give back Saigo Takamori, who’d famously led the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877 but had reportedly killed himself. Hopeful Takamori devotees wanted to believe that instead of suicide Takamori “took refuge in the vast Russian expanses.” Untrue of course, Nicholas was still able to satisfy his desire to learn from the old samurai culture. At least 170 samurai greeted Nicholas dressed in full body armor. One samurai, Shimazu Tadayoshi, showed Nicholas how to fire an arrow while on a galloping horse. All of this, reported in the news, would have only inflamed Sanzo, who believed Nicholas should have started his trip respectfully by bowing before the emperor in Tokyo." Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, There is this one for sell for US $499.00 + Shipping: US $12.50 China Republic Chinese medal "Visit Japan Commemorative Medal" 1941 | eBay Yours sincerely, No one
Dear JapanX, I appreciate your correction. Thank you. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear JapanX, Thank you very much, I didn't know. Here is what I found : 黻 : - Embroidery using black and blue thread (archaic). - An embroidered figure resembling 亞 or two back-to-back 弓 characters, which represents two animals with their backsides together and is a symbol for knowing right from wrong; one of the Twelve Ornaments. Sinographs are fascinating, aren't they? Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Japan, I know the name is "Fù Shìyuè". Zhejiang being the name of the province. It's in the link I provided : 傅式説 - Wikipedia : I should have written "Presented by Fu, chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Government". My apologies for this unforgivable oversight. I left out the first sinograph (Hanzi), indeed "Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum": Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Part II : - insignia of the Signals Section of the 13th DBLE : (Section Transmissions / ST) - 13th DBLE Signals Section Boussemart 2009 : - insignia of the Maintenance Company of the 13th DBLE : (Compagnie de Maintenance) - 13th DBLE Maintenance Company Boussemart 2011 #164 : - 13th DBLE Maintenance Company Pakistani Curiosity : - les brevets : - Sanitary Auxiliary type I Drago Paris : (Auxiliaire Sanitaire / Auxan) - Sanitary Auxiliary type II J.Balme Saumur #074 : - Reconnaissance Swimmers of the 2nd section of the 3rd Company L.R. Paris : (Nageurs de Reconnaissance de la 2e section de la 3e Cie) - 13th DBLE Commando Training Center (Combat in 2008) of Arta Beach : (Centre d’Entraînement Commando (Combat en 2008) d’Arta-Plage CECAP homologation GS 51) Combat Training Center at Arta Beach - Wikipedia - 13th DBLE CECAP Commando Training Drago Paris : - 13th DBLE CECAP Commando Hardening Drago Noisiel Marne la Vallée : - 13th DBLE CECAP Combat Hardening Arthus-Bertrand Paris : - keepsake badges : - non-commissioned officers, Camerone 1995 Arthus-Bertrand Paris #076 : - non-commissioned officers, Camerone 1995 Arthus-Bertrand Paris #1?3 : - Caporaux-chefs et brigadiers-chefs Boussmart 2011 : - 13th DBLE Amicale miniature screw : and there is an "Insigne de la dissolution de la 13ème DBLE en terre djiboutienne (Boussemart 2010 argent)" "Insignia of the dissolution of the 13th DBLE in Djiboutian territory (silver)" 13e DBLE Croix de l'Ordre de la Libération : End of part II. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the badges of the 13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion 1962~2011 (13e Demi-Brigade de Légion Étrangère or 13e DBLE) while garrisoned in Djibouti. Historic here : 13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion - Wikipedia First the two "fourragères", one at the ruban colors of the Croix de la Libération and the other one at the ruban colors of the Médaille Militaire avec olive aux couleurs des rubans de la Médaille Militaire et de la Croix de Guerre 1939-1945 et olive aux couleurs de la Croix de Guerre Théâtre des Opérations Extérieures. - beret badges of the 13th DBLE (homologation G 3840 / 1991) : - 13th DBLE golden beret badge (foot units) Coinderoux : - 13th DBLE silver beret badge (mounted units) Boussemart: - the regimental insignia of the 13th DBLE (homologation H119 / 1945) - 13th DBLE regimental badge Drago Paris: - 13th DBLE regimental badge Drago Paris More Majorum : - 13th DBLE regimental badge Y. Boussemart 2001 : - 13th DBLE regimental badge Boussemart 2010 silver finish : - insignia of the Command, Administration and Services Company of the 13th DBLE : ( Compagnie de Commandement, d'Administration et des Services / CCAS garrisoned at Gabode 1962~1985) - 13th DBLE Company of Command, Administration and Services type I A-B Paris (Arthus-Bertand) : - 13th DBLE Company of Command, Administration and Services type II A-B Paris (Arthus-Bertand) : - 13th DBLE Company of Command, Administration and Services type II Drago Paris R83 (restrike 1983) : - 13th DBLE Company of Command, Administration and Services type I Noël 87 Segalen : (strange because in 1985 the CCAS was replaced by the CCS / Compagnie de Commandement et des Services) - insignia of the Command and Services Company of the 13th DBLE : ( Compagnie de Commandement et des Services / CCS 1985~2011) - 13th DBLE Company of Command and Services J.Balme Saumur : 13th DBLE Command and Services Company pin : - insignia of the 1st Company of the 13th DBLE : (garrisoned at Dikhil 7/7 = 7 jours sur 7= 7 days a week) - 13e DBLE 1e Compagnie L.R. Paris #124 : (the letters LR are the maiden initials of the mother of the company founder, Jean