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    1. Hello all, this plate is here in Spain and is supposed that was left in a port of the North of Spain by a German Ship or U-Boot during the war. Do you have any idea of what can it be? Thanks in advance.
    2. You have a very nice collection there Nesredep, congratulations and thanks for share it.
    3. Very nice set Herv?, this is one of the KM collecting areas, the optics, that I have to go deeper.
    4. Harrier, thanks again for your pictures and your feedbacks, I'm happy to see that we basically agree, and that is not always easy in the our collectors word. Payton, as we have said a bad feeling by pictures not always is right, a hand inspection always is a need. Anyway I would like to see pictures of the inside.
    5. Payton, the general view of the tunic and the configuration look OK, the lower buttons row is not too low so could be only a tailor preference and the lack of the button holes in the lapels could be also by this, not usual but you can find. But to be honest with you if I have to decide ti buy this one, I'm not very confortable with it by the pictures, this kind of fabric doesn't like me for a KM reefer jacket and the back of the collar doesn't like me too much, but as told before with pictures is not easy.
    6. Harrier, thanks for the pictures, very interesting and a good investment to compare with other period tunics. I think that all of these tunics could be transformed to KM but you can detected with a hand inspection. I agree with you about this tunic, from pictures not WW2 original IMO, but you need a deep hand inspection to be sure, all of us have seen many private variations in German uniforms, many against regulations, so with pictures is not easy to be sure. I had the same feeling with this set that I was thiking to buy some time ago, but finally I passed of it. Same configuration of buttons and without the lapel holes. IMO the worst is not the the last buttons row is very low, is that the space beetwen the last two rows is smaller than beetwen the others, and why?, maybe because is added to a postwar tunic and thay couldn't do it lower ... I don't know but I had a bad feeling with this one.
    7. Ok, that would be also a good information. When you have your new tunic I would like to see it also. Here mine without buttons and button holes in the lapels.
    8. Harrier, as I told you are basically right, and the only with I do not 100% agree is about the lapels button holes, is not difficult to see period pictures in this way, but the usual is to find them. Until now I have not seen a good fake from a KM tunic, but here in Spain that is not easy. I would like to see also your pictures of other countries made KM tunics.
    9. The information from Harrier is basically correct, but I do not agree with all. Most KM reefer tunics has the lapels buttons holes as the pair of buttons under the lapels, but is not rare to find tunics with this pair of buttons omitted and also without the lapels button holes (I have one). About the lower button row, usually is lined up with the he top of the lower side pockets, but as almost all officer reefer tunic were private made you can find some variations. Naval tunic from other countries and times have different configuration as Harrier said but also different tress on the cuffs, so is not easy to fake a KM tunic. Anyway you can find KM tunics made in France or Denmark that are 100% original, so finally the way is your experience and feeling.
    10. Hello Joe, finally you have taken it, congratulations, it really likes me, typical T&H construction and label from 1941. Where was I when this one was sold. :banger:
    11. Gordon, great research, thanks for sharing. Here the Marinesanit?tschule ribbon, together with another from the Marinelazarett Wilhelmshaven. In some cases with early ribbons, as with mine, you can find the Marinesanit?tschule ribbon with curious rarety, the holes from the Wilhelmshaven word embroidered and later removed. This happened because the use of the localitation of the school on the ribbon were not authorized as there was only a naval medical school.
    12. Joe, you are abosolutly right, but Thiele's label is original IMO, same writing than in all others that I have seen from 1941. The badge from my picture is prior to 1939, so the quality of the embroiders is much better than in 1941,but I agree with you that this one is not the best that I have seen for this high quality maker. If you compare the badges in both war time pictures, divers emblems are very different in the helmet details, the neck, ... I know that the NVA divers badges are very similar to this one, but as the Thiele stores were captured by the soviets, is not possible that they copied the badge from the last Thiele models? Joe, I really fdon't know but if the label is right, why to put it on a postwar badge, and how.
    13. Hi all, I followed also this badge on ebay, and bid for it. Joe IMO is a good one, and is well know that some years ago the store with the fabrication quality pieces from Thiele & Steinert were sold, and there were hundreds of KM badges, as from other army branches, with the tags, the envolopes, ... in mint condition. In the following picture you can see two of them from my collection. About the divers badge IMO you can find slight differences depending the maker, as with most of the badges and emblems. Here you can see a diver embem from an original picture in my collection of a Panzerschiff crew man, and the pattern is different.
    14. Hi John, I'm sure that is not difficult to open it to show the movement, but you have to do by the front side and take apart the dial, so I prefer do not touch it too much because I'm not sure how to do it. The watchmakers that repared it told me that it hs a Junhansmovement from the 20s and he asked to Junhans for some original pieces to repair it.
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