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    Michael Miller

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      California & Florida
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      Have studied World War II, with emphasis on the Third Reich, since the age of 8 in 1979. My primary focus: Leaders of the NSDAP and Party-affiliated organizations (SS, SA, NSKK, NSFK, etc.).

      Author of the following:
      "Leaders of the SS & German Police, Volume I: Reichsführer-SS - SS-Gruppenfuhrer (Georg Ahrens to Karl Gutenberger)" (R. James Bender Publishing, 2006)
      "Knight's Cross Holders of the SS & German Police, 1940-1945" (self-published book on CD-Rom, 2009)
      With Andreas Schulz (Berlin):
      "Gauleiter: The Regional Leaders of the Nazi Party and Their Deputies, Volume I (Herbert Albrecht - H. Wilhelm Hüttmann)" (R. James Bender Publishing; Release: Spring 2012)
      "Leaders of the SS & German Police, Volume II: Reichsführer-SS - SS-Gruppenführer (Hans Haltermann to Wilhelm Kube)" (R. James Bender Publishing; Release: ca. Autumn 2012)
      In preparation (also with Andreas Schulz):
      "Gauleiter: The Regional Leaders of the Nazi Party and Their Deputies, Volume II (Rudolf Jordan - Hans Zimmermann)"
      "Gauleiter: The Regional Leaders of the Nazi Party and Their Deputies, Volume III (Pre-Anschluss Austrian Gauleiters & All Deputy Gauleiters)"
      "Leaders of the Storm Troops, Volume I: Oberster SA-Führer & SA-Stabschef and SA-Obergruppenführer (B – O)"
      "Leaders of the NSKK & NSFK: Korpsführer - Brigadeführer"

