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    Dave Danner

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    Everything posted by Dave Danner

    1. I hid the standing desk post as it appears to be spam. The bar is post-1916. as the König-Ludwig-Kreuz was first awarded that year. I agree that the lack of an Iron Cross is an issue if it were a WW1-combatant bar. It is most likely a retired officer who was an 1870-71 veteran recalled for service in the Heimat in WW1. Possible service in the 21.IR and/or 8.IR to explain the Mecklenburg and Baden orders. The Großherzog of Baden became Chef of 8.IR in 1896. It's possible the MVO ribbon is wrong, and should be the peacetime version.
    2. I posted this on AHF, but in case anyone here did not see it there, here is Generalmajor Heinz Furbach wearing a very minimalist ribbon bar with just his EK2Sp and HOH3X:
    3. Hahn is a rather common name. No reason to believe any of them are related. Also, the 5th ribbon is not the Albrechts-Orden. Johannes Hahn was a Leutnant in IR 103, whose Chef was Großherzog Friedrich II. He received the Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern of the Großherzoglich Badischer Orden vom Zähringer Löwen on 2.2.1915. For the Landesorden, the ribbon bar precedence appears to be by award date, with the SA3bX followed by the BZ3bX and the SV3bX.
    4. It's not in his Rangliste entry, but he is in the list of Prussian ÖM3K recipients, along with his brothers Justin amd Gottfried and a cousin, Wilhelm, from GGR 4.
    5. Kurt von Obernitz was an E-Offizier. He was an Oberst (E) and Kommandeur WBK Eberswalde in the 12.10.1937 Stellenbesetzung, but is not in the 10.11.1938 Stellenbesetzung, so he was probably retired on age grounds (he turned 60 in 1938). Judging by the KVK ribbon, he was recalled in WW2, probably as an Oberst z.V. The only oddity in the photo is that his Feldspange is missing the ÖM3K.
    6. Yes, Justin was his brother. Kurt was transferred from Husaren-Regiment Nr. 4 to Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 9 on 1.10.1913. During World War I, he was a Bataillons-Kommandeur in Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 221. After the war he was in the 6. Reiter-Regiment and the 14. Reiter-Regiment.
    7. It depends on his career path and education. Typically, a university student would do his Einjährig-Freiwilliger year after the first few semesters of educations, so age 22 would fit. So he could have been an Einjährig-Freiwilliger in 1911-12, then after his annual exercises been commissioned in 1914 or so. Glenn might be able to find his promotion date, since he's more familiar with the Militär-Wochenblatt.
    8. The Kurt Albrecht born in 1889 in Dahme was wounded as a Lt.d.R. in IR 19 in early 1915. The third ribbon is the Austro-Hungarian Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration 3. Klasse, which he received as a Lt.d.R. in IR 329. The second ribbon might be Hessen or Oldenburg. The colors of the ribbons tend to wash out in black & white photos.
    9. Hugo Hermann Schilling *29.3.1884 in Bergstedt, Kreis Stormarn Stand: Amtsgerichtsaktuar, corrected to Amtsgerichssekretär Religion: evangelisch He was single (ledig), later changed to married Entered service on 1.4.1907 as an Einjährig-Freiwilliger in the 3. Kompanie of the I. Seebataillon. Prussian Verdienstkreuz für Kriegshilfe awarded on 20.12.1917. The cover has him as an Unteroffizier, changed to Feldwebel.
    10. Based on the size of the cross, I'd say Oldenburg is more likely than Braunschweig. Not enough detail to confirm Hamburg. Honestly, the detail is fuzzy, but that looks like three overlapping medals at the end. Too fuzzy to be certain, or to tell which medals they are.
    11. Award document of the Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer to a Schriftleiter named Paul Vincenz Georg Karl Cotta. According to the Hannover marriage register, he was married on 29 March 1930 to Ursula Kaiser, so he may be a relative of the person your group was to, assuming it is Kaiser rather than Keiser.
    12. What kind of information were you hoping to find? LIR 38 was a Silesian regiment. Its Stab, I. Bataillon and II. Bataillon were raised in Schweidnitz by Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 10 and its III. Bataillon was raised in Glatz by Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 38. It was part of the 21. Landwehr-Brigade for most of the war, and the 39. Kavallerie-Brigade of the 4. Kavallerie-Division from mid-1918 to the end of the war. It was demobilized and dissolved in December 1918. Veterans were part of the Zehnter-Bund, along with GR 10, RIR 10, RIR 11, LIR 10, IR 456, Brig.Ers.Btl. 21, MG-Scharfsch.Abt. 19 and Ldst.Inf.Btl. Schweidnitz. Because of the GR 10 connection, members of the regiment received a few Sachsen-Meiningen awards, but not many: a few Ernestine Hausorden of various classes, 6 Ehrenkreuze für Verdienst im Kriege, less than 20 Ehrenmedaillen für Verdienst im Kriege. Otherwise, members of the regiment don't show up on many Landesorden award rolls.
    13. Henry Prahl was born on 18.12.1891. He received the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on 19.12.1941 as a Major d.R. and Kommandeur, PB 234. Promoted to Oberstleutnant d.R. on 1.9.1943, he was Pi.1 / Armee-Pionier-Führer der Armeegruppe Wöhler when he attended a Regiments-Führer-Lehrgang at the Pionierschule from 26.6.1944-16.8.1944. His HOH3X was as a Lt.d.R. in PB 134 and Adjutant des Kommandeurs der Pioniere einer Infanterie-Division. As far as I know, PB 134 was part of the 37.ID in 1918.
