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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Wow , Thanks a lot , impressing . Artillery is a unknown area to me in WW1 ( which is strange realizing the fact that the most casualties was probable just from shells) thank you again , I will start to look for some good books in the subject christer
    2. Aha , Thanks Chris So the Fussartillerie batllions where spread out on different places ? I have to read something about these strange Fuss Rgts Why the name for instance ? Did´nt they have horses ? Looking forward to any info at all Christer
    3. Ohhh , I cant imagine the feelings of the poor parents, I think I´ve seen even three brothers Killed ? These small papers really make you think about the Great War .... Christer
    4. Wow , Impressing ! I´ll looking forward to what you will do with a 3D writer . Totally amazing work Have a good 2014 Christer
    5. Hi all, I just bought a doc for the Brunswick Front Line Clasp to a man at Fuss Artillerie Regiment 25 Batt 1 Does anyone know anything about this regiment ? I suppose Friedrich Weber must have been a Brunswich native to get this award ? Or has the FuAR 25 some connection to Brunswick ?
    6. visit my homepage http://www.bayoswede.se/45046742 and you can see a lot of Ehrenkreuzes And some other interesting things Christer
    7. Some more additions to the database : 1. Lt Hepe , 2 Jäger Batl , 2 Radfahr Komp 2. Three officers from Bayr Geb Art Abt ? Lt Oppenheim , Lt Viereck, Lt Hausbrand 3. Three from 11 Radfahr Komp , Lt Jeschkeit , Lt Lassen ( Komp Führer) , OffStellvtr Zilgit 4. Rittmeister Merz , Führer Sachsen Karbin Rgt 1 Skvadron 5. Major Hans Butz , 2 Bayr Geb Art Abt
    8. Hi , there is some mentions about the flying units but only in the end of the volume VII ( I am buying shortly a complete set of all 8 books , and maybe there is more to read there, I only have three volumes right now. But they are rare as hens teeth to find ) Here is some info about Planes and personal : March 15 1918 two aeroplanes started from Reval , Dfw C.V 3842/17 pilot Uoffz Schopkowski and Dfw C.V 6978/17 pilot Sgt Brämer, observer Lt Haehner. Both planes where destroyed after emergency landings. I can´t see what unit they belonged to , but they was taking photos of Russian naval forces in Helsinki , also mentioned is Lt Hosmann , Uoffz Rippich , Lt dR Lehmann. FA 37 was stationed in Hapsal and FA (A) 214 in Windau , FA 16 was stationed in Reval . There is some pictures taken from this planes in the book if you are interested I can scan them . The weather was very difficult during the operations so of 47 days of combat the could only fly 29 days with 70 missions in all. They had one KIA during the conflict and that was in April 29th when a plane from FA 16 crashed in bad weather killing pilot Uoffz Rippich and wounded observer Lt Hahner. Christer
    9. Hi Dante , No I can´t find anything about him ? Are you sure he was in Finland 1918 ? Christer
    10. A new day and some more Officers 1. KonteAdmiral Ludolf von Usslar Befehlshaber der Aufklärungsstreitkräfte östl. Ostsee 2. Major Gilbert Hamilton , and this officer needs a special mention : Count David Gustaf Gilbert John Wilhelm Hamilton was born in Sweden March 20th 1869 and died August 11th 1947 on the mansion Hedensberg. He started his career as an officer in 1891, in 1897 he tried to join the war between Turkey and Greece but was denied service. The story goes the he also was trying to enter the Russian-Japanese war and the Boer war. In 1914 he was in the Cavalry but left and joined the Prussian Army in Lieb-Kürassier Regiment Grosser Kurfürst . He was awarded the EK II in Sept 13 1914, early 1915 he was in 223rd Reserve Inf Rgt and after been wounded he took command in Nov 1915 of 22nd Reserve Jäger Batl. Spring 1918 he was fighting in Finland under Oberst Frhr von Brandenstein. But Hamiltons was wasn´t over yet , he was Commander of the 3rd Kürassier Rgt Graf Wrangel in June 1918 and fought against partisans in Ukraine late 1918 -february 1919. He was among other things Honorary member of Königsberg and he was appointed Honorary GenMaj in dR August 25th 1939 in Wermacht. 3. Hauptmann Roeder , 1 Radfahr Komp /Pommersches Jäger Batl Fürst Bismarck nr 2 4. Hauptmann Carp , Stabsoffizier Ostsee Div 5. Hauptmann Maenss , Stabsoffizier OsteSee Div ( Feld EisenBahn)
    11. And more Navy ...... 1. KapitänLt Kurt Ihssen , Admiralstabs Offz 2. KapitänLt Richard Eckerlin , SMS Posen 3. KapitänLt Franz Weidgen , 3 Minensuch Flottille 4. KapitänLt Max Doflein , 2 Minensuch Flottille 5. KorvettenKapitän Alfred Reuter , Admiralstabs Offizier
    12. And some more Navy officers , I think I have pics of most of the higher ranking German Officers , but still miss some. So if anyone have photos of Germans participating in the war in Finland 1918 please show them here . 1. KonteAdmiral Johannes Hartog 2. KapitänLt Leisler Kiep , Admiralstabsoffizier 3. KapitänLt dR Erich Müller 4. FregattenKapitän Hermann Bendemann , SMS Stralsund 5. Kapitän zur See Hermann Bauer , SMS Westfalen 6. Kapitän zur See Wilhelm von Krosigk , SMS Posen
