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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by HeikoGrusdat

    1. wonderful heavy artillery, of course looking to the sea....
    2. a long range shot.... poor quality but heavy artillery
    3. One day in our holidays we visited Tanger, a big harbour city in Marocco, North Africa. The interesting thing about Tanger is that the city was once a "open-city", led by several countries and governments. Still today there are british quarters in Tanger, french quarters, spain quarters, american quarters.... every quarter is looking different and has a different culture. Tanger and Marocco had a long history with many wars and enemies, still today you can find in the city relicts of all times and all nations........ here are some things that may interest you, but unfortunately taking pictures is not as easy as in other countries, not every picture is as good as I wanted or of some things I was not able to take more than one picture: N?1: a nice big canon near the harbour...
    4. here are some pictures of antique canons and artillery I found during my holidays at the spanish atlantic coast....enjoy!!! N?1 in the city of Conil
    5. In Conil in Andalusia I found a lot of these canonballs as decoration and along the streets.... are these real old canonballs or just lookalikes? In the complete area I found a lot of old guns and canons of all centuries but these balls are bigger than every canon I saw.....
    6. yes....................that is a really funny and nice way of globalisation but.....has any of you ever seen the big medal bar, is it still alive???? would be great if one of us could get it
    7. when we visited Gibraltar on our spanish trip of course I hoped to see some good british navy ships for my camera..... but this one was all grey that was in the harbour - where is the royal navy when I need them????
    8. the last weeks we had great holidays in south spain , but of course lying in the sun is not everything so we made a trip over the street of Gibraltar to Marocco to the city of Tanger.... only 35 minutes with the ferry , only 13,5km between Europe and Africa. In the harbour of Tanger I saw two patrol boats of the navy of Marocco and made some shots for you.....
    9. Good morning gentlemen.... sorry for answering some threads a bit late, but the spanish sun was too good to leave earlyer... So, very nice ribbon bar of Conrad Albrecht..............would you be very surprised if I show you MY ribbon bar of Conrad Albrecht...???!!! - sew up!!! greetings Heiko
    10. as far as I know this type of bars were for the K?rass, some kind of armored clothing for the cavalary, I know many of these bars without needle system but with two hooks for putting them on the K?rass...
    11. iron cross ribbon looks brand new - Z?hringer lion looks old and used..... no good feeling with this bar at all.....
    12. I think in combination with saxon war aid and Johaniter the Vatikan makes the most sense... this is what the Vatikan looks like...sorry no better picture at the moment...
    13. Here is a very special example of a 1870 iron cross..... it is with about 1 meter a bit oversized for the breast, but nice to look at... picture taken today at the Germania (Niederwald-Denkmal) in Bingen/R?desheim at the river rhine in germany, the germania is a huge monument build after the prussian-franco war in 1870/71... please see some more pictures from today in my "germania-report" in another thread in the "then and now" section... greetings Heiko
    14. Oh yes.....................one of the usual known suspects gets fresh material for brandnew horror creations
    15. Hi Joe, of course not!!!! But the group consists of medal bar, mini chain, and some more things like the EK and had ONE price for all, I just want to know the value ofthe pieces I am not very familar with to see if the complete group price was ok... thank you Heiko
    16. I got this nice 1914 EK1 from Godet, can someone give me a value for this one... It was part of a complete officers estate and I am not familar enough with the EK`s .....what is it worth as single piece??? thanks in advance Heiko
    17. Paul, the number that I have is 4002.............. so Bernd and I are on the right track I think... something over 4000
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