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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. Congratulations indeed!! Would you mind sharing the number (if any) with us, so we have an upper limit of those awarded?
    2. Come now, we all know that Dr. R. R., D.O.A.A., has a well-earned Doctorate in Obscure and Arcane Arts (year <censored>) from Miskatonic University. This explains all. He was, however, a 7th-, or 12th-, or was it 666th-generation alumni "legacy" admission, though he was excused "athletic" and "chapel" participation, based on prior multi-generational familial, well, er, um, "services".
    3. I suspect Germans wore the Harp Madalyasi 1915-22 (CE) wherever they wanted to. I doubt the issuing authority complained much.
    4. Nice! Thanks, both. Off to abebooks I go . . . . And, GRA, I'm not sure if I were in Pilzen I'd be budying books or looking for a pub . . . .
    5. I sent: To his credit, just in: News of receipt will follow. Gods willing.
    6. Just don't soak them, could get into the interior and . . . YUKKKK. One summer, many years ago, in a universe far, far away, I had the task of 'cleaning' the buttons from George Washington's uniform coat. Talk about 'new underwear' time . . .
    7. Just -- literally "just" -- received an e-mail: We shall see, and you will know. Maybe public kvetching works?
    8. Just an update (and having nothing to do with some of the distractig outside-the-forum issues raised above): I am still struggling to resolve the $3000+ group I purchased from Eugene almost two months ago (!). As bizarre as it seems, I have actually gotten the (very interesting) research before the group has arrived! Money sent, checks cashed and cleared. No word. No medals. Many e-mails are sent. Finally I hear from him that he is "in Europe" (so he found a good use for my money?). No medals, no more communication. Then, I heard he has been sick (personally, when I am "sick", I don't travel across "the pond", but "different strokes" . . . ??). No medals, no more communication. Then I get an e-mailed "apology" and a "promise" that they'll be mailed on Monday, 19 November. No medals, no more communication in any form (with almost daily e-mails sent). Have tried calling him (have his phone number, address, and even a Google Earth image of his apartment building in Brooklyn). Left several answering machine messages and one in-person message with an unidentified female. No medals, no more communication. Now the answering machine has been turned off and the female person doesn't pick up (caller ID?). I think it is NYPD Precinct 68 and postal fraud investigation (ha ha!) next. Though public reputation-trashing may be more fun. I despair. And am profoundly disappointed with all of humanity. And much more than just $3000 disappointed. FYI and caveat bloody emptor!
    9. OOOOOHHHH . . . . . . thanks, Eddie!! You have wasted made the remainder of my day!
    10. Be careful, be very careful. Warmish water and tiny amounts of mild soap. Do not soak; dip and massage with the fingers, wrinse, and dry with a smooth cloth (handkerchief). Then see where things stand. Unless there is sign of surface flaking, then leave as is. As the medical types say: "First, do no harm."
    11. Nothing I have seen, Rick, in any known human language. And I have been looking. Another hole that wants filling?!?! But, as fragile as Czech enamel seems to be, maybe such a projct wouldn't stand up.
    12. Thanks, Chuck. If these things and these images could speak . . . But, then, it is our joyful task to give them whatever voice they can now enjoy, almost a century along . . .
    13. Sometimes scanning with a black (= "infinity") background (which I klnow you hate so much ) works, but shiny things are a scanning problem. Almost worth dragging out the old CAMERA (that uses FILM -- can you still buy that stuff?).
    14. Very little carefully researched information exists, though the OMRS journal has had some nice articles in recent years. Sometimes you just have to read . . . on PAPER
    15. Well done, Christian (it seems, we await formal word). But does the "eye-in-the-star" design have any menaing other than an over-active graphics department at Time??
    16. You'd like to think there has been someone active out there collecting oral histories from this generation but, in the current climate, I doubt it. Sad for future generations of historians.
    17. For those with an interest in Khalkin Gol, you may find this of interest, and may see some familiar places and people: http://www.soviet-awards.com/digest/kg1/On...lkin-Gol-1.html
    18. Jan's looks "close enough" (the work of a Buriyat? -- Soviet "Mongol"?) your looks iffy.
    19. Ooooohhhhh, JC. I see cause for concern here (though I don't have any hope of reading bichig). Hope you don't mind, but I am sending this off to UB for comment. It bothers me. A lot.
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