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    Digger Doug

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    Everything posted by Digger Doug

    1. Senior Lieutenant Tretyak was an onboard aviation technician / aerial gunner during the soviet campaigns in Afghanistan. he received a Red Star and a "Crab" 3rd class for his activities while there. He received a separate award card for each of these orders - one in 1983 and the other in 1985. Here is the front of the first one: [attachmentid=13518]
    2. Here's the bottom half of Ivanov's second Red Star citation: [attachmentid=13368] Here's my rough draft translation (any edits or improvements would be greatly appreciated): Sergeant Ivanov is assigned to an independent rifle platoon of the counter-intelligence unit of "SMERSH". 132nd Rifle Division. While guarding rather important state criminals (?), he has no infringements. Comrade Ivanov was a member of an operations group who, with other fighters, detained tens of persons for interrogation(?) (this word isn't in my dictionary) under the control of the unit. Independently carrying out the tasks of the command involving security sweeps and searches in the liberated territories with his unit, he has proven himself to be a brave commander. Comrade Ivanov deserves award of the government order "Red Star." He was recommended for the award by a Lt. Colonel Grigor'jan of the SMERSH unit of the 132nd Rifle Divison. The award was approved by HSU Ivan Vladimirovich Solov'ev who in 1946 moved to the MVD according to his hero bio.
    3. Here's the top half of Comrade Ivanov's second Red Star citation: [attachmentid=13367] Pretty much the same as the previous citation except: 6) Candidate for VKP 7) I can now make out that his first front was the Central Front along with the 1st Belorussian Front
    4. The recommendation for a Glory 3rd Class was made by a Major assigned to the SMERSH unit of the 132nd Rifle Division. It was subsequently changed to a Red Star by a non-SMERSH Colonel assigned to the staff of the 132nd Rifle Division.
    5. Here't the bottom half of the first page of his first Red Star citation: [attachmentid=13366] Here's my first draft of the citation: Comrade Ivanov has been at the front in the Great Patriotic War since 1943 as a Red Army Man in the First Ski Brigade at the Central Front. In battles with the enemy, he has shown himself to be a courageous and brave soldier of the Red Army, personnaly destroying more than 10 German soldiers and officers. Repeatedly, Comrade Ivanov was victorious despite trying conditions and the superior forces of the enemy. During the forced crossing of the River Visly (Vistula??), and the breakthrough of the enemy's defenses on January 14-15 1945, Comrade Ivanov, operating with the advance units of the division under orders from command also delivered important documents seized from the enemy. Under orders of command, Comrade Ivanov arrested 3-X (don't understand this) persons of the enemy element and made his way to the rear and delivered them to the Red Army. Comrade Ivanov deserves the award of governmental order "Glory IIIrd Class"
    6. Here's the top half of the citation for his first Red Star: [attachmentid=13365] 1) Ivanov, Evgenii Timofeevich 2) Sergeant 3) Unit Commander, Independent First Platoon Counter-Intelligence Unit NKO "SMERSH" 132nd Rifle Division Recommended for "Order of Glory 3rd Class" 4) Born in 1918 5) Nationality - Russian 6) Party member since 1936 7) At the front in the GPW since January 1943 at the _________ and Belorussian Fronts. 8) Not wounded 9) Member of the Red Army since 1938 10) Called up for service from the _____________ RVK in Leningrad 11) No other awards up to that time
    7. Here's the back side of Sgt Ivanov's award card: [attachmentid=13364] OK, so just a couple of Red Stars, not too interesting you might say. But look at the serial numbers - they're consecutive - 2123417 & 2123418. Both were awarded by the 132nd Rifle Division but the first on January 27, 1945 and the second on May 8, 1945. Hmmm, May 8th 1945 rings a bell........
