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    Everything posted by Bryan

    1. Gerd here are the pictures you requested. The translation is already in the post. Written under the scans. Best regards, Bryan Obverse
    2. Oh well, I guess I found who gave my address to a third party. I bet that people researching their Soviet awards all receive this catalogue. Well this is at least a pleasant SPAM.
    3. Have you ever heard about http://www.medalhouse.com/ ? I have received a catalogue from them today. I do not know who gave them my address, because I have never heard of this Auction House before. They have some pretty Soviet orders and medals for sale, but I do not intend to buy any. I wonder if many Auction House have this tactic to sell us there stuff. It must be pretty expansive for them to send a 100 color pages catalogue to anybody in the mail like that.
    4. I receive that in the mail today from an Auction House. I thought it could interest you. Awarded to a field medic. EDIT : Just to state I received the Auction catalogue, not the group.
    5. I do not have more scans from this book, but I do have this picture if you like Lenins.
    6. Thanks Doc! Except that your collecting theme seems lot more difficult to find. You have to be lucky with research!
    7. Here are my 3 documented groups related to the capture of Berlin. Ivan Grigorievitch Strunkov http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1552...mp;#entry151812 Vladimir Tschibulsky Kuzmy http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7161&hl= Anton Mikhailovitch Tretiak http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1544...mp;#entry151038 And a single documented Berlin medal in my collection
    8. Citation for Red Banner I will take Dave translation as it is quite difficult for me to decipher the writings on the document.
    9. This is the little threat I paid myself few months ago for Christmas. I complete documented group to a participant of the capture of Berlin. The group is fully researched and has research been conducted by Dave you was one of the previous owner. I bought the group from another collector who bought it from Dave. It's now in my custody and should stay here for a long time. All awards have their proper documents, and there are no awards missing to the group. M. Strunkov was enlisted and became an officer in the 1950s. Some people told me that it is difficult to find a Red Banner awarded to an enlisted person. What's also interesting about this group is that none of these awards are for long service. They are all for military valour during the Great Patriotic War, except for the OGPWII (1985 version). 1. Last Name : Strunkov 2. Name and Patronymic : Ivan Grigorievitch 3. Military Rank : Sergeant 4. Sex : Man 5. Year of birth : 1919 6. Place of birth : Smolensk Oblast 7. Party membership : member since 1943 8. Education : elementary school 9. Nationality : Russian 10. Service in the Red Army : September 1939 ? July 1946 11. Place of service and duty position at time of awarding : 370th artillery regiment, 230th rifle division 12. Place of service and duty position at the current time : Secretary ??? 13. Home Address: ??? 14. Awards Medal for valour 698239 Order of the Red Star 1270307 OGPWII 662588 Order of the Red Banner 260951 Medal for the Capture of Berlin Medal for the Victory over Germany Picture from his service record
    10. Well before the fall of the Soviet Union, you wouldn't get such a piece so easy.
    11. I've seen a similar medal discuss on the other soviet forum. This was maybe made for a film or for tourists before the end of the USSR.
    12. Hey Gerd, are your orders 3 different sizes? It looks like so on the picture.
    13. On the other hand, how many Iraqi civilians died since US invasion of Irak?
    14. I have found this picture in a Russian fleemarket in Moscow last summer. I later sold this picture on eBay. I'm sorry I didn't find the picture without the watermarks. This is a private picture made in the garden of the Neue Reichskanzlei.
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