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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. And now for something completely different., the top part of the reverse.
    2. Let me know if anyone wants to see the earlier service record cards. A photo montage from the (muddy-xeroxed) photos from the three service records.
    3. There are two earlier (?) service record card copies, one from ca. 1950 and the other from 1956. I am sure they contain interesting stuff as there are longa nswers to questions that do not appear in the last version, and maybe I'll know some day. The service record from the latest one (shown above), part 1.
    4. Well, after a long (LONG!) wait, the research is finally in. Unfortunately -- though I had paid for it! -- The Researcher neglected to include the translations, so it doesn't do me much good at present. I am far less than happy. While I know it is too unfair to expect too much translation from forum comrades (and the other translator for whom I had considerable hopes seems to have fallen through as an option), I am a bit lost here. There is quite a bundle of information and it is frustrating to sense what little I can from what little I can glean from this (now, incomplete, it seems) group. Yet some of this seems VERY interesting and I would really appreciate whatever information our Russian-readers (how I WISH I were one!!!) can offer. We've seen the award record cards (thanks again!). Here's the service record, first part of the most recent (there are three).
    5. And -- sorry to be greedy -- any chance of information on Suuigiyn Gombo? http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2746
    6. You have as much time as you need. I shall just start throwing hints (like the 1 October date).
    7. Thanks very much. Any chance to get a copy of the book?
    8. Sorry to see the lack of progress, especially on such a progressive sub-forum I'm tempted to set 1 October as a deadline (a clue for 20%). (But I won't.)
    9. And something at least worth TRYING to research? While it harms the so-called "budget", I have started just asking The Researcher (now experimentally researchers) to get "everything of everytiing". It saves trips back to the Well of Wisdom. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH
    10. Nice . . . I wish I knew. The Haynes genealogy evaporates in central/eastern Ohio in the 1830s -- in the others I can trace back to several in the War of the American Rebellion (though someone else beat me to the single Cincinnati membership qualification ). The frustrations of genealogy, I can make the immigrant ancestor link in all lines BUT Haynes. Almost every line has folks in the more recent War of the Southern Rebellion. But that is so recent, it is mere journalism. I only have medals from one of them: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3975&st=1
    11. An interesting and, I think, important question, Sergei. And while I know the answer for myself, I think we all have to strive to answer this on our own. Especially the "And finally, are we creating forums for collectors or subconcious dealers?" part. On this sub-forum, at least, I think our focus has been the sharing and exploration of information on a largely unknown field. Medals that interest me are the ones that can be researched (British/Indian or Soviet) or can hypothetically some day be researched (Mongolian). Those that hold no individual historical research value are more like the china or playing cards. Maybe, for them, "bits and drabs of information" are enough -- but are we hungrier? Personally, I see phaleristics as a tangible adjunct to my real-world grown-up profession as a historian. The whole pure collecting vs. investment vs. dealing issue you raise is interesting, and troubling. I can roughly say what's the current market value of the items in my collection, but I do this for insurance purposes and for spousal satisfaction (both against the possibility I get hit by a bus and to justify the amount I spend on my addiction -- "Sure, I spent $XXX but it is worth $XXXX!"). I have no intent of selling anything until my guests move along to new custodians when I move along to whatever comes next in the great chain of existence; any financial benefit is for my heirs and assigns. (Though if a transaction now under INTENSE negotiation comes through, I may be FORCED to sell some of my visitors .) I must say I have tried to use the "Collection Master" software to catalogue my collection and haven't found it very useful as it seems to be geared almost entirely to an "eBay" ethic of collecting: What did I pay for it, what is it worth now, and how much can I sell it for. I was left wondering if this was the way other collectors (and of other things) function. Add to this the fact that one of the major online forums fousing on Soviet etc. ODM is currently actively contemplating a public marriage with the devil (that is, with eBay) . . . . And, finally, Sergei, you didn't address one important issue: What was their reaction when you confessed YOUR collecting interest? How exotic did they think YOU were??
    12. Oh WOW! For those who don't understand the value of research, this should be an education!
    13. The medals are the Order of the Red Banner and the Victory over Germany medal. Reading the reverse will help a lot and I really wish I could assist on that.
    14. For those who like Red Banners more than they like gold stars (and have a "spare" $53K!), see: http://collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=17858
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