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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chip

    1. OK, the photo is the end of the line the other end being on the Swiss border. That's the ocean in the background. The card says on the back,
    2. OK, I thought someone would pick up on the fact that this trench is occupied by marines and sailor and therefore have a guess as to where it is. Here is the full card. Now, what do you think?
    3. Joel, Those are actually See Bataillon troops (Marines) and a Matrosen (sailor) infantry man. The interesting thing is the location.
    4. I really like this one. Can you guess why? It has nothing to do with the uniforms or the early gas masks. It's the trench. It's a special one.
    5. Yes, thanks, this is the same grouping, but the Eiserne Halbmond and the Bandspange have been removed! Chip
    6. Please put on your thinking caps! Can anyone remember a imperial navy lot that was sold on Ebay in the past that included a Bandspange with ribbons for the following?...EKII, Silver Liakat, Eiserne Halbmond and the Tamara order? I am purchasing a grouping which includes a single ribbon for the Tamara and a host of other navy items. The seller has told me that there was also a Bandspange, but he did not get it. Just wondering if anyone saw it or knows where it is. Thanks, Chip
    7. Chris, There was also a feldgrau version of this uniform that came out later in the war. Is that what you are wanting? I think I have a shot or two that I have downloaded from Ebay at one time or another. Chip
    8. Gordon, Thanks for showing these. Being a collector of imperial marine items myself, I can sure appreciate them. How many Halbflotte and Flotte numbers existed? I don't have the book on the subject that might inform me of this. If there were many, this could be an expensive endeavor for you. I once owned a cut-down "Unterseeboot 9" , or was it "U9", ribbon and though it was the normal size and lettering, I was never sure if it was a military piece or a commercial piece that was taking advantage of the wide popularity of the Weddigen and his boat. Did individual boats have their own ribbons? I am looking for ribbons from the ground based naval troops, like the Matrosen Regiments, Marine Pionier, etc. Chip
    9. Mike, Another thought. Did you get any other documents with these? It would be interesting to know what field units this soldier served in. Chip
    10. Mike, Absolutely beautiful documents. Congratulations! I think any militaria collector would be happy to have these. Like so many other medals, the documents are much more scarce than the hardware. Good luck with finding that last one and if you see any duplicates, please let me know! Chip
    11. Interesting that the third "brother" in the trio photo is wearing a Bavarian helmet, while the other two are wearing Prussian Wappen. So maybe not a brother? I think the fact that they are standing on the side of a hill gives the impression that Eduard is short, but he is actually about the same height as Clemen if you put them on the same footing. Chip
    12. Next, is an inside view of some of the contents. Missing from the photo is the oilcan (which I had). Most everything else is there, including the Blechdose for the spare springs and firing pins. I never could figure out what the gray rectangular piece in the middle was.
    13. Chris, I didn't take enough pictures of my Granatenwerfer, but here are a few. My example was made by Gebr.Bing of N?rnberg. First, is the somewhat blurry picture of the list of contents from the inside of the lid of the box. Let me know if you can't read it and I will send you the list. As you can see, it lists accessories and spare parts.
    14. Chris, Nice piece. I kind of wish I had not gotten rid of mine, but it was causing the house to settle! That is one heavy piece of equipment. I had the wooden box with all of the accessories. Great condition, no rust and sold it for $450.00 about ten years ago. I should have held it a bit longer! Only seen a handful of base plates. The few I have seen were battlefield relics, with the condition being about the same as most of the trench shields you see. Lots of pitting and missing the information plates. Good luck in your quest for the base. If you are going to find one it will probably be in Belgium or France. Chip
    15. Brian, First of all, this guy is an NCO, not an officer. The photographer was located at Lockstedter Lager, a big training camp. He is not Hindenburg. Chip
    16. I sold one of these Hessian medals on Ebay last year and was quite surprised when it only brought $35. I had thought maybe double that. Shows what I know. Chip
    17. Very nice and very good pattern for the event in question. Here is my contribution.
    18. Chris, My semi-educated guess is that the color of the piping would be the medium blue of the infantry of the VIII A.K. A regimental history does exist. Chip
    19. Chris, Sorry for the late reply. I was in Germany last week and in Washington, D.C. the week before. Now just catching up with the forums. So you want a scan of the shoulder strap on a green background? What kind of green? Feldgrau? Let me know what size you want and I will get it for you. Regarding my grandfather, no medals other than a victory medal and an occupation medal. I have a few stories, but nothing with the detail of your fine articles. Chip
    20. Chris, Us shoulder boards guys are like medal bar guys.....we like to see the backs. If you please. Chip PS I was at Douaumont last week! Really like the old postcards.
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