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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. It was awarded to the LW, but in some cases so was the Minesweeper Badge, normally to those units flying the Ju-52/MS such as Minensuchgruppe 1. But as he doesn't seem to have any other flying badges I would say that he is Kriegsmarine. The wings on his breast eagle look more straight then the wings of a LW eagle. Hard to be sure but his shoulder board might be the thinner KM type which appears to have a cypher on it - possible medical branch?.
    2. Really hard to make out and you've done a good job with photoshop. Can't help but think the wings on the badge he wears are straight (although that might be due to how the badge is sitting on his tunic) and more like a KM Minesweeper's Badge. The more I look at it the more I can see the sea at the bottom and a plume of water in the center.
    3. Thanks for the attempt & effort Dave. That signature is so common with regards to GD paperwork that it has been frustrating not to be able to ID it and link it to a name in my database. It now looks like he got away from the Ersatz organisation and saw front line action as Adjutant I/Pz.Füs.Rgt GD in March 1945.
    4. Nice example - and signed by Karl-Ludwig Rhein who won the RK & DKiG and finished the war as a Generalleutnant.
    5. That is a great photo in the WP and one of the longest campaign lists I have ever seen!
    6. I have two signatures in my GD items that crop up very regularly but have so far denied all attempts to identify them to any degree. I can't work out what he letters are, or when I think I can I then doubt it and think it is something else and I have so far been unable to link my attempts with names in my GD officer database and to the 1942 GD Kriegsrangliste. Can anyone work out what the names are or have a best guess as to what the names are for which I would be grateful? The first example is for an officer in GD's Ersatz organisation: Is it 'Diag__' or does it start with an 'A' or something else? There was a Hans-Joachim Doege but this is not his signature which is already in the GMIC Signature Database. Hopefully someone can work it out.: The second example is for a member of Pz.Rgt GD and served in a number of positions although I have never seen his name as a Kompanie-Chef or such like - always as Adjutant or Ord.Offz.
    7. Many years ago I obtained a photo album to a Wachmeister (and later Leutnant) in a heavy artillery unit. After I decided to thin out my collection and sell the photo albums I had I moved it on but always regretted selling this particular album as it was one of the best I had seen. So when I recently saw it for sale again I couldn't resist getting it back. Not only does it contain over 500 photos but also hand drawings, newspapers and paperwork to give the album plenty of detail. There are plenty of ordnance images from MG bunkers to artillery pieces and also two interesting photos showing the graves of two Spanish pilots who were serving with JG-51 'Mölders'. Due to the album's binding I have had to take photos of the images rather than scanning them in.
    8. Generalleutnant Kurt Plugradt Born: 14 Nov 1887 Kdr Inf.Rgt 111 Kdr Division Nr 173 Kdr 305.Inf.Division Kdr 339.Inf.Division Korück 584 OFK 395 Befehlshaber Saloniki-Ägäis Kdr Kampfgruppe Wehrkreis V
