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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. Thanks Ed , I will have some pics to post in the coming days (or weeks ?... I have to work on it... ). Cheers. Ch.
    2. Sorry for answering quite late, but several trips abroad made me late on this one... Wild Card, as you said, your answer is not the right one ... A last hint before I give the answer ? The "mystery" Heroin got her HSU posthumously on 1st July 1958, along with partisan leader Yefrosinya Zenkova. There is a monument dedicated to her in the city of Minsk. Any guess ? Ch.
    3. Bernhard, "Your" cross is a very nice one, instituted in 1930, a few years after the creation of the Carte du Combattant (1926). Cheers. Ch.
    4. I found this pic (not so clear if it is a drawing or a pic...) on a Legion Etrang?re website. Barette "Afrique du Nord". Ch.
    5. Paul, Please, keep us informed of what you find... Cheers. Ch.
    6. Bernhard, The Croix du Combattant is the attached cross... which never had any clasp. I think your medal is this one. Cheers. Ch.
    7. They are planned in the official texts. We have just to check if they have really been produced... Very nice group BTW... Ch.
    8. The 1939-1945 cross has been discontinued on 31 September 1970. But a decree of 21 September 1976 came back on this decision. The law of 4 February 1953 instituing the Croix du Combattant Volontaire "1939-1945" has been abrogated (cancelled) by the decree of 8 September 1981, that created the new Croix du Combattant Volontaire. On this occasion (8 September 1981) have been instituted the 3 first clasps (or barrettes). The "1939-1945" has been instituted by decree 81-845. The "Indochine" by decree 81-846. The "Afrique du Nord" by decree 81-847. You're correct when you say "There is no tradition of clasps - barettes - being worn on the ribands of French valour and war service crosses", but these, with the new cross of 1981, theorically exist. I have to say I would be pleased to see one of them. They are supposed to be in white (silver type) steel. They certainly have been issued. Maybe a Member has a pic ? Ch.
    9. Hi Bernhard, Is your medal the "Croix du Combattant" (what I think here) or the "Croix du Combattant Volontaire" ? Could you post a scan of the card (delete any name if you wish) ? Thanks. Ch.
    10. More recently, on 7 March 2006, Eric Woerth, ex-Minister, Oise Department Deputy, a Defense Parlementary Commisssion member, raised again the question. Mrs Alliot Marie, said the study had been conducted and allowed to see exactly how many people could get this medal. Only a few enlisted soldiers were concerned (this was one of the criteria for launching the study). Consequently, the criteria for awarding the Voluntary Combattant card are being re-studied. To be followed... Ch.
    11. No, it is not Ekaterina Zelenko. Ekaterina Zelenko was born in 1916 (so, 25 years old in 1941...). She won her HSU for her successful ramming of a German ME-109 fighter plane in September 1941, just before her fatal crash due to her bomber being attacked by five ME-109s, two (or three, according to one account) of which she destroyed before her death. She also was the first woman to fly in combat in WWII, in the war against Finland in 1939-1940. The "mystery" Heroin is not her... Ch.
    12. A debate has been recently opened by the FNCV (F?d?ration Nationale des Combattants Volontaires - National Federation of Voluntary Servicemen). They are militing for the creation of a new clasp for youger generations who fought in more recent conflicts : "Mission Ext?rieure" (Overseas Mission). The subject has been dealt at the French Senate on 13 January 2004, where Mrs Alliot-Marie, the French Minister of Defense said she was ready to launch a study about this option. Here is the full text (in French) : http://www.fncv.com/biblio/temoignages/div...13-01-2004.html Ch.
    13. I'll check this with him, because it is not said in the official texts if the medal can be awarded to combattants who took part to other conflicts than the four of the clasps. Ch.
    14. Interesting pic, as it shows the medal without clasp. And for sure this medal has really been awarded to this Caporal-Chef!!!! There is no doubt... This is a first answer to my question!!! Thanks. Ch.
    15. Ooops ... I forgot to mention the clasp "Afrique du Nord", instituted on 20 April 1988... There are in total 4 clasps : * Guerre 1939-1945 * Indochine * Cor?e * Afrique du Nord. Ch.
    16. Reverse of the cross. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    17. Found this cross yesterday in a local fleamarket in Paris. This seems to be the version of the "Croix du Combattant Volontaire", instituted on 8 September 1981. This new type (and cross) followed the "1939-1945" one, that was discontinued since 1970. 3 clasps have been instituted : "Guerre 1939-1945", "Indochine" and "Cor?e". Mine has never got any clasp or bar. Does it mean it has never been awarded ? Or, as far as you know, are there crosses awarded without bar (what I doubt...) ? I've not found a lot of information about this recent cross... Here is the front of the cross. Thanks in advance. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    18. Good try, and not far!!! But it is not her. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was the first female Heroine of the Great patriotic War (HSU posthumously awarded on 16 February 1942), bur not the youngest one. When she has been hanged, she was 18 years, 2 months old. The "mystery" Heroin also got her HSU posthumously, but later. When she died, she was only 17 years old. Of course, a bonus for the one amongst us who will say why she got her HSU . Ch.
    19. Ok, let's go!!!! One not too much obscure (I think) : Question : Who am I ? I am the youngest female Heroine of the Soviet Union of the Great Patriotic War. On this picture, I am 14 years old. Simple question : who am I ? Good hunt!! Good luck!! Ch. Pic : Henry Sakaida's "Heroines of the Soviet Union" (Osprey).
    20. David, As far as the pics show it, your first suggestion seems the good one. An amateur job... done by someone who gave up. Ch.
    21. Hi Alexandre, Please, have a look at this site : http://www.titoville.com/odlikovanja.html All the site is dedicated to Tito, with good pics. Ch.
    22. So, now time to conclude... Thanks to Order of Victory for this challenge, and thanks to all for your participation and guesses . I also would be interested in knowing on which occasion the pic has been taken on 30 july 1965. Was this a specific celebration or ceremony ? See below another pic of the same date. What is sure is that the French firm Matra, who designed and produced the Matra Djet 5, has seen this model's sales increase from 28 cars in 1964 to 365 units in 1965. The "Gagarin effect" certainly contributed to this. Again, thanks to everyone. I think It's my turn, now.... Ch.
    23. Order of Victory, If no one has anything else to propose, please give us the answer. I have the strange feeling that I am not so far . Cheers. Ch.
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