Lemaire, born Léonie de Ruffieu) - 13e DBLE 1e Compagnie L.R. Paris #AX : - 13e DBLE 1e Compagnie Drago Paris R 83 : - insignia of the 2nd Works Company of the 13th DBLE : (2e Compagnie de Travaux / CT garrisoned at Gabode) - 13th DBLE 2nd Works Company GF FIA Lyon : (GF ? / FIA = Fabrique Industrielle Augis.) - 13th DBLE 2nd Works Company Drago Paris R83 : - 13th DBLE 2nd Support and Works Company FIA #061: (2e CT became 2e Compagnie d'Appuis et de Travaux / 2e CAT in 199?) - insignia of the 3rd Company of the 13th DBLE : (garrisoned at Ali Sabieh) - 13th DBLE 3rd Company type I AB #359 : - 13th DBLE 3rd Company type I Drago Paris R83 : - 13th DBLE 3rd Company type II Y. Delsart 89100 Sens : - insignia of the 4th Company of the 13th DBLE : (garrisoned at Holl-Holl) - 13th DBLE 4th Company type I L.R. Paris : - 13th DBLE 4th Company type II Drago Paris : - 13th DBLE 4th Company Command Section Drago Paris R84 : (Section de Commandement / S.Cdt) - insignia of the Reconnaissance Squadron of the 13th DBLE : (Escadron de Reconnaissance / ER garrisoned at Oueah) - 13th DBLE Reconnaissance Squadron type I silver Drago Paris : (not to be confused with the regimental badge Boussemart 2010 silver finish) - 13th DBLE Reconnaissance Squadron type II L.R. Paris : - 13th DBLE Reconnaissance Squadron type II Drago Paris R82 : - 13th DBLE Reconnaissance Squadron of Oueah Piggery (pigsty) Drago Paris : End of part I. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Concerning the senior citizen of Kumamoto Prefecture. = 99 year old. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Masana Maeda (born in Kagoshima, Satsuma Province, as the son of a domain doctor - April 23, 1850 - August 11, 1921; on the same day of his death he was made a baron) was a Japanese bureaucrat in the Meiji period. He was a central figure in policy planning and implementation of the Meiji government's policy of promoting industry. 前田正名 - Wikipedia "In October 1889, he concurrently served as Director of the Agriculture and Commerce Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and Principal of Tokyo Agriculture and Forestry School , and in 1890 he became Vice Minister of Agriculture and Commerce. He was in conflict with Minister of Agriculture and Commerce Munemitsu Mutsu over the right to lend, and in May of the same year he was appointed as a member of the Senate , and on September 29 of the same year, he was appointed a member of the House of Peers by imperial order. Afterwards, he founded Gonikai, etc.." Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, This is an advertising medal from the pharmaceutical company Hisaya Daikoku (2 chome Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka), specialized in the treatment of hemorrhoids. 痔の基本情報 | 株式会社ヒサヤ大黒堂 | ヒサヤ大黒堂 (hisayadaikokudo.com) ヒサヤ大黒堂| 痔ひと筋の痔疾専門治療薬 | 公式 | ヒサヤ大黒堂 (hisayadaikokudo.com) Nothing to do whatsoever with the Japanese Red-Cross. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, It's a " 文鎮 / bunchin / paperweight": "Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Tsushinbunka Association (Telecommunications)". 通信文化協会 - Wikipedia : "Tsushin Bunka Kyokai was established in May 1908 (Meiji 41) as a telecommunications association by Shimpei Goto, Minister of Communications at the time. In May 1910 (Meiji 43), it was reorganized into the Telecommunications Association Foundation , and in July 1964 (Showa 39), it merged with the Foundation Maejimakai. In April 2012 , it became a public interest incorporated foundation Tsushin Bunka Association due to the reform of the public interest corporation system . Operate the Postal Museum, present the Maejima Hisoka Award, and conduct projects related to the spread and development of communication culture, thereby contributing to the improvement of Japanese letter communication culture and information communication/broadcast culture." Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Lion101, "no clue? surely some have seem this before" Yes, it's a badge of the Japanese Ōbaku Zen sect. Ōbaku - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one PS : if I may : Kanji not Manji
Dear JBFloyd, "Oshima livestock farming union tokuku exhibition": (Oshima / Hokaido - tokuku = calf & colt) Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, - "Commemorating the dispatch of the China Incident, July 1937" Yours sincerely, No one
Dear gentlemen, If I may intervene, this is a medal of the " 馬政局 / Basei Kyoku / Horse Administration", 100% official: "The Basei Kyoku is one of the administrative organs for the purpose of improving and breeding military horses in the Empire of Japan. It was established from 1906 to 1923 and from 1936 to 1945, and was initially an agency equivalent to a ministry. Later, it became the Foreign Bureau of the Ministry of Army and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry . 馬政局 - Wikipedia The medal : "Third prize" "Taisho 2nd year (1913) Horse Administration" Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Hashim.A.Khan, Thank you for the information. Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, If I may, on page 2 the ribbons are with rosettes. I think this is incorrect. The Japanese ribbons don't ave any rosettes or devices, they are just plain. It's either ribbons or rosettes, not both. Your sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Sorry but "reproduction" do exist : REPRODUCTION WW1 16 Inter-Allied Country Victory Medals MINIATURE [VICx16] | eBay Yours sincerely, No one
Dear Gentlemen, Asahi Pentax logo : Asahi Pentax logo Yours sincerely, No one