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    Everything posted by wlodzimierz

    1. wrong document Later I will post correct one. waldemar
    2. There was an "Association of Yugoslav Fighters in the International Brigades in Spain, 1936-1939" in Yugoslavia. This association issued probably this medal. Hier you can see a document of Cedor Capo, who fought in Spain. enjoy
    3. Marc, unfortunately I dont know, something from eastern europe I suppouse. Waldemar
    4. Rick, Ed Small difference: "Вступление" means entry, joining (an organisation). As Marc wrote, and it is correct. "Выступление" means in your context: struggling ы = our 'y' waldemar
    5. Rick if you look at this citation you will find that letter 'Y' (as we it as 'Y' understand) was consistently written with letter similiar to 'bl', I think that it is correct 'Y' letter in russian. waldemar
    6. It is true: The verb "вступить" means to enter into, to join (an organisation); "Вступление" means entry, joining (an organisation). But there is a mistake: the correct word is "В(Y)ступление" and in this context means "counter-revolutionary" struggling ... I learned my russian years ago but I think it is correct. waldemar
    7. A nice photo of General Victor G. Kulikov from 1976. enjoy.
    8. Thank you William, Extraordinary interesting. Do you know how and to get further information about this table medal? waldemar
    9. Hi SasaYU, thank you for good questions. I posted this badge in soviet forum, maybe they have more information. Unfortunatly I have no documents to this badge. Lets see what soviet experts tell us about this badge. best regards waldemar
    10. Gentlemen, this badge, as I was told, was given to Yugoslavian Participant of Soviet October Revolution in 1917. Was this badge given only to Yugoslovian Participants or to the other no soviet participants as well? Any further Information to this badge? Thank you waldemar
    11. There is a new book about Orders and Medals of Communist Yugoslavia. This book was printed in Russia and is written in russian. Very interesting book especially for all those who can read russian. Dealer http://www.singidunum-online.com/shope/ind...tegory_secID=20 L16250 - Veličko, Aleksandr - Gerić, Lazar - Ozolin?, Vitalij. ORDENA I MEDALI KOMUNISTIČESKOJ JUGOSLAVIJI. Orders and Medals o, 143 str. velikokog formata, ilus. u boji, tvrdo ukoričenje. Literatura, Medalje, Odlikovanja, Militarija, L16250 - Veličko, Aleksandr - Gerić, Lazar - Ozolin?, Vitalij. ORDENA I MEDALI KOMUNISTIČESKOJ JUGOSLAVIJI. Orders and Medals o, 143 str. velikokog formata, ilus. u boji, tvrdo ukoričenje.55.00 ?
    12. Lieber Christian, The Badge had once gold color (gilded?), it is 4cm width and 4cm high. There is no mint mark on the badge. I couldn't find one. Liebe Gr?sse
    13. I was told that it is very rare badge, in order to be sure I sent it's image to www.singidunum-online.com and they confirmed it. I didn't ask him, based on which materials he has identified this badge. You can probably no see it, but this badge had once gold color. waldemar
    14. Hi Bryan, this badge has touch of design from early soviet days. I like the art how numbers were made, particullary number 7. I hope so, that this is a Tito badge - but I don't think so. Any idea how many Yugoslav participated in October Revolution 1917? best regards waldemar
    15. Gentlemen, very interesting and very old Badge given to Yugoslavian Participants of October Revolution 1917. Enjoy.
    16. Thank you SasaYU, I try to lern more about Orders/Medals and of course about regulations concerning awards in EX-YU. It is difficult to find good lecture, in englisch impossible. And in serbian or croatian unfortunately I can only guess what could it mean, with a risk that it could mean completely something others. thanks again. best regards waldemar
    17. Gentlemen, I found lately documentation about Order of National Hero, regulation,... But unfortunately translation tools are not very useful. What does it mean exactly? On 3. October 1944 National Libaration Comittee stated: ? za Orden narodnog heroja predlazu najistaknutiji borci i staresine, najistaknutiji organizatori, pioniri nase vojske koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima. Predlazu se zivi borci i staresine koji su narocito poznati i popularni po svojim herojskim delima, koji su u svakom pogledu besprekorno cisti ljudi, koji vec danas zive u svesti naroda kao heroji.? On 14. October 1944 National Liberation Committee changed rules to ?dobijaju najistaknutiji junaci nase vojske, najistaknutiji pioniri i organizatori narodnog ustanka I narodnooslobodilacke vojske, koji su pali na bojnom polju, u zatvorima I logarima, ili koji su jos zivi, cija djela I imena moraju biti ovjekovjecena kao primjer danasnjim I buducim pokoljenjima? First statute of this Order changed again definition to ?odlikuju borci I rukovodioci Jugoslovenske armije koji su se istakli besprimernim heroizmom u borbi protiv narodnih neprijatelja I kao takvi predstavljaju olicenje junastva, ponos I slavu nase armije, I koji su po svoijm karakternim osobinama cisti, svetli I omiljeni u armiji I narodu? thank you. best regards waldemar
    18. Anatoly, thank you for description you show us. Indeed it says that there is an order and a Brest star. There is always the discussion concerning available documentation and if the information which was used by author is complete. We know that in case of EX-YU orders and medals it is very difficult to find correct and complete information. According to my researches: After creation of Order of Yugoslavian Flag in 1947 1st Class consisted of Brest Star and Sash (as we know). First Type of Yugoslavian Flag 2nd Class was Neck Badge without Brest Star (similar to later 3rd Class) and 3rd Class was only Brest Badge (you have shown us this order). At the beginning of 1952 the Order of Yugoslavian Flag 2nd Class was still single Star as Neck Badge without Star. The Brest Star was given later, at the moment I can not tell you if it happens already 1952 or later in 1953. The official documentation was changed in 1957 not 1955 (it was my mistake). I think that, the author of this book had not complete Information. We know all, that we each day learn more about EX-YU Orders and Medals and there are still some surprises. Some of them you will see in a book I?m working on. waldemar
    19. Dear Anatoly, As far I know: - Order of the Yugoslav Flag was created on November 26, 1947. After WWII FNRJ started and deepened relationship to other countries with main focus on socialist countries. There were no awards at that time which could be given to citizens of other countries who help to establish and maintain good relationship with FNRJ. These motives led to the creation of these awards. 1st Class was till 1954 the only award with Sash. - 2nd Class at the beginning had no Brest star. Star for 2nd Class was introduced in 1955. It seems to me that this order is very early Order of Yugoslavian Flag 2nd Class ? Type 1 without Brest Star. If you consider that till 1956 only 104 Order of Yugoslavian Star 1st Class were issued and that at total 1st CL and 2nd were given less as 1400 times. Then we could consider that app. 100 pieces of this order were issued. This explains why they are very rare and almost invisible. waldemar
    20. Lieber Christian, no it is not my order. My order just arrived:
    21. as far I know ZIN is located in Belgrad and was renamed in ZNB = now Serbian Central Bank. regards waldemar
    22. Bryan, are you sure that russian order for bravery is made by ZIN? They were created in 15 August 1943 and first Order for Bravery were awarded on 7. September 1944. I think that russian version is made by Mondvor. Unnumbered order are IKOM and numbered ZIN. But I'm not sure.
    23. Partisan Star 1st CL? I was told that this is a russian screw back made of gold and than converted by IKOM to pinback. Is it realy very rare new Variation or nice fake?
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