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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. Correct. But, with the document, you'll at least know (1) to whom it was awarded and (2) whether it belongs in any group to which it is attributed. And that is a lot better than nothing. Otherwise, it is merely an orphaned "thing".
    2. Unless you have the document, dead end. At least for now. Maybe someday . . . ??
    3. Because if these jubilee pieces were ever recorded (which is debatable), they are certainly not in the central archives. Some suspect they were recorded only locally.
    4. With staffing cuts at the archives (as everywhere?), the "inside" contacts have turned over and new relationships have had to be forged. Moody archival superiors have apparently also played a role in this. Also, The Researcher has been distracted by other activities (such as life). Rumors of the death of research, the closing of the archives, that Putin is really a space alien are untrue (except, perhaps, the last one). Rumors and assertions of other research sources (beyond the two well known ones) seem to be fantasy, though some on the forum speak confidently of other options. If true, this information will, apprently, not be shared with mere mortals. Research for 1985 ORBs OPWs [doh!] of course remains impossible, but everything else is -- in theory -- as it has been, though MUCH slower.
    5. True. Good point. I gather many of these records are graduuuuaaaaallllllyyyyyy being released. Maybe someday we'll know.
    6. No, the main (US-based) ancestry site also makes it available. The assertion of such restrictive copyright over public archives is an interesting and even quaint issue. I have been helping the Indian Council on Historical Records raise this, as "Crown Copyright" is asserted over records in London, but if you consult the same identical records in New Delhi, what possible rights does HM retain?! I was merely trying to help the original poster. I would have preferred a ruling by the forum management, but . . . .
    7. Fair enough. I had wanted the forum management to decide on their legal liability. Neithe I (not you) can make that decision. It makes me sorry I tried to help Image deleted.
    8. As the management is British, they may delete it if they wish. I am not a Crown subject. I leave it up to them. The whole assertion of "Crown Copyright" over archives is complex and, in any case, one does not wish to get the forum in trouble. Nick??
    9. There was, I think, a great deal of variability in how the French tunics and their insigniae were treated. They were, after all, an exotic British import (which must have been embarassing enough just at that level).
    10. His MIC shows little, but lets us know (as we pretty much knew) that these are his complete medals for the Great War. And, more importantly, that his name was Malcolm. [image deleted. God save the Queen.]
    11. Yes, Royal Engineers. Rank is Sapper, the RE equivalent of a Private. He obviously was recalled for WWII service, almost certainly as Home Guards with the Defence Medal. Those records are just now coming available at the archives. Much information is available online. Others will probably beat me to it.
    12. Real? In any way official? No, of course not. Real? Did someone make and sell them? In an world of uncontrolled capitalism, of course. Are they collectible? Not for me, maybe for others. Whoever will pay cash for them?
    13. Research is dead, dead, dead. I was told (by phone) that "a package was on the way", but who knows what it was/will be. It is said (close quotes) that the research staff changeover is resolved (mostly). We shall see . . . .
    14. Fascinating. Nice to see that even the "Master Race" could be a bumbling and inefficient as any other complex sytem.
    15. Is it at all possible (within possible legal limits) to present facts and not just personal attacks or vague assertions? Scans of medals? Names of fakers? Dates of transactions? Facts. (And can someone use their real name?) Personal attacks and political attacks have no place here. I do not have the power to lock the thread or to officially caution (re-caution?) posters, but I think it is becoming necessary.
    16. Can we please keep politics and personal attacks out of this. Otherwise this thread may go almost as wrong as previous efforts at serious discussion did.
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