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    paul wood

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by paul wood

    1. E* Sultans Bravery Medal 1967 Paul
    2. I suggested that given the mark up most jewellers charge, that many of the Parisian ones have done very well making Jewelled mini LdH Paul
    3. Interestingly he has the official silver Jubilee medal as well and is bound to be on the roll for India (I have it if you would like me to check up). The Idar piece is a totally unofficial locally made piece but lovely all the same. Let's put it this way I would kill for a group like that. Paul
    4. Kris, Well done for keeping the original ribbon for the 1914-17 medal, you are one of the good guys. Paul
    5. Radmilo, Fantastic, thanks for showing. Does the Obrenovich Coronation regalia still survive or did it end up in the melting pot. Paul
    6. This is the small Royal mint commemorative table medal which has been adapted for wear it was never manufactured as a wearing piece Paul
    7. The miniature Legion d Honneur kept many a Paris jeweller as they are by far the most common jewelled miniature encountered. Paul
    8. Alex, Never replace original ribbons unless they have completely disintegrated. even in that case Keep the original ribbon in an envelope with the re-ribboned piece. I have seen beautiful groups with faded but lovely original ribbons and the owner has removed them and thrown them away and re-ribboned them with gaudy brand new ribbon. There is a particularly unpleasant corner in Hell for people who do that. Paul
    9. Most interesting. My suspicion is it an adapted British piece for use by the top brass in Idar. Certainly not seen another but I have encountered weird and wonderful adaptations in the world of the Princely states. The shame is that you can't get a better image of the piece. Paul
    10. Grevy is unique in being the only person to have received the collar of Kalakaua as well as a live zebra from the Emperor Johannes of Ethiopia of the type which was to be known as Grevy's Zebra. Paul
    11. I had assumed that it was likely to be Grevy's Paul
    12. Rank: Air Mechanic 1st Class Service No: 38401 Date of Death: 17/02/1919 Age: 21 Regiment/Service: Royal Air Force H.Q. (France) Grave Reference: A. "U" 462. Cemetery: HUDDERSFIELD (LOCKWOOD) CEMETERY Additional Information: Son of Edith Hirst and the late Willie Hirst. Died of Pneumonia (probably Spanish Flu) Paul
    13. Yes it has turned into a bit of 'Tristam Shandy' thread but still without diversions life would be so boring. Paul
    14. Remember that collar well it was sold by Sotheby's Geneva in 1991 and bought by the palace.. Paul
    15. She would have fitted in well with the South London drinking culture. Paul
    16. It must be after 1951 as he was known to have made early bilingual insignia and he was at 9 Rue de Ruche in the 1940s Paul
    17. Pieter. Thank you so much for the information. Here is an example I handled in June last year Paul
    18. Pieter, Thank you for that information. I had assumed that the sword decoration was only awarded in the 18th or early 19th century Paul
    19. Most interesting presumably it gives the name of the manufacturer. I suspect Gavin may have some more input on this. Paul
    20. Perfectly fine medal but $20 is all the money with a bit on top. Paul
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