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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by HeikoGrusdat

    1. most of the ebay clasps are crap..... I don`t understand that the people spend more and more money on them - we are talking about clasp here and on other forums every week - and every week we name the same questionable sellers and point out the same questionable (no - the same 100% faked ) battle clasps..... Rob, search this forum for battle clasps, we have shown a lot of them over the past years.... to learn for yourself what is original and what is faked you need years of watching and you need a lot of them going through your hands... any questions - please ask now Heiko
    2. this is a science for itself..... compare these and maybe you will see it..... good clasp:
    3. Noisseville is not too rare.... the most seen clasp (because most troops were involved) is PARIS (Metz, Sedan...) and the rarer ones are Spichern, Amiens, An der Hallue...... of course the rarest ones are the inofficial clasps like Toul, Champigny, Coulmiers....
    4. that was my thought too..... who would put expensive original parts on a new build fake bar??????? In my eyes the battle clasps are good, it is the type with the two = as shown in my picture.....
    5. ...............................and that is what he made of it in his Frankenstein cave...
    6. Sometimes things need to be sold for several private and personal reasons..........I am very very sorry that my old bars are no longer authentic and original but while selling them I did not knew that it is possibel to exclude single ebay members from auctions.....by the way, if he has several accounts (and he has!!!) then you need to know ALL of them to stop him...and he has still the possibility to let some friends buy the things for him - Ergo, things like this will happen and we can`t stop it!!!
    7. hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm..............Sascha, you are a real digger three were shown on SDA, two were sold on ebay - and now (who is the next Uri Geller?) - here are three again together!!!!! very cool set of ribbon bars - great job!!!
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