Good evening from Riyadh, As far as I am aware both from viewing regulations and day to day observance of the Saudi military in uniform the only medals specific to any particular service are the Air Falcon, Naval Forces and Military Appreciation medals to the Air Force, Navy, and Army (inc. National Guard). All other Saudi awards are open to one and all. As a general observation obtaining Saudi awards in Kingdom is nigh impossible - in almost 18 years I have come across next to nothing available in the local souks - even the unofficial military tailors do not supply. (Ditto Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar & UAE. ) Two key issues here - the first being the relative newness of the award series and thus most recipients are still serving so no need for descendants to sell and secondly security issues. Secondly until the bombings in 2004 militaria was freely available at the numerous military outfitters but subsequently it has become extremely difficult to obtain anything. Indeed I am still trying to obtain a specimen of the recently instituted Hajj Service Medal which appears to have been widely awarded. On another tack the Centenary Medal illustrated above is the actual issue - the example illustrated in my JOMSA article is, I believe, a rejected UK manufactured proof and I have recently obtained a correct issue. I have been unable to ascertain why some foriegners were awarded this medal and not others - I know of one senior RAF Officer who has the medal, but I also know of a number of attached British service personnel who did not receive it - perhaps being in the right place with the right time at the right time assists! To date all KSA awards have been manufactured out of Kingdom - the senior orders and merit medals mentioned above by Bertrand in Paris and the other medals by Huguenin, Spink and Fattorini and in the case of the Liberation of Kuwait medal various US manufacturers. Interestingly I have obtained a number of reject samples of a local company's attempt to manufacture Saudi medals - they have some way to got to get the business in future. Hope this is of interest, Regards to all, Owain