    8. Here's the front side of an award card to Sgt Ivanov along with my attempted translation thus far: [attachmentid=13363] 1) Ivanov 2) Evgenii Timofeevich 3) Sergent - _________ 4) Male 5) 1918 6) Birth Place - Leningrad Oblast 7) 8) 9) Nationality - Russian 10) In Red Army since 10.1938 - 10.45 11) Place of Service and duty at time of award - 132nd Rifle Division 498th Rifle Regiment 47th Army 1st Belorussian front - ___________ 12)Present Duty Location - Leningrad 3-D Egorova ____________ 13) Home Address - Leningrad ___________________
    9. Rick, Thanks for adding so much to my earlier translation. The hand printed stuff gives me fits. I've been interpreting "GSD" as Guards Rifle Divison rather than Mountain Rifle Division. I guess your translation would make more sense given the early date (and the fact that Poirier shows the 96th Mountain attached to the 17th Rifle Corps during this period)!!!
    10. OK, there it is. Be kind to my original translation unless I'm really off. I have no Russian language abilities - my translations are a combo of the online translators coupled with my HMSO Russian - English dictionary.
    11. Here's the bottom of page 3 (top half was not filled out): [attachmentid=13322]
    12. Here's the top half of the first page of the citation for the O. Lenin: [attachmentid=13318]
    13. Here's the front side of the award card. Hope this works![attachmentid=13305]
    14. Here's a citation for an early Lenin. As I understand it, it is difficult to find research for these early ones. Lt. Slyusarenko was truely a brave guy. His award card is dated 1946 so it looks like he made it home. He also got a OPW 1 & OPW2 which, unfortunately, are out there somewhere. During the withdrawal of units of the 17th Rifle Corps from the ChERNOVITSA region, Lt. Slyusarenko received a special mission personally confirmed by the Corps Commander. During the course of blowing up three bridges, displaying courage, valor and heroism, one of the three bridges leading from the city of Chernovitsa over the Prut River did not detonate by electrical means due to damage to the circuit as a result of the appearance of a large amount of precipitation. With only minutes remaining (the enemy was already in the city), Lt. Slyusarenko, risking his life, decided to conduct the detonation using a backup short fuse method by means of a 10-cm fuse line. At the moment of detonation, he himself was underneath the bridge at the foundations, subjecting himself to the very detonation itself, disregarding the danger of being blown up along with the bridge. The bridge was blown up exactly at the designated timeframe at 0300, 04 July 1941. The enemy was detained in the city, which allowed the withdrawal of 17th Rifle Corps forces. Then and there Lt. Slyusarenko was dispatched to the river crossing area in the vicinity of Moseresn and there assisted in the liquidation of the breakthrough by forces of the 96th GSD over the Dniester River, exhibiting decisive shrewdness, resourcefulness, bravery and outstanding knowledge of his mission, and therefore deserves the award of the Order of ?Lenin.?
    15. Zhil'tsov, Aleksej Semenovich, was a regimental commissar and well organized the Party-Political work in organizing personnel to conduct their combat missions.? He is himself fearless and courageous, setting a personal example for the soldiers and commanders in the face of the enemy.? In all the battles that the regiment has taken part in, Comrade Zhil'tsov, righly so, has been at the most critical points, leading combat operations.? On 30.12.42 (Editors note:? The writer is mistaken here, the date should be 41 and not 42...), when the regiment was located near Bagrinovo in a difficult situation and?the former regimental commander ran from the battlefield, Comrade Zhil'tsov personally directed combat operations of the regiment to the end, and then on that same day, led the regiment defending the village of Krivuevo. Comrade Zhil'tsov was in the very forward elements of the regiment which surrounded and exterminated a group of attacking fascists in the village of Nogaya on 19.1.42.? In the battles for the villages of Egino, V. Radomka, Melekhovo and others, Comrade Zhil'tsov was always in the forward elements of his regiment exhorting them to great deeds.? On 18.2.42 in the battle near the village of Vesima, Comrade Zhil'tsov, participating in the attack with regimental elements, was wounded in the head and leg, although he did not leave the field of battle until there were no more enemy soldiers. Comrade Zhil'tsov is a member of the divisional party committee, and strongly believes in the final victory of the party of Lenin and Stalin and of our motherland.? He has attained the right to be awarded the Order of the "Red Banner."
