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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Here is one more ! I don´t expect the box to be original , but it came with this one so I keep it there Christer
    2. Now I found the other lots to the same man !! He was a Marine Lt in 1 Torpedo div 1912 ? what I can see , and even better now we can see his big medal bar Ohh if I just could get the name Thanks to Heiko I´m a little bit closer now Christer
    3. :unsure: Aha , was there a whole group ? I miss that , to bad the name was messed up otherwise this strange bar could get a name .... I have to see if I can find the other lots I am wondering about taking away this 1920s ribbon and have a ordinarie ribbon bar but I usually never mess with period misstakes even if they are strange, so I don´t really know about this one. Maybe I should keep it like this Thanks for the id of the St Anne , Rick I was puzzled by that ribbon Christer
    4. Hallo Germany ! I need help to get a group together I spoke with the seller but she cant figure out how to open the auction for international sellers ..... So right now only buyer from Germnany can buy them. It is two auctions on Ebay.de i am trying to buy : Iten no: 330398562747 certificate Hamburg Cross Item no : 330398564048 certificate for Ehrendenkmunze The auction ends in 7 days and 23 hours , if someone in Germany could bid on them for me.Than I pay for them Help anyone? Christer
    5. And the back of course , the ribbons look old and smell old , no strange colour under blacklight the scanner make them look brighter than in reality. Christer
    6. Hi all, what about this ribbon bar ? EK, Kriegsverdienst, RAO or AE , Marine-Verein medal, 1897, Lippe ? Under the Marine-Verein is two Long service blue ribbon , did he value the Weimar ribbon more than the Ls medals ? Christer
    7. :jumping: Wonders may still Happen ! Now The certificate for Arnolds Hamburg Cross has turned up on Ebay , and his vet medal/cert (ehrenlegion) and the medalbar with EK, Hamburg, HEK Hungary !!!!! The only thing is that seller only sells to Germany ? I maild him/her and asked if I could bid so i hope hi will sell to Sweden ....... Would be great to get some more docs together to this group Christer
    8. And the same date ? This is the 4th or 5th set I have seen with this date and doc number 462, Maybe there where a lot of Int Medals awarded in March 1975 Was that date of some special importance in Communistic Bulgaria ? Christer
    9. Fantastic work Rick! This world needs people like you, and I really hope there will be some way to print or digitalize this superb info for other collectors to see A big from Nortern Europe almost on the border to North Pole Christer
    10. Thanks all ! Its always good to learn something new about research! Christer
    11. Hi, I have a mystery Victory Medal given to A Pte 1 H J Dugard R.A.F Rgt nr 120012 But I cant find him in the online records ? I cant find anyone named Dugard? Could it be misspelled , or am I looking at the wrong place ? Any help appriciated Christer
    12. :love: Totally amazing work! I´m stunned, I have a 1:350 model of Titanic at home but that is a piece of cake comparing to this. Fantastic workmanship. Thanks for showing us, and of course Merry Christmas (even if it is a little early) Christer
    13. Aha , Thanks Naxos I didn´t even know there was Army BM Christer
    14. Hi Kev, I was too wondering about the armbands ? I tried to do a bigger pic of just the arm. Can anyone recognize theese armbands ? Christer
    15. Another Photo of a MGSS company to the collection, send in 1917 Stamped on the back MaschineGewehr Scharftschutzen Kommando Christer
    16. And last, some of the BM girls out in the sport field ? Christer
    17. Another girls sitting on a roof , definitly in France ( I can see a French sign at her hand ) Christer
    18. Hallo I just got theese pics of some "Blitzmädchen" Luftwaffe personal, I think the photos is taken in France. not so common as the male Lw pics Christer
    19. Hi , I have just bought a small book containing pictures of officers beloning to Inf Rgt 120 killed in action 1914-18, about 100 pics I think. If anyone have docs or a name and would like a pic,maybe I can help, just give me the name and I will scan the photo. Christer
    20. Wow ! Very impressing group, one of the best I´ve seen for years I´m looking forward to see the rest, I am sorry to say I don´t have a clue to the last document. Again a super group ! Christer
    21. Hi Morten, Concerning the optical instrument for 20 mm gun, i Think it was used by putting this device in the barrel and aiming with it. Than you removed it and test the guns and see if the guns hit the target. The flag was a warning not to forget to remove the instrument I have used similar instrument during test firings in Sweden,not in this caliber but I still think that is how it was used. Best regards from neighbour country Christer
    22. And the other one which really is two A Lippe War Merit Medal + Preuss Red Cross + Würtemberg Wilhelms Cross The small "Knopfloch" has also the Honor Cross without swords on it. so small but still lovely Christer
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