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    Everything posted by Bryan

    1. #1 Hitler, German shepherd, Blondie #2 Comrade Tito, German shepherd, Luks
    2. Durov and Strekalov book to see before to buy it. http://www.mirnagrad.ru/cgi-bin/exinform/p...28/chapter1.doc http://www.mirnagrad.ru/cgi-bin/exinform/p...28/chapter2.doc
    3. Kilka asked what PMD means. So I answered : "Here please" I guess there is a better translation for that in English. PMD = Paul McDaniel (book)
    4. Doc, please remember that PMD book is not the only reference to recognized if an order is original or not. You should consider more than one book that was published 10 years ago !!!
    5. Order of Victory, your pictures are lot better than before!
    6. I never thought you would have done something like this. I appreciate your contribution to the hobby and the way that you are preserving your awards by researching everything.
    7. This is actually directly in Moscow near the Triumphal Arch and few minutes from the Victory museum.
    8. Sorry Doc, but how could you be so sure without a hand inspection? I think it is very interesting what Kilka said and I was not aware of those 2 mint mark stamps. By the way, I don't understand why a topic like this should be close just because somebody is suspicious about an order. Aren't we all here to learn something?
    9. Fpr me it's a crime for a collector to put a group of loose medals on a medal bar or to "reribbon" your original medals!
    10. Oh well, I guess this is because I'm mostly interested in WWII orders and medals. So it seems pretty common.
    11. It's for me the first time I see an award card that was typed. I'll try to read what I can, but without my dictionnaries I am week in Russiam.
    12. Christian, I believe I read somewhere that 6 persons were awarded with 2 October Revolution orders.
    13. I am curious to know why are you are all interested in collecting communist orders and medals?
    14. I like those salty groups with original ribbons! Great find!
    15. Well the action behind this order here is ... long service. I agree with you guys, but for me long service medals are too expensive for me to research!
    16. Fair enough for me! Not bad for a first research Now I have to translate the documents from my other researched group with the man that got one medal for feeding soldiers with wild-growing grass.
    17. Many thanks Rick for filling my blanks!!! Not that easy to read for me when it's not typed! I'm very happy with the story behind this Red Banner. This NCO didn't get a lot of medals, maybe he was later wounded during the war. No idea, I haven't ordered the service record for him. Thanks again! I'll update my post.
    18. If you guys want to laugh, here is a very boring citation I have received. This was qualified for an OGPW 2nd Class, but he didn't make it and received a Combat Service medals. Buuuuuuhh!
    19. Citation My sloppy translation. I swear my translation is better in French. During the combats for the city of Voronezh against the fascists, he was recognized for his courage. He went 6 times on recognition. After the combat period while Germans were taking a rest at the Kulturny Park on July 14th 1942, he came from the back, threw 3 grenades and opened fire with his automatic weapon. 25 Germans ran out and 13 were killed with his machine gun. During the operation against the Germans in the city of Voronej, Dolgov killed 21 fascists in July.
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