    16. Award Document 1. Last name, first name and Patronymic YEL?TSOV Boris Aleksandrovich 2. Rank Major 3. Duty Title, Unit Commander 63rd Independent Motorized ? Pontoon ? Bridge Battalion. Submitted for the Government Award of the Order of Suvorov 3rd Class. 4. Year of Birth 1917 5. Nationality Russian 6. Party Membership Member of the CPSU 7. Participation in the Civil War, subsequent combat actions in the defense of the USSR, and the Great Patriotic War (when, where)--In the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. 8. Wounds or contusions received in the Great Patriotic War?none 9. In the Red Army since?September 1936 10. Which RVK recommended?Kuybishevskim RVK. 11. Previous Awards (for what actions)--Order of the Red Star 8.6.43, Patriotic War 2 Cl. 20.7.44, Patriotic War 2 Cl. 3.10.44, Patriotic War 1 Cl. 27.2.45. 12. Permanent home address of applicant and the address of his family . Brief, concise description of personal combat exploits or merit . Major Yel?tsov, Commander of the 63rd Independent Motorized-Pontoon-Bridge Battalion, during the crossing of the River Oder by units of the 8th Guards Army, He provided for 10 hours, two ferry crossings which carried loads between 30 and 60 tons. During this time, under pressure from enemy artillery fire and bombardment from aircraft, these crossings twice went out of order. Major Yel?tsov remained always at the crossings, personally leading the restoration of the crossings so that tanks and artillery could continue to the West bank of the River Oder ensuring the rapid accumulation of the 8th Guards Army for a decisive offensive attack. After learning of the order to build a bridge that could withstand loads of 60 tons with a length of 250 meters in the vicinity of Kustrin, Major Yel?tsov led and organized the work in spite of the continued destruction of the spans of the bridge and the loss of personnel from artillery fire and enemy aviation. The construction of the bridge was completed by his unit twenty four hours ahead of schedule. This bridge played a major role in the passage of heavy loads and equipment to the bridgehead for the decisive advance. With this breach in the German defenses along the River Oder and the gains of the leading attackers toward the River Spree and Teltow Canal in the vicinity of Berlin, Major Yel?tsov in a short time ensured the passage of troops to the Western shore contributing to the encirclement of the garrison of German troops in the City of Berlin and the destruction of the Berlin Garrison. For the outstanding fulfillment of the task of commanding the crossing of the troops of the 8th Guards Army, ensuring the exploitation of the encirclement and liquidation of the Berlin Garrison, Major Yel?tsov deserves to be awarded the government order of Suvorov 3rd Class. Commander 7th Motorized-Pontoon-Bridge Lodz Red Banner Order of Suvorov Brigade RGK General ? Major Inzhvoysk ?15? May 1945
    17. Howdy all, I've had two of the third class "crabs" researched. The first one, #2347, mentioned in Paul's book as the lowest serial number reported as of that date, I just knew was going to be good since it was an early award. As always happens when you are certain it's going to be great, it turns out somewhat otherwise. The ukaz date is April 30, 1975 and was awarded to Colonel Nikolai Alekseevich Potanin. While he commanded a number of artillery regiments during the GPW, he received this award for teaching artillery tactics. The second 3rd class I've researched, # 58651, has a ukaz date of February 2, 1985 and was awarded to Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Nikitovich Tretyak. Tretyak received this award for his service in the "Democratic Republic of Afghanistan" DRA where he served during 1983 as an onboard aviation technician / aerial gunner on MI-8 and MI-9 helocopters. He also received a Red Star # 3741353 for his service there in 1980 - 1981. I'm so glad to see so much research being discussed and presented on this board. As time permits, I hope to be able to add some of the better citations I've gotten back. All the best, Doug
    18. Looks to me like it says 1st Belorussian Front. Tcheuss! Doug
    19. Gunner1, Do you have any information on Krasnookii, Mikhail Danilovich, a senior lieutenant in the 32nd IASP during the war? From some of the research I've been able to dig up, it appears he shot down 9 German aircraft - all in the last 4 months of the war. He flew Yak-1 and Yak-3's. His awards included a Red Banner, Patriotic War 2nd Class, two Red Stars, a 1985 Patriotic War 2nd Class, and a combat service medal (long service). He was a major by 1953 assigned to unit 23587. I'd be much abliged for any info you have on him. A photo of him would be fantastic. All the best, Doug
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