    13. Maybe some Naval Officers , 1. Kapitän zur See Kurt Irmer , Chef der Seetransportabteilung 2. Korvetten Kapitän zur see Paul Wülfing , Stab Offizier 3. Fregatten Kapitän Hugo von Rosenberg , Suchverband OstSee 4. Navy Staff Officers probably ombord SMS Westfalen From left to right : KapitänLt Kurt Ihssen , Lt zur See Rieckhoff , 1st Marine Ing Schäfer , KapitänLt Leisler Kiep , MarinRat Korsch KonteAdmiral Hugo Meurer , Kapitän zur See Hermann Bauer , KapitänLt Max Bastian, Marin Int Kleemann ,Finnish Off Osolin ,OberLt zur see Wehrmann, OberLt zur See Hans Bayer 5. Kapitän zur See Kurt Franck , SMS Kolberg
    14. And here a group of officers from 2 nd Bayern Gebirgs Art Kan Bat 7. From left front row : Lt Beyschlag , Vet Seberich , Dr Schneider , Hauptm Beschke ( C Bat 7 ) , Lt Moser , Lt Johler , Lt Gran in the back row , from left : Lt Anwander , Schwarz , Kachler Christer
    15. HI Jan , Here is the book I´m talking about , this is the simple bounded version there is of course also a leather bound version of them. Christer
    16. Hi Dante , and happy New Year ! Yes Franz Weidgen is in the book , a Photo of him is coming up today together with some other Naval Officers Christer
    17. And some more , the last for 2013 probably a couple of Lts from Sachsen Karbiner Rgt 1. Lt Koerner Sachsen Karbiner Rgt , MG 2. Lt Lange Sachsen Karbiner Rgt , MG , KIA April 27th 1918 3. Lt Schintling-Horny , Kom Sachsen Karbiner Rgt MG unit 4. Lt Hahne , Sachsen Karbiner Rgt , Kom 2 Skvadrone 5. Lt Frentzel , Sachsen Karbiner Rgt , 2 Skvadrone
    18. 5 more 1. Leutnant von Schierbrand , Stab Sachsen Karbiner Rgt 2. Leutnant Günther , Stab Sachsen Karbiner Rgt 3. Leutnant Lassen , Kom 11 Radfahrer Komp 4. Leutnant Mummert , Sachsen Karbiner Rgt , II Skvadron 5. Leutnant Schimmelmann von Lindenburg , 3 gardes Ulan Rgt If anyone has any info about Finnish Awards to someone in the pics I listed I would be most thankful to know it. Christer
    19. Here is some more of the Germans in Finland 1918 , 1. Rittmeister Heckmann , Div Stab 2. Hauptmann Karmann Stab , Hptm von Falkenhorst , Lt Frhr von Uckermann Stab OstSee Div 3. Lt von Luttitz , 3 Garde Ulan Rgt , 1 Skvadronen 4. Rittmeister Frhr von d Bussche- Streithorst , Sachsen Karbiner Rgt ( KIA 29th April 1918) 5. Lt Eisentraut , Sachsen Karbiner Rgt
    20. Thanks Dave , the book all pics are coming from is from a book printed in Helsinki some years after the war , in eight volumes. named " The Independence war in Finland 1918 " Christer
    21. After a cup of coffee I uploaded a couple of more pics 1. MarinFlieger Lt Droege 2. KorvettenKapitän Pfeiffer , Kom SMS Nautilus 3. Lt von Bülow , Kom 2 Komp , 14 Jäger Batl 4. Rittmeister von Saldern , 1 Garde Ulan Rgt 5. Hauptmann ,Stab Ostsee Div , von Falkenhorst
    22. Some more .... 1. Lt von Leonhardi , Sachs Karbiner Rgt 2. Lt Merkel , Sachs Karbiner Rgt 3. Lt Riedel , Sachs Karbiner Rgt 4. Hauptmann Schweinfurth , Kom 14 Jäger Batl 1 Komp 5. Maj von Reden , Kom Sachs Karbiner Rgt The scans is not the best , since the pics are all from old books but still you can see some awards and maybe use them to id some other photos .. If you like them I have more Christer
    23. And some more .... 1. Lt von der Knesebeck 1 Gardes Ulan Rgt 2. Lt von Braunschweig , 1 Gardes Ulan Rgt 3. Rittmeister von Berchem-Königsfeld , 3 Gardes Ulan rgt 4. KapitänLeutnant Bastian , Admiral Stab 5. Lt von Ahlfen , 2 Pioneer Batl More will come Christer
    24. There is quite a lot of threads about Germans in Finland 1918 so I thought it would be interesting to give the names a face Here is a small gallery of pictures of German Officers who was participating in the Independence war in Finland Enjoy , Christer !. Gen Maj Wolff 2. OberstLt von Luck Kom 255 Res Inf Rgt 3. Major Schenk zu Schweinsberg Kom 14 Jäger Batl 4. Lt Herfurth , Kürassier Rgt 5. von der Schulenburg-Lieberose Kom 3 Res Jäger Batl
    25. Hmm, Yes you are right Dave , I found all three and Georg Fett was in Torpedoinspektion, Referent für Funkentelegraphie in April 1918 he was earlier on Torpedoboot S 147 Hermann Kranefuss was Navigationsoffizier on SMS KronPrinz Wilhelm in spring 1918 I´m not sure if the Kronprinz was in the Baltic Sea in April 1918 ? Gustav Wehr was Wachoffizier on SMS Moltke in February 1918 and she was in drydock for repair from Late April. I would bet my money on Georg Fett I can´t find any Finnish awards to him , but of the three he could have been in the Baltic sea in 1918. I will keep on looking and see if I find something I found another Naval Officer Leisler Kiep KapitänLeutnant who had a Finnisch Freiheitskreuz ? I dont know what grade , does anyone know anything about him ? Christer
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