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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. And another rare bird-the "103"/August G.Tam,Gablonz.This time in better condition! Micha
    2. One of the hard to find makers,the "56"/Robert Hauschild,Pforzheim Micha
    3. Aaargh! I forgot about that marking!!! And the search goes on......... Micha
    4. This one isn't in the condition I want for my collection.....but they don't grew on trees and the disc is clearly readable so I had to take it.Maybe one nice day a better one will knock at my door.... Micha
    5. This one is new in my collection-the painting of the core is very rough,the quality at all is very low....a typical Victoria DRGM At the reverse of the screw is a nother marking-It looks like a 2 or a 7.......... Micha
    6. No engineering work for this year any more...so I had a closer look what I have in stock and not in my display! So(shame on me) here's my last upgrade -a really nice Meybauer stamped with everything! Strange,I've sold my other one this year and forgot about this one.....Hope you like the pics! Micha
    7. This one dropped in today-a private purchased iron Ludwig! This kind of screw I know also from woundbadges and Deumer EK1. Micha
    8. This one dropped in today-the maker was for sure K.M.S.T-look at the safety catch! The helmet is polished,the pin stamped with "800".My first WB,by the way... Micha
    9. That's a very interesting one! Far away from being common-the 1st class variation you can get every month,but this one is harder to find.The stamping is a bit strange,but it could be a kind of "marketing"? 800 silver would sell better than silveres brass.......all in all a piece that would fit in every ones EK collecting! Micha
    10. Shame on me-the 3rd Reich imperial EKs are the only one I don't collect......it could be because my mentor never did! So the only thing I can say -yes,it's a good one(from my limited knowledge of these) ! Micha
    11. I don't think this is a fake or a "patchwork" EK! Please remember that Godet and Meybauer have used the same core-and I belive they didn't made them by them self! But first-please make a good pic from the obverse! Micha
    12. Danny, that's a rare bird-hard to get if you are really looking for one! Full score Micha
    13. Hi Geoff, I hate to be the bringer of bad news-but the your EK is a textbook Floch! Please compare the cores!Sorry! Micha
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