    14. As the filename says, it is a Tunisian order. It says "Republic of Tunisia" (الجمهورية التونسية).
    15. Winterstein, Franz Karl Erich *24.5.1874 in Breslau †13.08.1941 in Berlin-Charlottenburg Hauptmann, 4.GFAR, 18.08.1915 Major (M2m), Kdr. FAR 225, Oberstleutnant a.D. At the time of his death, Oberstleutnant z.V. and Kommandant of Oflag II C in Woldenberg/Neumark. Died of a heart attack.
    16. The King was Großmeister of the Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden. He did not receive a class of the order. This was not an oversight nor due to his not being a field commander, but a matter of either choice or custom. All of highest sovereign allies of Bavaria received the Großkreuz: Kaiser Wilhelm II, King Friedrich August III, King Wilhelm II, Tsar Ferdinand, Sultan Mehmet V, Kaiser Franz Josef I and Kaiser Karl. As Großmeister, he does appear to be wearing a version of the order in the later photos above. Bavarian recipients of the Großkreuz were Kronprinz Rupprecht, Prinz Leopold, Felix Graf von Bothmer, Karl Ritter von Fasbender and Konrad Krafft von Dellmensingen. Bothmer and Fassbender received all three classes. Ludwig III received the EK1 & EK2 in 1914 and the Pour le Mérite in 1916. He also received wartime awards from a few other states. Contra Wikipedia, he did not have the Württemberg Militärverdienstorden.
    17. Picture sucks in quality, but the original can be found in the archives in Freiburg, I suppose. Bender had more awards, but he appears to only be wearing his Prussian decorations. Three EK ribbons in a row for his EK2, HOH3X and KO4X.
    18. Cunz, Hermann Friedrich, Dipl.-Ing. *25.3.1893 in Wiesbaden †22.7.1960 in München 7.8.15 Lt.d.R. (I Darmstadt) im RIR 80
    19. They were brothers. Paul Otto Stoermer, *3.10.1885 in Tessendorf Alfred Gustav Stoermer, *4.3.1887 in Tessendorf Both were police Majors after the war, Paul in Prussian service and Alfred in Bremen. Alfred was a Luftwaffe Oberst (Flak). Paul was a Heer Oberst and Kommandeur of WBK Mohrungen.
    20. Kleist, Diether-Dennies Friedrich Wilhelm Erdmann Ewald August Arthur Richard Georg von *13.3.1890 in Stuttgart †16.05.1971 in Göttingen 25.06.1909 Leutnant 15.07.1917 Oberleutnant 15.07.1918 Hauptmann 01.10.1933 Hauptmann a.D. (16) 15.05.1934 Major a.D. 05.03.1935 Major (E) 01.04.1935 RDA vom 01.08.1934 01.11.1936 Ordungsnummer (22) zum RDA vom 01.08.1934 01.06.1939 Oberstleutnant (10) 01.08.1941 Oberstleutnant mit RDA vom 01.06.1939 (56) 01.02.1942 Oberst (244) xx.xx.1909 in das Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 1 eingetreten 01.02.1914 zum Flieger-Bataillon Nr. 1 kommandiert 01.08.1914 zum Etappen-Flugzeugpark der 1. Armee kommandiert 23.08.1914 in die Armee-Flieger-Abteilung Nr. 1 versetzt 09.10.1914-27.09.1918 in franz. Gefangenschaft und in der Schweiz interniert 01.10.1918 im Stabe des Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres, Abteilung Fremde Heere 09.11.1918-01.02.1919 Grenzschutz Ost 09.04.1920 verabschiedet 01.03.1920-31.12.1921 Adjutant der Sicherheitspolizei, Gruppe Duisburg 1923-1933 Angestellter im Reichsdienst gem. § 56 W.V.G. (L-Offizier Kreis Schlawe) 01.10.1933 Kreisleiter in Schlawe 01.11.1936 Leiter des WMA Schlawe, WBK Stolp (Pommern) (Umbenennung der Stellenbesetzung) 10.11.1938 Leiter des WMA Schlawe, WBK Köslin (Umbenennung der Stellenbesetzung) 01.07.1939 Stabsoffizier beim Stabe des WBK Stolp (Pommern) (zugleich Leiter WMA Schlawe bis 23.02.1940) 19.03.1941 zum Stabe des Militärbefehlshabers im Generalgouvernement kommandiert 09.06.1941 Kommando aufgehoben 01.08.1941 zu den aktiven Truppenoffizieren übergeführt 09.03.1942 stellv. Kommandeur des WBK Neustettin (bis 01.04.1942) 01.09.1942 m.d.W.d.G. des Kommandeurs des WBK Stolp (Pommern) beauftragt 01.05.1943 Kommandeur des WBK Stolp (Pommern) xx.09.1914 EK2 02.12.1914 EK1 13.07.1934 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 02.10.1936 Wehrmacht (Heer) Dienstauszeichnung 4. bis 2. Klasse 28.01.1939 Wehrmacht (Heer) Dienstauszeichnung 1. Klasse 24.12.1940 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern xx.xx.19xx Kaiserlich Russischer Orden vom St. Stanislaus 3. Klasse
    21. Johannes Kurt Taddey was born on 5.6.1888 in Danzig. At the time of his marriage in 1924, he was an Oberpostinspektor, and he is still listed as an Oberpostinspektor in the 1940/41 Danzig Adreßbuch. He was commissioned a Lt.d.R. (Neustadt) in RIR 61 on 6.6.1915. RIR 61 and MGSSA 70 were XVII.AK formations.
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