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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. Hi Veteran, Many thanks for all these very valuable comments, and this synthesis of the past and present situations. I did not know there had been a 1870-1871 version. Do you have one, or a pic of it ? Thanks again. Cheers. Ch.
    2. Time for a few stats... Quiz 2008 : * 35 questions asked, * with 467 answers, * and viewed more than 3,760 times. Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2008 : * 8 : Marc (Lapa) * 5 : Christian (Zulus), Christophe & Frank (Knarf) * 4 : Dan (Hauptman) * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro) & Auke (Ferdinand) * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Jim (JimZ) & Wild Card Complete statistics give since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) : * 206 questions asked, * with 2,612 answers, * This quiz has been viewed more than 27,160 times. * 41 Members of the Forum played, and 30 correctly answered at least 1 question : Nb of good answers : * 40 : Christian (Zulus) * 37 : Christophe * 17 : Frank (Knarf) * 13 : Jim (JimZ) * 11 : Bryan (Soviet) * 9 : Dan (Hauptman) * 8 : Auke (Ferdinand), Marc (Lapa) & Simon (Red Threat) * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I & Ed (Haynes) * 5 : Wild Card. * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida) & Kim (Kimj). * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro), Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory. * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman) & Steen (Ammentorp). This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. Now, let's play for the 207th question, Ed's one ?? Cheers. Ch.
    3. Hi Guys, well done !!! Ed, do you want to launch the next challenge ? Cheers. Ch.
    4. Hi to all, I know the picture is very bad... But, here is a real Virtuti one. Comparison is easy with the one previously posted by Kris, and the one Anatoli posted from an auction catalog (September 2005). Cheers. Ch.
    5. Only 58 surviving Companions of the Liberation. On 28 June 2008 died Aim? teisseire, Companion of the Lib?ration. Aim? Teisseire, born in 1914, is based in the 3rd Colonial Infantery Regiment (3rd RIC) in 1939. He will fight in the Ardennes in May and June 1940, until when he is wounded in Nancy. He will evade in August 1940, and will join the FFl in 1941. He will then take part in the Chad operations, and will be then in Morocco. Back to england, he will take part of the D-Day landing in Normandy, and then will fight in France and Germany until Berchtesgaden. He will again be wounded several times. After the war, he will be have several command responsibilities in Saigon, Madagascar, Cameroon and Algeria. Here is his bio (in French) : http://www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr_compagnon/1060.html After his death, there are now only 58 surviving Companions of the Liberation. Ch. Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.
    6. Very interesting debate, here . please, have a look at Marshal Rokossovski's 1st Class of the "Order of the Cross of Grunwald", here (posts #5 & 6) : http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25364 Cheers. Ch.
    7. I agree with Ferdinand. Would say 470369 or 476369. Ch.
    8. Well done, guys!!!! And Brendan (Anzac), welcome to the Quiz!!!! Alex, your turn, now... Cheers. Ch.
    9. Hi Megan, Looks liKe German, but maybe a local version of flemish... Cheers. Ch.
    10. Hi again, Dan. No pb, we can wait. But, meanwhile, if any other Member has already a ready to post question, please, do it!!! Cheers. Ch.
    11. Time for a few stats... Quiz 2008 : * 31 questions asked, * with 442 answers, * and viewed more than 3,450 times. Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2008 : * 8 : Marc (Lapa) * 5 : Christian (Zulus), Christophe & Frank (Knarf) * 2 : Auke (Ferdinand) & Dan (Hauptman) * 1 : Alex (RedMaestro), Jim (JimZ) & Wild Card Complete statistics give since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) : * 202 questions asked, * with 2,587 answers, * This quiz has been viewed more than 26,560 times. * 40 Members of the Forum played, and 29 correctly answered at least 1 question : Nb of good answers : * 40 : Christian (Zulus) * 37 : Christophe * 17 : Frank (Knarf) * 13 : Jim (JimZ) * 11 : Bryan (Soviet) * 8 : Auke (Ferdinand), Marc (Lapa) & Simon (Red Threat) * 7 : Dan (Hauptman) * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I & Ed (Haynes) * 5 : Wild Card. * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida) & Kim (Kimj). * 2 : Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory. * 1 : Alex (RedMaestro), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman) & Steen (Ammentorp). This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. Now, let's play for the 203rd question, Dan's one !!!! Cheers. Ch.
    12. Hey Dan, Seems you did again quite well on this one!!! Let's wait for Marc's verdict... Cheers. Ch.
    13. Hi Hendrik, You position and feeling is quite close to the one I expressed in the French Forum Cheers. Ch.
    14. And, why not Vladimir and Peter / Paul ? I'm not sure it will help us enough.... Ch.
    15. Woow!!! that's a nice collection!!!! Congrats Anatoly!!! Cheers. Ch.
    16. All brains welcome (again) !!!!! There is a new easy question from marc (Lapa) in the Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz - 2008... http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2429...mp;#entry272298 Please, exerce your brain and try to win this challenge!!!! Cheers.
    17. Hi Ed, Excellent photos. These and the museum really give me the will to go there, in Mongolia. I have to manage to do that... Many thanks. Ch.
    18. I really think it is Polish. 1. Because of the doc. 2. Because many of these minis appeared recently here and there (including int his Forum). Nice find. Cheers. Ch.
    19. Hi Rick, Interesting. Something new I learnt. Many thanks. Cheers. Ch.
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