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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. A while ago my wife bought me this one-I don't have a problem with the hanseatic cross,but what about the case? It fits perfect to the cross,even the convex ends of the crossarms are matching perfectly.Could this one be a private purchased case? Micha
    2. Nice H.B.G-I had a few of them,but I didn't find any variations.The core details depends on how many paint the hat put on the core.This maker is still one of my favourites! Micha
    3. Someone told me that collecting things in cases could be very addictive.....especially when it comes to imperial medals and orders.As long as it's dead quite at the EK front I couldn't pass on this one.Crown order 4th class with the original case-unfortunately no ribbon.The case is a little twisted(same problem we have with the brown EK cases),The crown order is unmarked.But the best thing-there was a nice cardbox with it! Very dangerous.......... Micha
    4. This is one of the most dangerous fakes on the market! And the worst thing-there's a positive COA from DN,too! To get back on this EK,it's miles away from being a real "Fritz Zimmermann"! Micha
    5. Beautyful EK,Joel! I'm shure that I've got both core variations in my collection-And who knows how many undiscovered ones are out there.......I haven't been hunting the 2nd class for a while,but after looking at this beauty I look out for them again! Micha
    6. Rich, the first one you've shown above looks really like a TR made piece-the obverse and especially the thick rimming of the frame... I haven't seen this variation before,but in this case I vote for TR. The 2nd one has got the most common core of all-I think it's a private purchased piece that could be very good from the war.Post war pieces are often made of non magnetic metals in an obviously different style as the wartime pieces. I've got a lot of EKs with matching cores to your Nr2,flat and convex,some with straight pins,others with a kind of "Meybauer" pin.And not to forget about the screwbacks with the same core-To me they are wartime but private purchsaed! Micha
    7. This one dropped in last week-a nice LS helmet in the style of an M16/M18,made after the war for the Feuerwehr and reissued later in the LS.The "steel" is very thin,the places where the "horns" have been at the combat helmets are closed with a net(seperate pieces).The liner is dirty and smells like 60years cellar,but it's totally complete.The decal is textbook and in very good condition! And the best-it was much cheaper than the usual LS helmets like M35/M40...... Micha
    8. This is my first "86" set,too! Very unique cross! It should be easy to identify-very "strange" frame......another one to go! Micha
    9. When I've done my research on the L/11 screwbacks I found only 5............including the one in my collection!I can't tell the reason why Deumer had stamped their crosses in several ways-and not to forget the "11" marked EKs,wich finally tourned out as Deumers,too!(One of these EKs with the straight pin+L/11 was sold by DN a while ago!!!) I've got two "unboxed" pinback Deumers in my collection-one with flat wire,the other with round wire catch.SoI only need the L/11 straight pin variation....... Micha
    10. Robert, I haven't seen a maker marked 109 before,only the paper bag stamped with this maker.But your 86 sounds interesting-all "86" I've seen so far tourned out as a "98" Souval.Is the cross maker marked? Micha
    11. Well,I have to step back......the unboxed stamp seems to be the normal one-I've done a research in all the internet forums and all L/11 screwbacks have got this kind of stamping.Has someone got one with the boxed stamping? Micha
    12. Like Bills search for the Deschlers this was my personal hunt......a "Deumer" screwback! So easy it is to find a L/11 pinback,so difficult is it if you want to get one of these! When I was told that I would get this one I thought my luck would be hard to top-I was wrong,it's the much harder to find variation without the box around the stamp! Another hole in my collection is filled...but now I'm looking for the other stamp variation-and...is there a screwback with the blob somewhere? It's dangerous,very dangerous to collect eKs! Micha
    13. The first one is definitely a fake.Bills L/15 is one of the rarest you can get-I haven't seen many of them the last few years! Micha
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