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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Hallo all, could anyone help med finding out the name of this U-boat man? If the writing on the back is true he should be ombord a small type II A U-boat approx 250 tons And I have found most of the names of the crew for theese 6 Uboats, but what is the name on this guy ???
    2. And the last one is also signed " Engl Tank ....... bei Arras in Felde 30/VI 17 " Christer
    3. Next one is written on the back something like " Engl Tank bei Monchy " christer
    4. I have just bought a couple of English Tank Photos , could anyone give some info on theese ? Thanks in advance from sweden First one is written "Tank bis Arras" on the back and something like 30 / VI 17 ?
    5. As an really offtopic I can say that I Have Hold some real medals from the 1912 olympiics à father/son group they had 15! Medals in all. From 1908-1924 they where big and Heavy in all 6 or 7 gold medals if I remember right. I suppose à olympic collector would Have fainted Christer
    6. Very Nice bar ! I didn´t realized how rare the Olympia medal where before the auction ended , otherwise I probably had bid on it. Since I collect German Imperial I first thought it was the Olympic memory medal but that one was only awarded 50 times in silver ! So how rare is this one ? Christer
    7. And the search for Felix Ferdinand von Bomhard goes on Internet is fantastic I now know he was at Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munchen 1910. What I can found out he became Major 1938, Colonel in 1942 and was in 1944 Chef for Heeres Rohstoffabteilung H RO / Army Raw Materiels Branch. Charged with the procurement of raw materiels for OKH. Far away from the battlefields in World war one. I will see if can get something more, does anyone know if he was related at all to Adolf Bomhard and to GenLt d Art Theodor von Bomhard who died in 1945 105 years old !!!! Christer
    8. Aha ! Again .... After some research on the net I found Felix von Bomhards Kriegsrangliste entry , but what do it say ? Here is the Awards
    9. Aha Wrong guy ... new try then could this Felix von Bomhard be the same man who was Major Feb 1st 1938 and Colonel 1st Dec 1942 ? What awards did Felix von Bomhard get in WW I ? Thanks Glenn and Chris for yuor effort to id this mysterious Bavarian Christer
    10. Hmm, could it be von Bomhard ? He was 28 years old 1919 and got the EK II + EK I + Wound Badge and he was in a Bavarian Rgt I post a pic of the WW II von Bomhard for comparing Thanks Glenn Christer
    11. Got this interesting Photo recently, a Bavarian Officer with a Peace time BMVO ? , EK I, Wound Badge, EK II , Oldenburg ? , Hamburg ? and Austria maybe. His name seems to be something like von Gouchard ??? Any thoughts about him ? Thanks in advance from Sweden Christer
    12. Hallo, here is a bigger pic of the officer and his friend with the arm badge Christer
    13. Aha, Thanks Gunnar ! Fun to get the answer from a source so close And the officer is really looking a lot like Hptm Abt Now I have to find out more about FLA 23 Have a nice weekend all Christer
    14. Anyone have any info about this formation ? I got a Photo with Personal from this unit but haven´t found much on the net. One of the officers seems to have a cloth badge with FLA 23 ? Thanks in advance Christer
    15. Hi, this is a interesting picture , I think I see the following Orders /medals EK II Austria Franz Joseph Order Officers Cross Bulgaria Order for Bravery IV class ? Bulgaria Order of Military Merit IV class Bulgarian Order of Alexander IV class w Crown and Swords Bulgarian Medal for Science and Art Ribbon ? Bulgarian Order of Merit Bulgarian Long Service Cross XX years Bulgarian Long Service Cross X years Bulgarian medal ??? Prince Alexanders Aceesion to the throne 1879 ??? Bulgarian Com Cross for Independence 1908 Quite an impressing row of orders and medals to a former Major ?? Christer
    16. This must be a rare one , I cant find anything about it and no one here seems to have info about it either. Since it was only awarded between 1911-1918 and for civil servants who had worked for 40 years I suppose they had to start work in 1871-1878,just after the 1870 War. I found a ribbon for it, but the seller is a well known medalbar faker. And I dont like to give him more money to destroy our collector community so I keep on searching :cheeky:
    17. Hi all collector friends, Just bought this Luitpold cross for 40 year service And that´s about all I know about it .... A civilian award for 40 ! Year loyal service , anyone got any more info about this award ? Is it common ? I have a very low resistance against buying when I see unknown (to me ) Imeperail medals Christer
    18. Wow, thats fast I spent two hours and ended up hitting the computer with my fists ( just joking ) a Big Thank you Ralph , much appreciated now I must download the file and see if there is some story behind the name . Thanks again and have a nice weekend Christer
    19. Hi I have a 1914/15 Star awarded to a W Malone nr SS 5891 ORD RN But I cant find him anywhere ?? Isn´t all RN personal from WW 1 on files in National Archive or have I just searched on the wrong place ? It becomes rather expensive to download wrong files Anyone who could help me ? Best regards from Sweden Christer
    20. :cheers: Thanks Chris and Naxos ! Now I got a lot more info about this Eduard Langwieler, now I will se if I can find something about MGS 113 And Chris, your site is Gold ! Thanks again, Christer
    21. Maschine Gewehr Scharf Shutzen Abt 49 ,one real long name for a quite small unit I got this paper n my collection to a Langwieler issued in Juli 1917 wich states if I am right that he has been with the MG SS Abt 49 from May 1916 to June 1917. I am now trying to find out anything about the MGSS 49 I have been looking all over the net for MG SS but so far didn´t find anything, does anyone have some info or have a link to where I can find some ? All help appreciated... All the best from Imperial Sweden Christer
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