    9. Nice selection of documents to someone who obviously saw a lot of combat.
    10. Oberstleutnant Karl Eduard Friedrich Arning Born: 10 Feb 1892 Died: 17 Nov 1964 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor Kdr II/Inf.Rgt 3 Stab Inf.Rgt 3 Kdr Inf.Rgt 24 m.d.stv.F.b. 72.Inf.Division Kdr 75.Inf.Division Kampfkommandant von Mährisch-Ostrau RK: 11 Oct 1943 DKiG: 30 Apr 1943
    11. Generalmajor Ernst von Leyser Born: 18 Nov 1889 Died: 23 Sep 1962 Highest rank reached: General der Infanterie Kdr Infanterie-Ersatz-Regiment 6 Kdr Infanterie-Regiment 169 Kdr 269.Infanterie-Division Kdr XXVI Armeekorps Kdr XV Gebirgskorps Kdr XXI Gebirgskorps RK: 18 Sep 1941 DKiG: 14 Apr 1943
    12. Oberst Eberhard von Fabrice-Falk Born: 31 Jan 1892 Died: 02 Sep 1964 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant Stab Inf.Rgt 47 Kdr Inf.Rgt 490 Kdr 383.Inf.Division Kdr Division Nr 172 Kdr 166.Reserve/Infanterie-Division DKiS: 26 Apr 1945
    13. Oberstleutnant Johannes Zühlsdorff Highest rank reached: Oberst II/Artillerie-Rgt 55 Kdr Artillerie-Rgt 225 Ehrenblattspange: 17 Nov 1944
    14. III/Inf.Rgt 20 (mot.) Führer Pz.Gren.Rgt 20 DKiG: 23 Jun 1942 Ehrenblattspange: 25 Dec 1944
    15. Major Wilhelm Spindler Born: 05 Jul 1914 Died: 20 Aug 1997 Highest rank reached: Oberst Zugführer 13./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98 Kdr Nachrichtenzug/Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98 Ordonnanz-Offizier III/Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98 Chef 13./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98 Kdr Gebirgsjäger-Ersatz-Bataillons 54 Kdr Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99 RK: 21 Dec 1940 EL: 31 Jan 1945 DKiG: 08 Feb 1942 Ehrenblattspange: 15 Jul 1942
    16. That is the signature of Karlheinz Häring - winner of the DKiG and Ehrenblattspange.
    17. Hauptmann Wolfgang Schulte Born: 11 Jul 1918 9./KG-54 Staffelkapitän 9./KG-54 Staffelkapitän 3./KGr-806 Staffelkapitän 11./KG-54 Assist. Ia Stab/KG(J)-54 DKiG: 21 Aug 1942 Ehrenpokal: 27 Apr 1942 (Info Source: Larry & Doug's LW Officer Career Summaries)
    18. You'll need to provide basic details such as unit to help people look through what they have.
    19. Major Franz Schlenstedt Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Kdr Blindflugschule 4 Kopenhagen-Kastrup Berlin-Tempelhof (Info Source: Larry & Doug's LW Officer Career Summaries)
    20. Oberstleutnant Erich Bauer Born: 16 Dec 1892 Highest rank reached: Oberst Kdt Fl.H.Kdtr. Berlin-Johannisthal Kdt Koflug 4/I Kdr FFS C 4 and Kdt Fl.H.Kdtr. Sprottau Kdr FFS C 18 Lüben Kdr Überprüfungschule ELF Lüben Kdr FFS B 18 IV/KG-6 Kdt Fl.H.Kdtr. A(o) 47/III (Lüben) Kdt Fl.H.Kdtr. A(o) 9/VIII (Lüben) Frontfliegersammelgruppe Führer Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 202 (Info Source: Larry & Doug's LW Officer Career Summaries)
    21. Oberleutnant Harald Hansen Staffelkapitän 5./KG-54 Staffelkapitän 5./KG(J)-54 (Info Source: Larry & Doug's LW Officer Career Summaries)
    22. Oberleutnant Wilhelm Hannak-Hammerl Died: 26 Nov 1943 MIA Stab II/KG-54 Staffelkapitän 5./KG-54 Ehrenpokal: 20 Apr 1942 (Info Source: Larry & Doug's LW Officer Career Summaries)
    23. Oberleutnant Horst Bressel Died: 23 Oct 1943 MIA Highest rank reached: Major (Posthumous) Staffelkapitän 10/KG-54 Staffelkapitän 5./KG-54 Kdr II/KG-54 DKiG: 12 Jul 1943 Ehrenpokal: 12 Oct 1942 (Info Source: Larry & Doug's LW Officer Career Summaries)
    24. Oberst Johannes Nedtwig Born: 07 Jan-1894 Died: 19 Nov 1963 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor Kdr Pz.Rgt 1 stellv. Führer der Panzer-Brigade 1 Stab AOK 2 Kdr Panzertruppenschule Wünsdorf Kdr 5.Pz.Division Führerreserve Führung der 156.Reserve-Division Kdr 73.Inf.Division Kdr 454.Sicherungs-Division PoW July 1944
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