I realize that the Hindenburg Cross is German and the commemorative medal is Hungarian. My question is...Was this awarded during the Austro-Hungarian period or post AH? Doc
This will be a work in progress as I am getting all of the scans into one file folder. First (Thanks to Timo ), a Pair... Cross of Honor with swords (Combattant) and the Commemorative Medal of the World War with Crossed swords and Helmut (Combattant).
:jumping: BEAUTIFUL!!! I have yet to add a Milit?rverdienstmedaille (FJ or Karl) to my collection. I see that I have a few to buy (Gold, Silver, with swords & additional award ) I have some work to do. VERY NICE!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Doc
Hi Jason, That I'm not really sure and don't want to lead you in a wrong direction. There are others here that deal with these documents on a regular basis. We both will learn from this one. Doc
Hello Andreas, I'm not sure yet. I'm slowly going through the book and I'm needing help with translation. I would say that it probably does as it has charts of setting up aid stations, etc. I'll let you know what I find. Doc
This was a surprise gift from Richie. THANKS!!! It's a book "военно-санитарный снравочник 1939" Military Medical Handbook 1939 This book deals primarily with the health and sanitation of troops. Also Camp set up (Number of men per area. It has many charts, maps & Symbol charts. Doc
Hello Jason, Actually, 344116 is his Service Number. It shows what medals he is entitled to. Victory confirms your Victory Medal. It looks like he has a British War Medal out there somewhere Noted next to "British". Congrats on finding the document!!! Doc
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