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    Everything posted by Bryan

    1. Some of my passports. Passports to Estonian citizen : #1 #2
    2. Anyway, can we be sure that these are really his orders? People say his HSUs are in a vault somewhere in Moscow.
    3. Sorry for thinking they were stolen. I wasn't aware of this new method from the researchers. That way research can arrive much faster I guess. It seems like a spy movie with microfilm from Soviet documents.
    4. I see that you have the original documents in your possession. I find it very sad that those archives were stolen in Russia. They are now not available for further research in Russia.
    5. I have no idea from which period, but looking at the configuration I would say 70's - 80's. Interesting Bravery in fire medal.
    6. I have updated my first post for a new medal in my collection.
    7. Small report about Grūtas Park in Lithuania, also knowned as Stalin World. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grutas_Park Video: http://link.brightcove.com/services/player...ctid=1305061941
    8. And here is a 2nd Class IKOM made transform to pinback.
    9. These are from the "Московском заводе "Платинаприбор" (Platinapribor factory). Look at page 4 of the Order of the Red Star from Mondvor website. Here is the serial number range : min - 1792337, max - 1945503. min - 2051119, max - 2290504.
    10. Do you guys have some MZPP Red Stars in your collection? Those are the one with the funny engraved numbers. Order of the Red Star MZPP #1836121
    11. A new one in the family! It just came in from Ukraine this week.
    12. These came from a French forum. The guy who posted them probably took them from a Russian forum. Now it's on GMIC. An English forum.
    13. I just found that in the archives of emedals.ca I thought some might be interested to see this piece. http://www.emedals.ca/catalog.asp?item=R297
    14. Thank you Ed! I could't imagine how much time you would spend if you were moderating all the sub-forums that you are regularly visiting!
    15. Why don't you show us some pieces of your collection?
    16. Actually I don't really see the differences with the withe enamel circle. I do see a small difference with the letters and a big difference with the size of the 2 stars.
    17. Here is a new ribbon nar for my Berlin campaign collection theme. It looks homemade.
    18. Hello Christian, I will look at this tonight and I will merge the similar posts.
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