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    1. Just found another one in first photo, post #4: Wolf Heinrich Graf von Helldorf, Polizeipräsident of Berlin. Wish I could ID the SS officer next to Schach, wearing the somewhat seldom seen Ehrenwinkel mit Stern, but no dice. ~ Mike
    2. In post #4, Party functionary in second photo is Artur Görlitzer, stellvertretender Gauleiter of Gross-Berlin (13.03.1933-00.12.1943?). In the first photo, fifth from left at the table, is his successor in that post, Gerhard Schach; at the time this photo was taken, Schach was Gaustabsamtsleiter of the Gauleitung Gross-Berlin (post held from 01.04.1942-17.03.1944; he was deputy Gauleiter from 17.03.1944 to 00.05.1945, and received the Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuzes mit Schwertern on 10.02.1944) Best wishes, ~ Mike
    3. Many thanks for posting this, Brian. Just called the VA and made an appointment. When I told the nurse it was in regards to bleeding from a place where I ought not be bleeding (three days ago- I'm really on the ball with this health business), she ordered me to report tomorrow morning at 0800 sharp. Wish me luck! Oh-- one good thing- 34 days smoke-free! Best wishes, ~ Mike
    4. It reads "Im Jahre deutscher Schichsalswende 1933"- roughly, "In the year of the German Twist of Fate/fateful turn, 1933, and on the other side, "Unser die Zukunft Adolf Hitler" (meaning something along the lines of the Our future is Adolf Hitler"). Ran a Google search for the latter phrase, came up with this: http://www.hagalil.com/judentum/feiertage/...kunst/laerm.htm (the odd objet d'art pictured features the same medal). Several pictures of the medal also appear at http://www.teutoburger-muenzauktion.de/Web...on813_page2.htm . Best wishes, ~ Mike
    5. In the first photo, man in front row with hands clasped is Gauleiter Dr. Alfred Meyer. I too would like to see it in a larger size, if that's possible. Best, ~ Mike
    6. Here is some basic data on Dr. Dirlewanger. Best wishes, ~ Mike Miller Dr. phil. Oskar Dirlewanger SS-Oberf?hrer d. R. der Waffen-SS * 26.09.1895 in W?rzburg / Franken. + 07.06.1945 in Altshausen / Kreis Saulgau / W?rttemberg (beaten to death in French captivity). Gravesite: The local cemetery in Altshausen. NSDAP-Nr.: 1 098 716 (Joined 01.03.1932) SS-Nr.: 357 267 (Joined 01.07.1940) Promotions: 01.10.1913 Einj?hrig-Freiwilliger 27.07.1914 Unteroffizier 24.12.1914 Vizefeldwebel 14.04.1915 Leutnant d. R. 30.12.1918 Oberleutnant d. R. a. D. 02.08.1933 SA-Scharf?hrer 04.08.1933 SA-Truppf?hrer 09.11.1933 SA-Sturmf?hrer 24.06.1940 SS-Mann (mit Wirkung vom 01.07.1940) 01.07.1940 SS-Obersturmf?hrer d. R. der Waffen-SS 19.08.1940 SS-Hauptsturmf?hrer d. R. der Waffen-SS (mit Wirkung vom 01.08.1940) 08.02.1942 SS-Sturmbannf?hrer d. R. der Waffen-SS (mit Wirkung vom 09.11.1941) 12.05.1943 SS-Obersturmbannf?hrer d. R. der Waffen-SS 19.03.1944 SS-Standartenf?hrer d. R. der Waffen-SS 12.08.1944 SS-Oberf?hrer d. R. der Waffen-SS (mit RDA vom 10.08.1944) Decorations & Awards: 30.09.1944 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes as SS-Oberf?hrer d. R. and Kdr. SS- Sturmbrigade ?Dirlewanger? / Kampfgruppe Reinefarth / Kommandierender General des Raumes Warschau / Heeresgruppe Mitte, Eastern Front (based on a recommendation dated 10.09.1944 and signed by Heinz Reinefarth; approved same date by Kom. Gen. Erich von dem Bach) 05.12.1943 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold as SS-Obersturmbannf?hrer d. R. and Kdr. SS-Sonder-Bataillon Dirlewanger / H?here SS- und Polizeif?hrer Ru?land-Mitte und Wei?ruthenien (based on a recommendation dated 15.08.1943 and signed by the HSSPF, Erich von dem Bach) 16.09.1942 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse 24.05.1942 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse 13.07.1916 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse 28.08.1914 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse 04.10.1915 Kgl. W?rttembergische Goldenes Tapferkeitsmedaille 10.11.1942 Tapferkeitsauszeichnung f?r Ostv?lker I. Klasse in Silber mit Schwertern 09.10.1942 Tapferkeitsauszeichnung f?r Ostv?lker II. Klasse in Silber mit Schwertern 19.03.1944 Nahkampfspange I. Stufe (Bronze) 00.00.1939 Deutsches Spanienkreuz in Silber mit Schwertern 00.00.1944 Bandenkampfabzeichen in Silber 00.06.1943 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber 09.07.1943 Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Gold 30.04.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz ca. 1934 Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer 00.00.194_ Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Bronze 00.00.19__ Ehrenwinkel f?r alte K?mpfer 00.00.1944 (?) Order of the War Victory Cross (Slovakia) 00.00.193_ Military Service Cross (Spain) 00.00.193_ Medalla de la Campa?a de Espa?a
    7. Information on General der Infanterie Kienitz appears at http://www.geocities.com/~orion47/WEHRMACH...ITZ_WERNER.html , courtesy of Gareth Collins. Best wishes, ~ Mike Miller
    8. No fear. Gen long thought to be pukka, as he's named as Maack elsewhere (in the other mentioned photo, Vol. 5 of Bender/Taylor "W-SS"). Long live your Queen, ~ Mike
    9. That is a very beautiful photo... but alas, it is not Maack. The same officer is misidentified as Maack in Volume 5 of Bender/Taylor's Uniforms, Organization and History of the Waffen-SS (can't find my copy, so don't recall the page). That SS-Staf., and the one in the photo currently under discussion, wears the ribbon for the 1939 EK II (with a red center stripe), whereas Maack was a recipient of the 1914 EK II (which had a black center stripe). Maack also wore, after receiving them in 1940, the 1939 Spangen to both classes of the 1914 EK I. If you happen to have Volume II of Mark Yerger's Waffen-SS Commanders, check page 135 and compare this man to the top photo (very shadowy, but I think you'll see the resemblance). This officer is SS-Standartenfuhrer (promoted SS-Oberfuhrer on 21.06.1944) Herbert von Obwurzer (23.06.1888 in Wien - 26.01.1945 [probably KIA in Nakel / Westpreussen], who commanded SS-Geb.Jag.Rgt. 6 "Reinhard Heydrich" from 15.08.1942 - to 00.03.1943 (he was succeeded by none other than Berthold Maack). Von Obwurzer was an officer of the k.u.k. Heer during World War I (and from 09.1919 - 05.1920 served with the "Iron Division" on the Baltic, thus explaining the Balten Kreuz I. Klasse he wears in the photo); he received the 1939 EK I & II while serving with the German Army in Poland (1939), and transferred to the Waffen-SS as SS-Ostubaf. d. R. on 01.08.1942 (with his first W-SS assignment being to the Ersatz-Bataillon of SS-Gebirgs-Division "Nord"). More information on his career available if anyone's interested. Best wishes, ~ Mike Miller
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