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    Bill Garvy

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    Everything posted by Bill Garvy

    1. My first two examples; comments welcome. 1068057 obverse: [attachmentid=59204]
    2. Sure looks like a Schinkle, Frank. Any chance to see the reverse and maker mark?
    3. Good eye, Steve, and I concur, a beautiful Steinhauer & L?ck. . .
    4. Another "Gottlieb" with matching envelope of issue. . . [attachmentid=58115]
    5. Nice example, Rick, and in much better condition; these are hard to find! [attachmentid=58112]
    6. As aforementioned, I thought Third Reich as well. I suppose any living survivor of the Franco-Prussian War awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class alive in the late 1930's, early 1940's would have been well into their eighties. Regardless, I think the $64,000 question would be if this cross was manufactured pre-1945. I think it is obviously not an 1870 issue piece. Thank you, gentlemen, for your always erudite comments thus far. . .
    7. I wish to solicit the collective wisdom of our membership. My thoughts are that this cross is of Third Reich period manufacture given the pin, hinge, and clasp configuration. I would enjoy hearing from others. . . obverse: [attachmentid=57350]
    8. Interesting idea, Hank, but what sold me was the lower arm of the "L", big split notwithstanding. . .
    9. Thank you, Mike. I can now see with these extreme close-ups, what I thought was "9" was in reality a deteriorating maker's stamp "8". I guess this means I am still looking for a "900"!
    10. Another view at 4700 d.p.i.! [attachmentid=55771]
    11. Here is a close-up of my 800/900 (?) maker mark. . . [attachmentid=55770]
    12. I examined the maker mark on my "900" cross with a 30x magnifier, and it is indeed strikingly similar to yours, Micha. . .
    13. Here is the "900" that Micha has referenced. I shall obtain a close up of the maker mark, or examine it with a 30x scope to determine if it is a "9" or a truncated "8". . . obverse: reverse: maker mark:
    14. I think it's an "ED", Steve. Here's mine for comparison. The core and frame appear identical to my old, tired eyes. . . obverse: reverse: maker mark:
    15. Thank you, my friend, and yes, this one came from the land where the Iron Crosses grow. I know I paid too much for it, but as you pointed out, this is an extremely rare cross, and on some level price was of no consequence. I'm still looking for an L/15 in 2nd Class. I have only seen one. . .
    16. Here's one you don't see every day, an L13 (Paul Meybauer, Berlin) in 2nd Class. . . obverse: reverse: maker mark:
    17. Another "K.M", received from Micha, and which resembles the second example posted. . . obverse: [attachmentid=54541]
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